Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Parents Can Do & Jewish-middleton Retaliation (Jewish Hate Criminals)

Something my Dad does, is where I notice my mom knows what I'm doing, and both of them can forsee where I will place things or events happening ahead of time, my Dad knows what I am thinking.  Not perfectly and I think my Mom can too, but my Dad is able to almost say something at the same time I do or ahead of time, without my knowing I was going to say it.

My Dad reads minds, and there is an older original song about that, that long precedes the band "The Killers'" Can You Read My Mind.  The newer song takes from the older one.

I think my mother also knows, but my Dad definitely reads minds.  I mean, reads thoughts like you're talking out loud.

Like I said, this is something maybe...0.5% or less of the population can do.  If it's rare to be an INFP personality type, it's much rarer to be able to read minds.  This has been a huge part of why my family is being controlled.  It's not perfect, and asking someone to be perfect or testing this, is hard, because sometimes, on that one time it's supposed to happen, it doesn't or someone attempts to interfere and uses technology or anything to alter what will happen to prove it, but it's true.  My Dad can seriously read my mind.  Even dumb things I think, he knows.

He can do it right on spot, and ahead of time.

I think they've been tortured to downplay what they can do and at the same time, still forced to work with these gifts.  If they don't go where they're told to go, or do what they're told to do, they get tortured.

I was forced to get up today because of torture again.  In almost 1 month, there has been only 1 day so far, that I woke up naturally and was not waking up because I was being tortured, through accessing and triggering the implants in my body.  This is how it has been in this country.

Last night my parents knew what section of the Bible I was going to turn to randomly.  They talked about a lot they had in another town, Burns, first talking about Burns and then a lot when I asked what it was.  Then I opened up my Bible and it was a section about  burning and a lot, right in the first few sentences.  The word "burns" and "lot" were in the first couple of lines I read, in the first 1 1/2 sentences.  They further proved they knew I would end up reading this later that night, by making some comment about getting toilet paper and there is a shred of toilet paper tucked into this section of the Bible, that was there on the section about burn and lot.  It's the only place in either 2 of my Bibles with toilet paper there, and I had been sitting on the toilet I guess, or in the bathroom when I was reading one day, and didn't have paper to tear off for a bookmark, so I tore off a corner of  toilet paper and put it there.

I randomly opened to this section last night bc it didn't matter what I read before bed, I was just going to read something small and then go to sleep.

If I even am about to make a gutteral utterance (just a sigh, or cough, or burp, or anything), my Dad knows and can do it ahead of me or at the same time.  How he knows what it's going to sound like ahead of time, I have no idea.
One thing that has been extremely bad, is the controlling and jealousy of my family over these things.  Not to mention outright horrific torture and kidnappings.  My parents have even been kidnapped before.

Only one good thing I can think of is that I think there is slightly less stigma with many countries about people who have these gifts--even Muslim countries.  I think they are starting to realize, or some did a long time ago, that being able to some of these things isn't necessarily the result of "witchcraft" but is an ability that is really rare but that God gives to some, no matter what their religion or nationality.  I think there is a spiritual side to it for some, such as, I know my parents pray and care about God, and they care about helping people who are good or might not seem good in all ways, but who try.  There is also probably a secular non-religious aspect to some of it, where just like someone has a beautiful voice, and they were just born that way, some are born with this gift and they can either use it for good or bad, just as someone with a good singing voice can.    What is horrible is when the government takes a family that fled one country or the next, for religious persecution reasons, to be free in the U.S., and then makes them captives.  All the time I visited Granny, she never once let on to me that she had this gift, but someone knew and they've tortured her.  The first time I knew, was on the bus trip from TN-TX, through WA to OR.  It was going back to see my parents and that's when I called her and she knew that there was going to be a 3 leaf clover on the bottom of my cup.  It was a cup dispensing machine.  Just a big machine that dropped down a cup for coffee and automatically turned the drip on.  Each cup had something different on it. So I got mine and then I looked under it and saw the 3 leaf clover and shocked, I realized, "Granny is psychic" and has been all this time and I never knew.  She didn't tell me to get coffee but suggested it as she usually does (she loves coffee).  So I thought, I guess that sounds good, but then it had the clover like she said or alluded to.  I dropped the cup into the wastebasket of a tiny service station up the pass from Dryden to Seattle.  But she has been tortured.  Weird things done to her ears, torture by being burned and she admitted this to me, and right after I first brought up the clover cup, which was around the time I started classes at EOU, I later found out she was being targeted with military technology again and was so weak she couldn't walk.  She has been doing better, in the last couple of months, from what I hear.

