Tuesday, July 3, 2012

FBI: Avena Singh, Tom Nicholls, Trish McMichaels, & Tim Dailey

I have not met Avena Singh.  She is the Director of Financial Aid for SWOCC.

I talked to her over a week ago, and could tell instantly that she did not like me.  After we talked though, I thought, "She is an aggressive businessperson but I think I understand her and hopefully she will respect another driven woman."  I did not dislike her personality type and I thought she sounded somewhat reasonable at the end of our conversation last week, but from the first moment she got on the phone I knew she had an instilled automatic dislike of me.  If she respects me at all...

It appears this is not the case.  She is being driven by politics (I think) unless something changes.

She sounded hispanic when I heard her over the phone.  To me, she sounded hispanic, but I saw her last name "Singh" and this is  a name that's associated with Eastern Indian names.  If she's Eastern Indian, I have a few ideas who she might be connected to.  If she's hispanic, I don't know.

I have the bulk of my email correspondence with Tom Nicholls.  I had thought I only had a problem with him about a year ago when I was first trying to go to their college and then was told (last minute) I was "too late" for financial aid.  This was after they'd told me I wasn't too late.  Because of all the inconsistency and last minute reversal on me, I was left in the lurch and out of college that entire term because I didn't even have time to enroll anywhere else.

I decided to try this college again, because I need credits that are undergrad for my Change of Major, and I did all of the work way ahead of time, for Summer financial aid.  They have been telling me, since I turned in paperwork for "verification" that I was set and my financial aid funding for Summer was ready to go.

Then, after all that, ONE week before classes started, after they knew I had withdrawn from Eastern and had not applied to any other college, they told me they didn't have all my paperwork and I wasn't getting financial aid.  It is the 2nd time they have deliberately put me in the lurch again.

As far as I know, all of the four I listed above are Catholic except for possibly 1.

After saying I wouldn't get financial aid because they didn't have my paperwork, they then "found" it.  Then it was another excuse blaming the Department of Education when they alrready had checked and knew everything was clear with them.  The computer system didn't have to be updated to prove that--SWOCC had already checked.

So now they are basing their entire excuse on my having "too many credits" when I have taken 0 credits at their college and when I changed my major.  Their claim is that having taken so many credits requires me to ask for additional financial aid.  This isn't even the case.  If a student changes their major and needs other credits, it does not matter how many they already have for "English Lit".  That has nothing to do with Science.  A student could have 100 credits in Business and then change their major and go back for Nursing, and a community college provides financial aid through the Department of Education.  A student can have 80-130 credits in science, and then decide they want to be an English major, and if they need prerequisite courses for that, they are not ineligible for financial aid.

So she wrote to me and said the issue is not about change of major but "excessive credits".  It is about change of major because that is cause for allowing additional credits.

Then, she said something about academic policies, and I meet the standards for financial aid for that, regardless of one bad term.

So she wrote to me today, copying these other people, and said I might plan to pay for Summer myself and only expect fin. aid in Fall.

This is totally illegal.  Seriously, one time misleading me and ruining my college entrance is understandable, and if I missed something there, a little, even I was given misinformation, then go ahead, and assign some of the blame to me.  Even if you told me it was all okay, if I didn't check things out in writing myself, and trusted you, then okay, blame me.  So that's what I chalked it up to last time, despite the distress.

THIS time, the FBI is involved.

Trish McMichaels not only read my emails that I sent the Portland FBI field office people, she works with them, along with working for Southwestern (SWOCC).  It was a conflict of interest for her to even try to be my advisor and she knew it and took me anyway and then worked to block my accounts and prejudice me.

From there, I was assigned to Tim Dailey.

I thought at first that this was the first time I had to deal with Tim, but it's not.  He is connected to people who have illegally gone through my house.  I know this in a round-about way and not through my parents.  He knows how many conversations with him I taped.  When he knew how much I had taped, which he knew was not enough to hold them to their promises and affirmations to me that my financial aid was secure, their college tried to drop me.  They did not attempt to drop me or to back out of my financial aid for Summer 2012 until someone they knew tipped them off about how many phone conversations I had taped.

When they knew I didn't have enough to hold them to verbal assurances about my Summer financial aid, after their friends were in my house and tipped them off about what I had or what they saw, right after that is when they said, "Oh by the way, you don't have Summer aid."  Out of the blue, 1 week before classes started, and right after people were illegally snooping through my house again.

I know Tim is connected to them because he was treating me respect and caution until after he was tipped off about how much I had.  Then after that, he lost reserve, was totally relaxed and flippant as he talked to me, as if none of them had ever confirmed my financial aid was okay.

And then I realized, I think I slightly remember his name from a year ago too.  It WAS mainly Tom, but then I recall, I think I do remember a guy named Tim being involved, even back then at that time.  My mother met with Tom Nicholls (? unusual, right?) a year ago, the first time they screwed me over.

