Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Assassination Plot: Jews (not Catholic originally) & Photo

From what I am gathering from research I've done today, there were more people involved with plotting to assassinate Gannon Levi Garrett that were Jewish than were Catholic.

It's tentative, because I think there is maybe 1 or 2 Catholics, but going back a couple of decades, there has been a concerted effort to bring my entire family down.

Almost all of the people in power in 1973, when Gannon was murdered, were Jewish.  Most had UK connections as well as contacts with Navy that my Grandpa Garrett once worked with.

I had NO idea how many Russian-Jews have been in high positions of power. 

In U.S. intelligence, military, and politics, it was mainly an equal mixture of Protestants, Jewish, and Catholics.  After the 1980s, going into 1990's, everything shifted dramatically to a Catholic majority in all areas.  It went from sort of an even split among religious groups to approximately 90% Catholic. 

So when Catholics hated me, they were already gaining power and positions in the 90s.  Some of them united with Jewish that had age-old crimes to conceal.

Going back further into history however, if I look at who was around when Gannon Levi was killed, it's almost entirely Jewish.  And then the Jewish are connected to descendents of Navy admirals.  After WWII, there was a massive pandering to the UK and to "Kings and Queens".

British connected officials were taking offices in the U.S. immediately after WWII.  Also, Jewish gained power at that time, because British were fighting for the Jewish statehood and cause.  They went to President Truman to convince him to side with Jews, against the advice of Secretary of Defense George Marshall, who said it would alienate Arab middle-easterners.  Truman went ahead and vouched, and then after this, there was a great installment of Jewish and British officials into U.S. politics.

In 1972, The CIA Director, Helms, was Ambassador to Iran.  Right after Helms was forced to leave, a Jewish CIA Director came in, in 1973, and apparently started ordering assassinations of children in the U.S., including Gannon Levi's assassination.  1973 is when Gannon Levi was born, unfortunately under the CIA's Jewish Star.  Out of all of the men and women in positions of power to harm, maybe only 1 or 2 was Catholic at that time.  At least, that's my understanding, from initial research.  Some of the people were Jewish but not publicly Jewish as well.  Most of these people are also from either NY or CA, and little inbetween.

At the time Gannon was killed, it was Elmo Zumwalt (lived in CA and born to French-Canadian parents & married French-Canadian woman who was living in Manchuria, China), Admiral of the Navy; Vice Chief of Navy was Holloway III(who went to Jordan in 1970); Henry Kissenger, Secretary of State & National Security Advisor; Elliot Richardson; Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense & Atomic Energy; Thomas Hinman Moorer, Joint Chief of Staff; Chester W. Nimitz, Navy Admiral who married Catherine Freeman and sponsored CA's Mark Clark,...and breaking that thought for a moment,

look at the Deputies under Kissenger (who was a German Jew), married to Ann Fleischer and then Nancy Sharon Maginnes:

1. John Nichol Irwin II:  also served as U.S. diplomat to France
2. David Kenneth Rush: Born in Walla Walla, WA, Deputy Sect. of Defense in 1972
3. Robert Ingersoll:  Major steel industry executive, and possible relation to Navy Admiral from WWII, Royal Ingersoll.  Royal E. Ingersoll was in charge of the Atlantic fleet and command from 1941-1944, which is a group my Grandpa Garrett went "AWOL" from because his brother was assassinated in Seattle, WA.
4. Charles W. Robinson:  Nike board of directors from 1977-2004 and attended Mills college in Oakland, California.

Henry Kissenger got a special award in 1995 called "Honorary Knight Commander of the British Empire".  Why he got this in 1995?  It doesn't say.  I know I was being fitted for implants in my body in 1995, and getting a card from "Katie".

Guess who was hired to stand in for Atomic Energy after Russian Jew Schlesinger went to another post?  A Washington state woman by the name of Dixie Lee Ray.  Guess where she went to college?  The same college as Charles W. Robinson went to, "Mills" college in Oakland, CA.  She got her phD at Stanford in Palo Alto and was working at University of Washington when she got the call from Kisseninger's people, to be part of their kill-team.  Or, it was a reward for having already been part of the kill-team.

