Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Message For My Son Oliver: About Graham, The Canadian Who Knows Russ Haugen and Hotchkiss

Another person factoring into giving information to the Middletons went by the name Graham.  He's actually a U.S. citizen, but drives (or drove) a long-haul back and forth from Canada for over 20 years.  He is 100% connected to Canada and he attempted to get information from me to be used against me by Canadians.

He is friends with Judge Dennis Hotchkiss and also with Russ Haegen but even after knowing me, made no attempt to help my son--he tried to help Canada and Canada apparently was getting favors from Russ and Dennis.

Graham drove a jeep in Wenatchee and lived off of Castle Rock (I think that's the name) road.  He had me over sometimes for a shot of whiskey and to watch food network and talk.

He showed me photos of some of Canadian-Wenatchee swinger (?) group.  They were all on a full-size private yaght and had photos of boobs hanging out and then several photos with them all lined up, totally nude, and then bending over to moon the camera.

It's not impossible that Graham and Mark (also long-haul truck driver) knew eachother.

Graham is also into something to do with government, because once I was looking at his crystal (tumblers and bowls and things) and I said something and he jolted and said, "Why did you just say that?  What made you think of saying that?" as if I'd just read his thoughts.

Well, I hadn't read his thoughts. 

I felt, after I hung out with him, he might relay that I'm normal to his other friends but instead, I saw him gleefully stalking me with some Canadians and UK people that came into Wenatchee at different times.  When I saw how his expression was, I knew he wasn't for me or on my side at all.  He'd been passing information about me to Canada and my son's enemies.

My son's enemies include Canada.

Oliver, do not ever forget that.

Oliver Garrett, Canada is not your friend and will never be your friend.

The United States and Canada are not your friends Oliver.  They betrayed you, sold you for money, and used you and tortured you.  If at any time in your life, they attempt to make you think they were helping you or cared about you, they're lying.  They've used you worse than they use animals in science labs for experimentation.

Oliver, they will try to break you and then create a bond to replace and fill in what they took away.  They will do anything they can to make you feel absent without them or as if you're missing something.

Do you know what they do?  Here is an example Oliver:  They take a crystal glass, let's say that's you, and they smash it.  Then they get out some glue and glue it together again.  Then they smash it.  Then they glue it back together.  Then they smash it, and they do this over and over and over until all that is left is so ruined it's nothing but powder or fine grains of glue and crystal mixed up together.  It's so bad, you can't tell anymore what part is you and what part is the government bond-glue.  It's all mixed up and there is no way to separate it.  Then they take that, this mixture of crystal and the government glue and they try to find a way to fuse it altogether and make a different glass.  It looks sort of the same, but it's completely different.  When they do this, they leave out a very small section, as a piece, or a few different pieces that are very small.  They glue them in separately but it looks like it's altogether.

Then, if you don't do what the government wants you to do, they know which piece to pull out or try to ruin with the hope of causing a weakness in you so you will self-destruct.  If you prove to be stronger than they are, against odds, and do not self-destruct, you will be tortured.

Do not trust anyone who is U.S. government or Canadian government.  You cannot trust the mafia either, and that's the direction they want to push you into if you don't become a government man.  It is impossible for you to live in the country of your enemies, who tortured you, your mother, your grandparents, and your great-grandparents.  You have to leave this country at the earliest opportunity.

If I am not alive when you read this, if you are not returned to me as you should be and as is God's will and is what is required by the law, then you need to seek sanctuary in another country that does not have conflicts of interest, does not use humans for research as much, and is in some way neutral.

Please do not stay in the United States, and do not think Canada is any better.  They knew you were tortured, they knew how badly you were tortured, and they not only allowed it, they hoped your family members would kill themselves over it.

Because I am aware of things this country has done to you, me, and your grandparents, and because some of these things involved surgery, even if you have not had other injuries or accidents, I would like to have you be checked by a neutral country for anything that is an implant in your body.  This would include having your head checked, because the length of time spent manipulating your head and pushing into your skull, and then the fact they took you from me by a federal employee whose father works for University of Washington (which is committing crimes of research against adults and children), it is possible that there was more than meets the eye to your head injury.

The fact that I've had implants and then doctors and dentists stealing my records or having them "disappear" is not normal.  It means there is something to hide.

If they did this with me and with your Grandma and Grandpa Dicksie and Bob, they are doing worse things, earlier, to children now.  They are starting their tracking and surveillance with infancy.  They created an opportunity, by deliberately damaging your head. 

No normal midwife, uses her hands and fingers to push into a baby's skull that hard and for that long of a period.

Since they later tracked us down, and continued to torture you in the U.S. it is very likely they would do this.  They then hypnotized you, abused you, and tortured you by direct and indirect physical assault and I watched the police and FBI and CPS cover it up. 

Your grandparents are being currently tortured by a pastor who is not even a Protestant pastor as he claims to be.  He is as bad as the Devil.  His name is Kevin, and he is in Coquille, torturing and managing torture of your grandparents; I have witnessed this.  He's 20 years military and the people using your grandparents are all military, CIA, and FBI.  The torture locally is being done by U.S. military, to your own grandparents and there are Canadians and people from New Zealand and England here as well--people from the "Commonwealth".

I have been tortured with severe torture to the metal in my teeth, with a vibrating and radiating pain, for several house now as I write these things, about how it is God's will that you be free.

This country claims to give and provide freedom and they are liars.  The FBI broke all promises.  They sold you to the military, like a piece of land.  The man in charge of allowing torture in Oregon now, is FBI agent Gregory Fowler and he is U.S. military and was sent here from NY after I arrived in the state after being tortured by military and refusing to call up the NY connected FBI agent Alvaro Pardo.  Before Agent Fowler was here, we were not being tortured.  As soon as Agent Fowler arrived, Kevin, the pastor for this church came into town, and then we were all severely tortured and it has not quit.

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