So basically, it goes back to at least Granny and I think it probably goes one generation further but that the U.S. wasn't torturing their own citizens and using them for experiments until Granny's era.  I don't think Granny has ever had anything against Muslims either, and my Grandpa always talks about the Jewish with pride, but the way they've been treated, I think some Jewish group thought Granny's father was a Nazi.  He was Catholic Luxembourgish.  He never wanted to be identified as German but as Luxembourgish (I think for nationality pride reasons) and it's true, he spoke Luxembourgish, not German.  But the minute I said something to someone about noticing some kind of "pin" that he wore on his lapel and maybe it was a Red Cross or something, I think the same Jews that murdered Gannon in 1973, decided to "investigate" to see if Granny was descended from some kind of hidden Nazi that the U.S. smuggled in.  He was already dead and everything, but some of the Jews just want a reason to hate if they are trying to put another family into a position.  At the time Gannon was murdered, there were mainly Jews in power, and then a couple of Catholics and I think some atheists. The pin was not a Nazi symbol, it was something else, but I'm sure that any mention of something like a cross in a black and white photo, was enough to send some Jews into our personal family business.  One thing I try to remember, when I have flaming Catholics torturing me or my family, is that Henry Breigenzer was Catholic as was his family in Minnesota and they seemed to be decent people--I know he loved his daughters, and that Granny feels an affection for him and his marriage to his Protestant Scottish wife was supposedly good although she used to say to Granny, "Never marry a German!" because he didn't like to talk.  She called him "German" colloquially, but he was Lux.  When I asked why she said this, Granny laughed and said it was because her mother loved dancing and playing the piano and he was very quiet and hardly said a word except when he talked with his Luxembourgish men-friends, and he played a lot of cards.  Card games.  He had an occasional drink, liquor, not wine or beer, and was very quiet and serious, but enjoyed his men group (probably because he could speak his own language) and played cards.

Also, after CIA Director Helms, who was an Ambassador to Iran, left, in 1973, then it was a German Jew taking his place.  From what I am gathering, some Jews seemed to think my parents had something to do with the "massacre" of the Jews  at the '72 Olympics. 

It's connected to the Middletons too.  All of these things provide partial motive for why Jews have raped me and tried to keep me down, and defamed me in the Willamette Week after gleefully feeling they now had Catholic support to conceal their own disgusting hate crimes.

At the '72 Olympics, some Palestinians took Israelis hostage to demand the release of Palestinian prisoners and some German soldiers from "The Red Army".  I have no idea what the Red Army is as opposed to other German Armies, but that's why they took hostages.  Then, they called Mossad's counter-attack,  "Operation Spring of Youth", in 1973.  (notice how they tried to repeat this theme later with "Arab Spring" around the time of Middleton's marriage as Arab leaders were being assassinated and citizens led to believe it was the leader and not some militant Jewish group of rilers).  By the way, the Jewish men who were first killed were not Americans as thought at first, but Canadian.

Right after the attempt to release Palestinians and German Red Army, CIA Helms was kicked out and a German Jew replaced him.  More than half of the other men surrounding him in positions for the Dept. of Defense, and Secretary of State, and Ambassadors to UK, were Jewish.  About 3/4 were Jewish.

Jordan was the only country to offer condolences, and this is the Middle Eastern country that the Middletons are connected to.

(Obviously, some Jews blamed my parents for something and blackmailed them.  Gannon was murdered in 1973.  My unborn baby was murdered to satisfy Jews.  When I naively chatted away, since 1994, to the Thebaults and everyone else, about Granny's father being Luxembourgish and having some kind of a pin, maybe "Red Cross" on his lapel, Jews moved in to live next to them (Kyle Flick, who also asked my aunt to work for him and lured her by offering her more money than anyone else in town to start, and then just using her after getting family information).  Then all of our family photos began to disappear.)