This is after my parent's firstborn baby was killed by nuclear energy-laser.  They literally then picked out a woman named Dixie Lee Ray, from WA state, to sit on the Atomic energy board in D.C.

So then some of these people from WWII thread in with people who plotted to kill Gannon in 1973, and then you find some people weaving back in after working for Nixon, such as...Schlesinger..the Russian Jew.  He was CIA Director in 1973 but left the post in Sept. of 1973 to be Secretary of Defense.  (Gannon was born in November 1, 1973, 1 month later).  So when Gannon was born, the person who took the Jewish spot for CIA was Roman Catholic William Colby.  Colby was married to Barbara Heinzen.  (By the way, this man Colby is from St. Paul, MN and he sort of resembles FBI agent Rick Baken (from St. Paul, MN) if you ask me, just as the Adam I knew from Lewis & Clark looks like Navy Vice Admiral Maurice Weisner).  The Colby family is connected to Bayer aspirin, to Queen's college in Oxford (England) and to San Francisco bakeries--even a company called Elbridge.  So while this Roman Catholic man Colby was at the CIA, the Jewish guy was Secretary of Defense, and then guess where he is (Schlesinger) in 2002?

Come on you guys!  Isn't this FUN?!  make a lucky guess for me okay?

Schlesinger was in charge of Homeland Security Advisory Council.  Um...yeah.  So when I was trying to cross a border because my son Oliver and I were being tortured in this country, who had some ideas ready?  In 2006, Schelinger was hired to be Chairman of the Defense Science board for the Department of Defense, and for Energy Strategy, along with being chairman of OSS Society, and a dozen other things.  He married Rachael Line Mellinger.

Let's move on to the Ambassadors from the U.S. to the United Kingdom, starting with when Gannon was murdered, shall we?

1969-1974  Walter and Leonore Annenberg.  Jewish.
1975-1976  Elliot Richardson (who first acted as Sect. of State 1969-1970, then DOD from Jan-May  1973 when he got scopped up to be the President's AG from May-Oct 22, 1973. 

The person who took the AG spot when Elliot was fired in October, was Robert Bork, who served for 2 months during what they called "The Massacre" which was also when Gannon Levi was murdered in Washington state.  Bork was the AG then, until December 17, when William B. Saxbe took the spot.  Robert Heron Bork was a Roman Catholic with family that were nuns and he went to Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, CT.  (It says Saxbe was Presbyterian but then he married his second wife in 1982 and converted to Catholicism in 2003 with "Kate O'Beirne and John O'Sullivan" as his sponsors.)  After Saxbe as AG, it was Edward Levi as AG, 2 years after Gannon Levi was murdered.

If you look at who was under Nixon at the time Gannon was killed, a lot of the people are from either Harvard or Stanford.

For example, one of Kissenger's deputies, Charles Robinson, the one who was Nike connected and part of Mills college, well, he also went to Stanford after Naval Academy, and graduated in 1947.  He went from there to work in steel operations from 1950-1970.  A second person on Kissenger's staff, Robert Ingersoll, also was CEO of a major steel corporation.  So fast-forward to Jewish attempts to smear me in 2004 with the Willamette Week article and who do they hire?  Steel mill wonder Amy Roe.  Amy Roe, the reporter who defamed me, went to Stanford and her grandpa went to Stanford and worked for steel for over 40 years. 

It's not enough to kill Gannon.  No, they had to kill my great uncle Howard, and my Grandpa Garrett, probably Jay in Wenatchee, and killed my unborn. 

It's not enough to kill Gannon, of course not.  They had to put implants in my body in 1995 too and then torture me.  Hire up Amy Roe to defame me.

Do you see what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive?  These people are criminals.

So what does this go back to?  Robert Ingersoll with steel company and his steel contacts, who go forward into the future and ruin my life by using their relatives to commit hate crimes and generational slander, can be traced back to Admiral Royal Ingersoll who was in charge of the Atlantic fleet and got pissed that my Grandpa went Away without leave to investigate the suspicious murder of his brother?

