Thursday, July 5, 2012

Torture Waves (area reaching across street) (UPDATED)

What is torturing me is a wave of some kind.  It got so bad I asked my Dad to take me to the hospital even though I said I wasn't going to go.

He was not happy about any of it.  We got in the car and then we were only a mile away and the pain was greatly subsided.

That's when I knew it's not just something new that's wrong with my teeth or neck.  And it's not just in my area but was all the way (almost) to Coos Bay and back today and was extremely bad.  There were cars all the way up and down the road.

Tonight, it was wafting basically, waves across the street and leading up to our driveway and into our yard.  It's 100% technology.  It wasn't being done downtown.  It was from our house, out to the main street which is Central, and it went past the high school and then almost to the Faith church on the corner.    The torture was 60% less just getting out further down the road.  Then I said turn around, I'm not going to hospital, now that I know for sure what this is.  He wasn't happy about that either.  Then it was pretty much gone until we got to this other church, the Nazarene church and from there, when my Dad said, "If you wanted to find out something, why didn't you walk?" I said, "Well I didn't think about it or know how far it was, but there are waves of it right here on the main road."  It was around the Nazarene church, going onto the road there, near a coffee place called Hooked, and a bar called 4 Seasons.

I looked at my Dad's hands and eyes and he looks like he got beat up for my posting that he said he was tortured.

His hands are totally swollen up so that you can't see his knuckles, and his eyes are blackened as are my mothers tonight, with clear periphery boundaries.
Someone stopped this for a moment and then turned it up extremely high, the waves that cause torture to metal and it was severe enough it hurt my ears and I could hear it.  They're doing this to all of us.

Why is this happening in America?  Why is my family being punished?

They also did something that affected my heart earlier tonight. 

I think my mother believes Granny was tortured.  I have changed my mind about what I thought about Granny as a little girl or teen and later and now believe Granny was being assaulted by U.S. Military.  I thought she was different or said weird things sometimes, "I had a headache come on and wondered if you have one too?  I ask because I sometimes feel things for people."  I thought she was sort of "out there" but actually, she was gifted.  She's this beautiful Belgium/Luxembourg and Scottish woman and she's been tortured. About the time her daughters were picked out for research (I think), and someone began stealing from the house, she lost her baby, born full-term, as a stillborn.  A 9 month old still born baby.  It was her 4th girl, and it was probably already known that the kids were gifted.  So this baby was born to term, dead.  And then awhile after that she had Loren, their boy.  She was very possibly being experimented on already when she was with child.  And then things I've noticed later.  She now has dementia after being tortured to her ears and other ways, and I think someone felt she was a threat.  Even with dementia, a year ago over the phone she knew there was a 3 leaf clover on the bottom of my cup of coffee or that I would have one there.  And I randomly decided to get a cup and then looked, and it was.  Each cup was different but mine had the 3 leaf clover.  The fate of Granny was isolation and torture. 

It makes me think, "Do I want that for my life?"  I need a safe place for my son to live, and no, I don't want to be attacked for the rest of my life as Granny has been.  Written off as nutty when she's super smart, funny, and most of her problems are torture less-than-lethal-weapon related.

This is 4th day and night of solid torture.  Please find out who is responsible for this.

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