The CIA Director in charge during Gannon's murder was William Colby, a somewhat fanatic Roman Catholic.  He was from St. Paul, Minnesota, which is where the rest of the Breigenzer family that is related to my great-father Henry, was located.  Colby spent over 10 years in Rome, serving as a Catholic secretary to the Vatican.  At the time, Rome was extremely anti-communist and made a concerted effort to support the Cold War.

I just looked up the German Red Army and it was proletariat and pro-Communism.  So if Colby thought my parents were involved with plotting to free German Red Army prisoners, he would work with Jews that wanted revenge for Jewish deaths and they would work together to murder Gannon.  The motive of the Jews would be revenge against Palestinians and the motive of a Vatican servant (Colby) would be revenge to keep down any uprising of Marxist or Lenin communist beliefs.  His entire decade spent working for the Vatican in Rome, prior to being CIA head, was to combat "communism".

Apparently, the German prisoners were being tortured and when they refused to eat, in 1972, they were force-fed.  This sounds a lot like the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo now.  William Colby lived in Rock Point, Maryland and has a son named Carl.

The flag of the Red Army (RAF), is a star and a gun.  The house I stayed at with Dabney, with some guy who hated me but pretended not to, had this huge poster of a gun with a flower stuffed into the barrel and I remember he flinched when I looked at it and asked about it.

Schlesinger, the Russian Jew who was Secretary of Defense at the time, from 1973-1975, was in charge of Homeland Security Advisory Council in 2002.  When I was forced to sign a false confession at the Canadian-U.S. border, in 2007, I believe it was a Jew who made the order.  Jews already knew I was there.  I'd been to their Vancouver immigration camp and everything.  A U.S. border patrol was the one who told me to go over to the Canada border patrol.  He knew.  It was set up.  So I went over there, and the two men at the desk, were Catholic, but I believe their supervisor, who was behind the counter, was Jewish.  So when the one blond agent yelled at me and falsely accused me of trespassing, or trying to enter Canada again, the dark-haired man just stood there, and then the one yelling at me (who looked German or Irish) went to their supervisor, and the man looked Jewish.  That man was the one with power to decide what I had to do.  When the blond man came back to me, he said, "You either sign this now or go to jail."  I read it and it said something like, "I agree that I have illegally tried to enter Canada after being told to leave and confess to this and know that I cannot attempt to enter Canada again."  I said to the man, "But this isn't true.  I wasn't trying to enter Canada or breaking an order.  The U.S. border patrol just told me to walk over here and said it was neutral from the border stations, because I explained to him that I couldn't enter Canada."  The man said, "DO YOU WANT TO GO TO JAIL?  because we'll take you right now!!!" and he screamed in my face.

They forced me to sign a false confession.  Their supervisor behind the scenes looked very Jewish and when I saw him I thought, "He's Jewish."  Because he looked Jewish to me, I thought he might help me, and instead, he instructed his people to force me to sign a false confession to be entered into Canadian and international intelligence files. 

I think what is happening to me and my son is a culimination of things that happened with my Grandpa Garrett and his AWOL or fear over some predictions he made, and then some kind of idea to punish my parents in 1973.  Then, some of these same people have used connections and relatives to keep working at my family, even me, decades later.

I was starting to realize there was Jewish hate and animosity against me but I was confused by it at first. Because why should they care about me?  Then when so many Catholics were incited to hate me, they used this as an opportunity to cover up for things they'd against my entire family and how they were trying to keep me down.  So their job got 10x easier for them, and the whole time I was thinking it was just 1 bad Jew and a ton of horrific Catholics. 

Half of this stuff can be traced to Middletons, all the way back to the 70s and then even earlier, too.  It's like revenge motives and then this weird thing with Middletons.  Also, I'm right about the Middletons being involved with the man who was shot down in Jordan, whose attacker then knelt to the group to lick up his blood like a mosquito.  Carole Middleton is who came to mind, and I realized when reading this, it has to do with them.  And then in the U.S., Nancy McCusker was doing yearbook layout to include "Katie"and "Carol Skeeters" around party themes in 1992.  But I just read last night, Mike Middleton's Dad was RAF (part of the royal air force) in WWII and he flew "Mosquito Planes".  That's what they were called.  The Middletons are operatives, and double operatives, not just "airline people" who lived in Jordan for awhile.

