Thursday, July 12, 2012

Assassination of U.S. Government Employees

UPDATE:  I started up my laptop to add something and it said I had "9 seconds" to add new information to save about my identity and then Google (it was a google prompt) listed me as coming from Afghanistan.  Trying to equate getting rid of corrupt U.S. tyrants who act worse than Saddam Hussein in this country, is not the same as being a terrorist or from a country where The U.S. claims terrorism occurs.)  The U.S. is being run by someone who is protecting this person, who is criminal, torturing men, women and children, and acts like a corrupt dictator.  The person responsible for torturing my family is as bad as Saddam Hussein.  What is the U.S. supposed to do about Saddam Husseins?  Kill them if you can't put them in jail.  This U.S. military director needs to be assassinated.  He is a criminal, and he is responsible for murders and torture of our citizens.  He is worse than Saddam Hussein because even Hussein did not target children to be tortured.  God bless the person who successfully kills this U.S. criminal and God bless anyone who tries).

I was dancing to Mayer's song "You Can Walk Those High Heels (out of my life)" and then typed a search for "blessing for single mothers" and clicked on this one randomly.

Then it wouldn't play at all.  I kept trying and trying to get it to start so I fast forwarded it to 1:00 and then it played starting with "she's not rich".

I couldn't see who it was by because the screen was blacked out but I chose it since it was lesser known and I guess, just said it was an original song about single moms.

I am a single mom and my son was kidnapped by the United States.  God is on my side, not on the side of those that deprive me of my son.  It is God's will for me to raise my own son, as a single mother.  I do not want to marry, period.  I'm not getting married without my son and possibly I would not marry with my son.  My focus has always been my son.  I don't care to date anyone, and I really don't care what hypocrites think, who ignored torture but focused on the "she's not married" part.  That is so totally crazy I do not even have words for it, Sible.

This man is from Kentucky and it's not too bad.  I found it while looking up Egyptian hieroglyphics for an archer.  Then, unfortunately, I found the symbol of archer stands for soldier in hieroglyphics, but that doesn't have to be a state soldier or mafia soldier.  I think people can be warriors in different ways.  When I find a good archer hieroglyphic, I'll post it here.
As soon as I posted the song here andthe part about not wanting to marry, I was being tortured again.

This country has a bunch of hypocritical religious running it that torture over nothing.  I think I've posted this song before actually.  Now I remember it, but glad to find it again.  I'll see if I can find more single mom songs.
I'm not finding a photo of an archer in hieroglyphics that I like yet.  I tried to look up close on the rosetta stone (which I was first interested in, in 1997) but I am being tortured and cannot continue right now.  I have taken a lot (what is allowed) of over the counter pills for pain but what they do to us is far past and beyond (over the counter) OTC painkillers.

I write despite being tortured because it is the law in this country that

1.  It is free speech and an absolute right to say and write what I think without punishment and retribution, and

2.  It is against Geneva and against all international codes for human rights, to torture others, and especially criminal to torture citizens in your own country.

There is no law that allows this country to torture citizens because they want to or don't like what is being said. 

I am punished for refusing to date a Catholic, all the way back in 1992, and I've had punishments ever since.  Then it was outright torture.

The only time they stop torturing me is if this group is told to quit because I am in a sexual relationship with someone they know.  They have only quit for that reason, or because they think they are getting a deal from me, by doing their group that is responsible for the torture, a favor.

That group was most recently connected to Alvaro Pardo and he is with Colombia, knows English, and worked for the FBI.  The enemy that quit torturing me for a deal was the FBI.  If the FBI, Pentagon, or Department of State believes they are getting a deal or favor out of me, their group stops torturing me.  Or, if they suddenly get worried someone is going to expose them or that they'll get caught, they stop just in case.  The minute they feel they will not be held accountable and that no one internationally is investigating, or that they have anyone decent in the FBI pushed down or out of the Bureau, they torture.

Alvaro put up a "peace" sign to indicate torture was to stop against me.  I was doing the group that is responsible for torture of me and my son, a favor, so they agreed to quit torturing me and began treating me like normal.

As soon as they got what they wanted, it would have gone back to torture.

These people want suffering.  They want to punish.  The people repeatedly trying to punish me for not marrying Alvaro are connected to the UK and to U.S. government.  The Colombians have friends who are English and by doing the Colombians a favor, I did the English who hate me and their U.S. friends that support them and hated me, a favor as well.  The torture then quit.  Ever since I have been tortured, it's been United Kingdom connected intelligence officers at the top. Most of them have been Catholic and have protected citizens based on religion instead of citizenship and national identity.

There is no nation.

It's about global religion and money.

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