The CIA back then, stemmed off of the Navy.  It was the Department of War and the Department of the Navy and the Central Intelligence was formed.  After 3 Directors it then became the Central Intelligence Agency.


My son is going to be returned to me, and this country is going to compensate me and my son for torturing us, out of vendettas against my parents and trying to control them, and vendettas against other family members that go back 3 generations.

I have been held hostage in this country since 2004.

After the implants were put into my body in 1995, I traveled one time out of the country, to The Dominican Republic, with a large church group.  We tried to go to Haiti but they wouldn't let us.  I believe the reason they wouldn't let us, and they kept walking back and forth past me, by the way, was because the Haitians are connected to the French.  The French knew.  They knew because the man I had offended, was French--Brian Thebault.  His wife was Italian.  Lisa's family is solidly 100% Italian.  New Jersey Italian, like Louis Freeh, from New Jersey, is Italian.  Brian Thebault is French.  He was born in the U.S., I believe, but his ancestry is French, and his father was, I believe, a French citizen.  Lisa was still keeping a connection with France by buying all of her children's clothing from Le Petite, some French company.  She had their clothes imported from France.  I still remember how the Haitians looked at me.  They knew.  And they didn't let our group in, because they knew.  There was no other reason not to allow a church group across the border--they just didn't want me there because they were concerned I'd be surveilling something.

After this one trip, I was never allowed to travel again.  In fact, after 2004, when torture to the implants was used to assault me, and when I was being defamed, I was blocked from travel and confined to one state (WA) that tortured me and my son.'

The only scientific group that responded to my pleas for help, for evaluation of being tortured, was France, or actually, a French diagnostics place.  They said they could do blood assays to determine many things, and even bone assays that were good enough evidence, evidence which is good for a lifetime.  The U.S. stalled and backed off, saying maybe they'd drop the whole thing and give me my son, and then the minute the time had elapsed for evidence of torture, they went full speed ahead, without any regard for civil rights.  Would the French have actually helped me and really given me the evaluation and evidence I need?  I'm not sure.  They can be bribed like anyone, some of them.  However, while I knew then that I was willing to have blood or bone assays done, for my son, I didn't realize I had even better evidence, and that is microchips planted in my body.

Why hasn't the FBI cared if I and my son are TORTURED?

Because THEY are involved.  Anyone who knows anyone, know how Louis Freeh and the Thebaults and Del Balzos are connected. 

From being forced to work for Del Balzos so they could observe me like a lab animal, I was then working for a company connected to a Deputy under Kissenger, who knew (Charles Robinson, who worked for Nike).  "Billy" was hired around the time Princess Diana died and started working next to me at CTR (computer company) and he was a Catholic Marine.  I had more triggers to the implants while he was there to observe, not that he was the only one.  He got hired, incidentally, by Nike, to do sales for Nike full-time, which is a great reward for observing how torture worked on me.  Charles Robinson was on the board at Nike, and had been since 1977 and was working under German Jew Henry Kissenger when my parents first baby, Gannon, was murdered.  Robinson's background is U.S. Naval Academy, Stanford, steel operations, and deputy for the Secretary of Defense. 

After Billy got his award, to work for Nike FT and quit night school, I had quit to go back to college.  At that time, Shirina Edwin, former Marine, wanted to be one of my best friends.  And then she moved in to live with me and my other housemate.

I've been stalked by U.S. military.

She told me she changed from Edwin to Girabaldi because she was Italian and actually, royalty Italian.  I said, "oh."  Shirina reported everything about me to another Italian woman who worked for the Department of Justice, who was handling the case.  The prosecuting attorney never once spoke with me. I was told to keep it all a "secret". 

Basically, I was held hostage, in my own house, and the U.S. was playing a little "Fast and Furious" game.  They had me rigged up with implants, and overheard everything, and they allowed us to be in that hostage situation, without intervening.  It is like the entire thing was set up and I believe Shirina was paid to take part.  Guess why the police caught the intruder so fast?  Someone in the U.S. had already overheard the entire situation.  I was set up, by my own country, to be kidnapped, and then they didn't want me to talk to anyone in the press about it and the D.A. didn't even want to take my account?!  why is that?  They had implants in my body already.  It was 1996 or 1997 when I was held hostage with my roommates.  Shirina already knew and she didn't act afraid at all. She just watched.