Now that I know more about Richard Helms, and how he was tied to Iran, and then the Jewish guy who was next in the 70s and everything, I understand more why some have attempted to blow up the idea that I went to an embassy for Iran for help, because my son and I were tortured.

It had nothing to do with my parents or history, because I have been out of the loop.  The only reason I thought of Iran, was because I met someone randomly who was a scientist and since my son and I were literally tortured here (and it continues), I thought, "If the U.S. is doing this, I have to talk to a country that is enemy to the U.S. because otherwise a country will just do favors for the U.S." (possibly).  So I looked it up on a map on a computer and I walked there.  I remember it was in a cul-d'-sac, and that I was already working at The Post Pub.  I think the U.S. had just cut me off from even hearing my son's voice over the phone and they blocked me from obeying a court order (obstruction of justice) to have a psych eval there so I could prove competence and my innocence.  So I went there and there were other embassies around, I think 2 other ones.  I remember Russia was across the street but I didn't go there.  I went to the Iranian one because I figured they might tell me who was responsible for torturing us.

I left my purse outside of the main office because I thought it might be bugged, but oh no, guess what I've found out?  I AM "bugged".  I'm a walking surveillance machine that has been tracked since 1995.  So the U.S. already knows I did nothing illegal.  Because no illegal agreement was ever discussed with anyone--I never agreed to spy for anyone and no one has ever asked me to either.  I sat down in the chair and the only thing on my mind was my son and then I burst into tears.  I cried in Iran's office, over United States torture of me and my son.  That was it.  I said I had tried to get political asylum in Canada and they forced me out with a false arrest and maybe I needed political asylum or a lawyer or could they help me?  They said to write out my complaint or petition.  So I said I would, and then I never did.  I never did because I was working and then I was fired by The Post Pub, with their Jewish girlfriend-Mossad connections.  They then tortured me.  After this, I was stalked by a bunch of Russian-Jews.

People wanted me to go to prison for 10 years.  The Middletons wanted this too and they were involved.  I just found out, by looking it up, that her grandfather who drove the Mosquito planes, lived in Canada while he trained UK pilots.  Canada is so getting their UN torture petition filed.  They are a corrupt country and now I understand where some of the incentive was coming from.

Peter Middleton is connected to the Duke of Edinburgh, just for giving him a flight to South America in 1962, but so what.  He got cufflinks out of it, Middleton did.  So was it the Duke who always liked Middletons or Diana?  It was probably NOT Diana. 

Guess what Canada did for Katie on her engagement tour to Canada? they joked and showed her how her grandfather used a manual called "How's Your Voice" and instructed people to talk with a nasal or metallic tone to be heard.  This is after these assholes, through the Canadian embassy in Seattle, ruined my singing voice.  It was Seattle FBI and Canadian embassy and Mossad.  The Canada embassy and FBI are about 6 blocks apart, at the most. 

The Middletons are either going to end up in jail or dead.  Katie has known about torture of my son directly and she really does not deserve to live after what her family has done.  Torturing my family, colluding with the U.S. government and UK and Jews, who KILLED my unborn and other babies, and then torturing my son?  I hope she dies and I hope that those who have been supporting this torture are assassinated for treason.  The U.S. has committed treason against me and my son, by putting implants into my body and torturing me, and then they have taken OUR taxpayer money and given it to support MIDDLETONS, who have committed treason against the UK citizens.

Suddenly the Duke isn't looking so innocent anymore either.

Also, it is possible that Mike Nichol's biological mother is a Canadian diplomat.  You know, the man who hijacked my car after stalk-watching me with a Jew at Incredible Universe first? in 1994? His adoptive family is connected to FBI in Oregon, the Nichols, and I believe I possibly met his biological mother, and if it's true, she's a Canadian diplomat.

So we have a Canadian diplomat's son hijacking my car and rolling it when he hears I've taken my seatbelt off.  If his Canadian mother is a diplomat, that makes it even worse that the U.S. put implants in my body in 1995, because then Canada must have known when I went to their country.  They've known everything.

I believe I met Mike Nichol's mother in Washington D.C.  She approached me and wanted to talk to me and looked at me the way a biological mother would who is interested in finding out who her son was traveling with (supposedly because he wanted to marry me, but that was a U.S. FBI lie).  She was blond, and out of the Canadians I've met, she's the one I would say acted like a biological mother would, who wanted to know about some part of her adopted-out child's past.  Her name was Ingrid and she is a diplomat from Toronto.

