Friday, July 6, 2012

TORTURE THIS MORNING: FBI Aiding Attempt To Avoid Prosecution for Oliver

Does anyone notice how all I have written about is torture?

For the last 4-5 days?

It is cruel and degrading to torture me, knowing I have no power to do anything but write about it, knowing I am being degraded and humiliated to have to write about it.

I slept less than a couple of hours, if that last night, and was forced to get up again at 8 a.m. because of torture.

There is nothing naturally wrong with me that suddenly "flipped a switch" the exact time my academic term ended and money was denied for Summer. 

This country cranked up torture against me and knows I am trapped here, to be forced to stay in these conditions.  The United States and FBI are 100% corrupt.   

I had already stated my intentions, to dozens of people and online, of studying and catching up to be able to test out of math courses next term, and this is being impossible.  Anyone who tortures another citizen to try to drive (force) them to a clinic or onto healthcare, is a criminal.

The FBI is allowing torture of me, because THEY wanted me on healthcare for an excuse for themselves.  If they cared about my life, they would not be telling me to go on healthcare--they'd return my son and investigate crimes.  They have assaulted me instead , and defamed me.

I am not reapplying for healthcare in this country.  I was FORCED to apply for disability to even go to college last term--the FBI told my mother, through Patty and other "friends", that I wasn't going to college unless I agreed to apply for disability.  I started the process and then realized all the FBI wants, is to use this against me.  Then I got the "lottery" for Oregon healthcare.

Why would I go to any doctor or clinic (unless feeling forced) in this country when they are responsible for the damages of torture to begin with? 

This country injects me foreign substances, vaccinates my son double with something and refuses, from the Health Department to the clinics, to tell me what they vaccinated my son with and then changed the record, my unborn baby was murdered at a hospital, I almost bled to death with doctors telling me to take a pill, and then had a nurse allowing blood to leave my body and go back into an IV; doctors in Seattle at U of W "edited" my medical records along with doctors/dentists in Wenatchee,  doctors refused to treat me and my son for thrush years ago and then lied and said I was a hypochondriac to take my son from me, when I had systemic thrush and tinea from it, they then experimented on me to treat this on the East Coast without my consent.  I had tiny tracking devices/implants put into my neck when  I had my surgery in 1995, and then a filling used in one tooth to torture me by.  I lost my virginity (technically) to a woman doctor who wouldn't listen to me when I told her to stop in a first PAP exam and she broke my hymen, knowing that she was doing this because she knows anatomy.  Doctors traumatized my son, ruining his head, and forcing him in a traumatic childbirth and then lied about me, saying it was normal and take my son away because I'm a hypochondriac.

The FBI has refused to investigate this or public corruption in torture and kidnapping my son, knowing they are allowing statute of limitations for a lawsuit, for Oliver Garrett, worth many millions, to run out.

The FBI has done favors for medical professionals who deliberately worked to ruin my life.  They colluded with FBI and CIA as well.

Not only have Judges gotten away with obstruction of justice and public corruption, they've played favors back and forth with FBI.  This not only has impacted how they are allowing torture of me, physical and bodily torture, it impacts their ongoing attempts to ruin my GPA and goals, ruin my transcript and education, ruin returning my son to me (which is the only legal option), and the FBI has colluded with the same medical community they've asked to torture and slander me, to block both me and my son from collecting damages from a medical malpractice lawsuit.

They know the statute is 7 years.  They have stalled and used up almost 7 years.  They knew when they ruined my own claim, because I only had 3 years, but then they knew awarding guardianship of my son to the State, preventing me from suing on behalf of Oliver Garrett, who the medical community owes.  The FBI and the medical professionals owe Oliver millions, and that includes CIA.

The FBI has used "research" or whatever national interest excuse they can use, to protect the military and others in their torture of us, and classified it, when they are classifying an attempt to avoid a major lawsuit that would award my son damages.

This is illegal use of classification.

My son Oliver, is not only tortured, and traumatized, he is actively being denied compensation he should have for his damages.  All of his teeth are ruined from the childbirth.  His head was injured.  He suffered.  He had systemic thrush and wasn't treated.

Then he gets tortured too and abruptly taken away from his own mother.

The FBI is aiding and abetting an attempt to evade prosecution.

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