What was the point?  to try to traumatize me?  because it didn't work.  It didn't work however they wanted it to work.  I eventually sold my house to go to college and not be tied down and then this Jewish woman bought it from me.  After this, I was raped by a Russian Jew.

Penny told me I could work for these people she knew, the Roses, who already knew I had implants.  Anything kind they ever said to me was for show, and it was rare they were kind.  I was just a servant to them, but they called me an "honorary jew"  ?  How was I honorary if I was working for them with implants in my body.

Maybe one of them felt sorry for me.  Maybe.  Or maybe it was a joke.  Now that I think about it, I was given a necklace with a pendant on it that was a pearl, like the implants in my body.  It was a peach colored pearl inside of a silver cage.  The cage held the pearl and the inscription on the card that was attached to the necklace said it was for "health".  I remember the narrowed mean looks from the Rose children when they saw me wearing it.  It was in a small square white box. I opened it up and inside was the thin silver chain and then it was a silver cage with a peach pearl inside, for "health".  Rabbi Rose pointed to it when I opened it and said, "look at the card, they're all different and see what yours has" and it was the "health" one.

Landmines in my body and then around my neck.  The Rose kids looked at me so meanly when I wore it.  They were shaken and shocked and then one of them approached me later and said where did you get that.  I was serving them for a Passover dinner or something and Josh was there, Melanie was there, Laura was there, Tonya was there, and they noticed the necklace and just mean looks.  I thought, "Maybe they think I'm flirting with their Dad".  Or I thought, "Maybe they are upset I got one like they did too and they don't think I should have one."

Maybe what some of them didn't like, was a clue being given away.

Thanks for never telling me.

I've had my singing voice ruined and been tortured, and you people give donations to the Holocaust museums while my son suffers here.

I wasn't the only one who saw it, Halea Vice saw it and others saw it and then it was stolen from me, like everything else has been stolen from me.  "Health".  How about a surgery to remove implants.  The metal cage opened.  You took out the pearl and then opened up the cage which opened like a locket and then you put the pearl inside and snap it shut and the pearl stays inside.  It was given to me right before Passover and then I wore it while serving their family for a private family dinner with just the kids and Scott and Laura.  They would have prefered that I ended up in jail with no way out and no ability to talk.
This was used to separate me from my son.  My son has been tortured, my brother has been tortured (see the bump on his head), and I have been tortured, along with my parents. 
Thanks to my country, we are tortured.  God bless those who try to help those of us who are have no idea what level the damages are.  It must be extremely shocking to live with someone a long time and find out they had a mistress all along and dozens of people knew and they just talked behind your back with not even one person telling you.  People who let kids be tortured, while knowing what is going on, are criminals in the truest sense of the word.



  2. Hi,

    Thank you for giving me a chance to clarify. I don't have an abcess. I also don't have a rotten tooth, however I do have a couple of small cavities. I know, because if I press on the area too hard, it's sensitive (hoping it will resolve naturally...sometimes they do if they're small). A CT scan from a distance does not bring up everything. First of all, there ARE some unusual things to my CT scan. This was noticed by a tech who could say nothing. Secondly, a closer look with plain x-ray, or MRI or better CT (it depends upon the radiologist), would highlight any artifact.

    I do have implants. I can feel them, they never move or change, and are basically embedded into position. They're tiny.

    I know what lymph nodes are, yes, definitely, and I can find and feel my lymph nodes and it's not that.

    It's not cancer either. So no one needs to worry that it's cancer or odd cysts. I had incisions made in my body that had nothing to do with my surgery to correct my neck. Even the neck incision became an opportunity for them to implant small devices into this region. I was then forced to work for microchip people when I said I didn't WANT to work for them. I wasn't given a choice--I was told I had to work for them and then I found out they work in "top secret intellectual property" matters at a microchip place. The woman lawyer was an engineer. She didn't have a heart, not for me. She cared about her own career and herself.

    I have a right to have the implants removed.