Just think.  I could have married Alvaro and jumped right into jail.  Which is crazy, because of the amount of pressure I had, and torture, to force me to marry him, and most likely, it was only to try to find a way to make an excuse to bring up a marriage fraud thing (bc they tried this already and Alvaro tried to help setting it up), and then I never could have discovered things, or found out about my implants, or gotten away to another country, or written about who has been responsible.

As for Jordan, and why Middletons would pick that area or have it picked for them, there is U.S. Jewish work in Jordan.

Oh this is getting even better guys!  Have ya heard of Holloway III?  Navy Admiral in charge when my parent's baby Gannon was murdered?  Well guess what.  His father, Holloway Jr, told him to go into "aviation" (of course, like Middleton see) and enrolled Holloway at a Church of England school, St. Jamess, in Maryland.  So anyway, the man in charge was a "Latrobe" (how cute, the funny little pun with later hiring the Lob, who was renamed a Kissenger) .  The headmaster of the school Holloway III went to was a Onderdonk, who married a Latrobe.  So guess who the Latrobes know and who nursed them in their final days of illness back when?  Middletons.  The Latrobes went to Dublin (there's our Irish connection friends, at least one of them) and then immigrated to England.  To London and to Leeds.  When Rev. Benjamin Latrobe was dying in Chelsea, London, England, in 1786, Admiral Sir Charles Middleton invited him to spend his last 5 months there to die at his residence in Teston Hall.

(and yes, I am being tortured while I look these things up and write.  It quit while I was going through Holloway, and Latrobe and then the closer I got to Middleton, the worse the torture was.)  It's like this funny mix of Lob the globetrotter and donkey basketball with the middleton donkey.  And then they weasled their way into the U.S. through military friendships and suddenly, we're torturing U.S. citizens like Oliver Garrett, and killing U.S. babies left and right, but we're giving Middletons U.S. welfare so they can get into a better position for a specific group.

Actually, James Cartwright looks like James Holloway III.  Wiki doesn't even list Cartwright's parents.  But look at the similiarity.  Is "Hoss" his nickname? or is it "Huss".  Cartwright, if you ask me, is a Middleton fan.  I didn't think so until doing research today.  Who are his parents anyway?  He looks exactly like Holloway III.  Holloway went into naval aviation at the behest of his father Holloway, Jr.  Cartwright, I just found out, did the same thing.  He was in naval avaition.  It is like that family was constantly looking for chances to exploit me and make me look bad (Middletons).  The reason I started looking at Holloway III was because he was there in 1973, in place when Gannon was murdered, and I can trace him back to his Dad.  Furthermore, I was interested in what his UK connections were because I noticed Holloway III went to Jordan in 1970, prior to his taking place as Secretary of Defense.

I saw Holloway III was in charge of Jordan, and then, in 1984, he was in charge of "investigating" the hostage failure attempts from the 1972 Olympic blip. Gannon was killed in 1973.   I knew then there was a UK connection and I followed the lead.  Sure enough, Holloway Jr. told his son to go into "aviation", not "destroyers" and had enrolled his son at St. James, a prep school in Maryland run by the Church of England.  So I looked at who the headmaster was at the time he was a student, in 1939 I believe, and it was an Adrian Holmes Onderdonk, who took the job after his father, Henry Onderdonk.    The Onderdonks are directly connected to the Peter Middleton family (Kate Middleton's family) in England.  This is one of several connections.  (here's a link for something to listen to while you figure it out:

Henry Onderdonk was married to Mary Elizabeth Latrobe.  The Latrobes are traced back to Admiral Sir. Charles Middleton.  You know how the Middletons lived in Leeds?  So did the Latrobes.  They placed in Dublin, Leeds, and London and then were part of an American branch.  There is an Australian branch as well.   Both Australian and English Latrobes connect in Baltimore, Maryland and Salem, New Jersey.

