Friday, July 6, 2012

FBI's Fowler Trying To Kill My Family (TORTURE NOW)

This man is trying to kill my entire family

The FBI in Portland is allowing extreme and excruciating torture against us.  It has been ALL NIGHT.

I cannot sleep at all because of it.

The military is targeting implants they even put under my chin when I broke my neck.    I didn't have any cuts under my chin but when I woke up from surgery there were stitches for a slit under my chin.   They are causing extreme pain to the metal in my tooth on one side, my left ear, under my chin where the slit was, and emanating from my metal in my neck on the left side.

Everything they're targeting is metal and electric and wave-energy conductive.

I am not going to apply for disability or healthcare.  Period.  If I want to have something done, I'll go out of the country to have them examine me and make evidence of what's been done.

I've taken several OTCs for this pain and nothing works because it's not low-level torture.  I am not able to even lie down, when I'm exhausted.  The minute I do, they hone in and intensify the target where I am, forcing me up.  This has been since 9 p.m. or since I tried to sleep.

Either this is revenge for Middleton (CIA, definitely, at this point, CIA operatives and only working with FBI on joint basis (like weed).  The only other groups I've mentioned are FBI after the 25th, and then I mentioned the White House people and it's been severe and extreme torture day and night with zero relief for 4 days and nights now, since that Monday.


  1. Perhaps your father was not happy because he knows and predicts the circus you cause everytime you go in. You embarass your family. I think you need to be told next time you go in you will be thrown in the nut ward. I also wanted to point out I was reading your news paper artical about Mt. Angel Abby and in the comments section you mentioned you having to go in for a biopsy and you knew it was false because according to you at that point in time you were still "virgin" well I wanted to point out you are so full of shit. Doctors typically do not do paps on virgins because it causes an enormous amount of pain because the hymen is still intact. They would not be able to get the speculum in with out tearing you practically in half. One person put it best you are like that woman in Fatal Attraction. Everytime you are jilted by a man or they are on to your lies you make outrageous claims about rape and abuse. We are all on to you..1

  2. I've been "jilted" of course. I've been rejected before as well. I have hated some men that I was with who never raped me. In fact, I hate them so much I would like to say they did rape me, but I can't.

    I don't make false reports about people, contrary to what's been done about me.

    I've had every false arrest and report made that one could come up with and yet I have never made a false rape claim.

    If I reacted to being rejected, then why do I report men who kept trying to pursue me instead of some who rejected me?

    That might be because I'm not borderline for one thing and for another, I'm not a liar when it comes to accusing criminals of crimes they committed against my own body.

    I believe in the christian idea of the body as a temple of the Lord. How many times have filthy criminals corrupted and tried to destroy this temple?

    If I am a temple and around my gates are vineyards and inside of this temple is wine, does that mean that I voluntarily opened the door to robbers and desecrators? or is it possible that the door was broken down and they violated the law.

  3. And by the way, I know that, about doctors not doing paps on virgins. This is why a male doctor told me he wouldn't do a pap, and I thought he must be wrong because all my friends are having them (and I was 24 and heard about them all the time). So I went to a different doctor, a woman, and she did a pap, and saw that I had a hymen, and broke it and then spent time wiping the blood off of the floor before she resumed her pap even though I said I wanted to stop because it hurt.

    She didn't even let me stop. She knew I was a virgin and that fact was confirmed in her office.