My comment about James' Cartwright's nickname being "Huss" instead of "Hoss" is based on the fact that the Latrobes, who were best friends of the Middletons, were headmasters, rectors, and bishops of the Moravian Church in England.  The Moravian Church is also known as the Hussites, or "Huss" church. (It is founded by Jan Huss). Cartwright's facebook page says his nickname is from the middle brother in the show "Bonanza", but no, I would bet money, it has more to do with a different "middle".  Remember how Mike Middleton drove to the wedding in a Rolls Royce called "The Phantom"?  James Cartwright's aircraft was called "The Phantom".  By the way, the Moravians are now most prominent in "Lissa", which is another word for Poland.

Charles Joseph Latrobe was the founder of the Australian branch of Latrobes, and stayed in touch with the Mary Elizabeth Latrobe, who husband Henry ran St. James in Maryland.  He wrote to her, saying he'd visited a Moravian settlement in Pennsylvania.  He was the Administrator of Tasmania, and then appointed as 1st Lt. Gov. of Victoria, Australia.  His father was Christian Ignatius Latrobe, who was a bishop of the Moravian church in England.

Have you heard of the Bonneville Dam?  Well it's pronounced like "Boneval" La Trobe.  This little quaint school called St. James, is next to Harper's Ferry.  The LaTrobes were French and it was Boneval la trobe before it was shortened to LaTrobe.

Supposedly the Latrobe who founded the U.S. branch, was referred to as an "architect" and worked on the U.S. Capitol and designed the first basilica for the Catholic church in Baltimore.  Holloway III was clearly connected to the Middleton family, per his father's wishes.  So this is saying a lot, because at the same time the Russian-Jew Schlesinger was Secretary of Defense, Holloway III was Vice Chief of the Navy.  Check out Elmo Zumwalt.  He was Navy, stationed in charge for the Pacific region at the time.  Guess who his special mentor was?  Holloway III's Dad, Holloway Jr. 
So guess who was Admiral of the entire Navy from 1970-1974?  Elmo Zumwalt, who looks straight-up Jewish if you ask me.  He implemented a new rule to allow men to wear sideburns, something Jewish like to have on their faces, sideburns.  I look at this photo of "Elmo" and feel disgusted and repulsed.  There is something very gross about him.  So not only was this man mentored by Holloway Jr., who was a patsy for Middletons, his own parents and wife were French-Canadian.  Peter Middleton did all of his RAF training of pilots from Canada and they are directly connected to the same French Latrobes that were running the St. James school in Maryland.  Elmo Zumwalt, Jr.'s parents were Elmo Zumwalt and Dr. Pearl Frances Frank.  Elmo Jr.s wife was French-Russian, Mouzetta.  He was based out of San Francisco.

I was being set up in D.C. by Middleton's people.  And Middletons are criminals. 

They are criminals and they've had criminal help, and I'm not done yet.


  1. What's Kate Middleton ever done to you? Does she even know who you are?? You need a spanking

  2. ← ONE of the most shocking claims made in the report include a claim that one patient detained under the Mental Health Act was not told of their rights until two months after they arrived, meaning they were unable to immediately request help in making an appeal. After studying patient records, inspectors found another detainee had also waited two weeks to be given their rights. Meanwhile, another patient had not been seen by a doctor after they were admitted, despite suffering from ‘chronic health needs’. The report said: “This raised concerns about how patients were being protected and how they may have increased risks to their health and safety.” The report said another patient had waited two months for an occupational therapy assessment. It added: “This is a considerable delay in helping to formulate an appropriate care plan for their therapeutic activities.” The report said activity plans for patients which had been copied but contained the personal details of other patients, which resulted in a breach of their confidentiality. It added: “There was evidence that the service had not provided psychology sessions for some patients for a considerable number of months.”

  3. To the One of the most shocking:

    That is horrible. I feel that psych wards are nothing more than an excuse to punish people by state-sanctioned methods. It is sometimes easier to put activists or those they fear, into a psych ward than into jail because to put someone in jail they either need a reason or have to create a false arrest, which causes problems for them down the road.

    Even for someone who maybe had a temporary breakdown from some sudden extreme trauma (where they admit this themselves), they deserve to have their rights respected.

    Almost anyone except for the fully insane, is able to accurately explain how they feel or their level of mental stability. The claim that someone "doesn't know" they are ill is like saying to someone, "No, I didn't put your shoes on backwards, YOU did it yourself. Don't you remember? YOU DID IT."

    It's a cop out.

    Thanks for sharing your human rights topics.