My Dad knows Tim. 

Both my Mom and Dad know who Trish McMichaels is, who she works for, and both of them have major red flags about her.  As soon as they heard she was involved it was like "Oh no".  I think she has something to do with a music group in the area and my Dad knows her from this and then they know her from other connections, like, well, Portland FBI.

I had never heard of her (Trish).

I talked to the President of the college last year and she didn't" act" like she liked me either.  I tried to get assistance there, and she wasn't helpful.  This year, I haven't talked to her, and a woman who wasn't helpful a year ago (Barbara) was very helpful this year actually.  I had limited conversations with her but she gave straightforward directions for signing up for Summer courses.

I never would have signed up for classes if they had not confirmed I had financial aid for the Summer.  They did confirm this, several times.  I was told my petition for Double Major would be under consideration, but they did confirm the financial aid for at least one major and taking courses for that.

Trish McMichaels didn't want me to sign up for anything to do with nursing.  I have a pretty good idea that Trish believed and knew I was going to be screwed over last minute, ahead of time.   This is my intuition and what I gathered from her in the following ways:

1.  She is working as a government psychic. 
This is possibly another reason my parents know who she is, because these people all know eachother.
2.  She already knew who I was,
on a very "overly familiar" basis, before she ever met me over the phone.  Not only that, she was actively using me, even in her conversation with me over the phone.  She used me, to prop herself up and make herself look good.  In my conversation with her for advising, she did the same thing "Carolyn" did at Eastern. Except Trish is worse. Carolyn Prescott in financial aid for Eastern Oregon University works as a psychic for the government.  I don't know which part though.  With Trish, I know it's FBI and possibly military but I am not aware of military off-hand.  I am 100% positive about FBI with Trish McMichaels.

So basically, if anyone wants to tap in to a government worker, take Trish.

Here's the bizarre thing...is it some kind of agenda for the FBI and U.S. to plant their people in the financial aid offices of public colleges these days?  Because I've talked to faculty and plenty of college staff in various offices, and the government ones I've had to deal with are always planted in the financial aid offices of the colleges.

I had a U.S. government employee who also worked at P.C.C.-Sylvania.   She was my P.C.C. financial aid person.  For PSU, it was various people and not anyone in particular.  Then, with EOU, Carolyn was U.S. government and so was Laura Moore (the Director for EOU financial aid).  Then, I talked to Trish and it was the same thing.  Except with her I knew she was FBI connected.

1.  P.C.C. financial aid--I had an FBI connected woman acting as my fin. aid person.
2.  PSU. It was random.
3.  Eastern.  U.S. government intel also working as my fin. aid person.
4.  Trish--financial aid and "academic advisor"--also connected to FBI in Portland.  Possibly Avena Singh.

I guess if you think about it, if the U.S. is going to plant people in colleges, why not in the money end?  If you have an agent in the financial aid offices, they have access to the bills of the student, which means the student ID and information, and then all of the financial aid and money, and then access to find out how they get their money.  Think "terrorism".  The FBI has people paranoid about terrorists coming to "study" at public colleges and universities and then planning things.  What better way to have access to the financial aid and income records of all students, than through the financial aid offices. 

If you're in admissions, it looks suspicious if you're auditing or looking through the financial aid or money aspect.  If you are a teacher, you have typically only access to the student's records for your own class.  If you're in registration, you're only dealing with entrance logistics.  If you're the President or VP of the administration, you have access to anything on a student if you want to, but it sticks out more if you take particular notice of just one student.  If you're in financial aid, you have a perfect tight little squeaker of an FBI niche don't you?

Squeak squeak

It's the only position in colleges that allows full and complete access to all student records, and allows scrutiny without raising suspiscion.  They can check to see how much "financial aid" a student "needs" and look into additional income.  So they can examine a money trail on anyone, look at what classes they're taking, from what professors, and find out about their student visas and how they got to college.  They can make phone calls to the feds at The Big House (Department of Ed) and escape detection as being an agent.  The Department of Education in D.C. is one block down from international affairs and the Attorney General lawyers.  So if you're going to plant an FBI agent or two into a college, if you're thinking, you put them in financial aid. 

This is why I'm getting screwed over.  I have FBI agents and FBI connected college staff who have a conflict of interest and are still attempting to obstruct justice by keeping me out of college, with a motive of only keeping me out of any income or education.

So here is how Trish tipped me off about how she hoped (in advance) I would be screwed out of college and what concerned her. She didn't want me to take anything to do with nursing because it would allow for additional credits.

A change of major allows for additional credits, but Trish knew that if I signed up for pre-nursing courses, they couldn't easily kick me out of financial aid.  There is a nurse shortage you see, and their college already allows LOTS of "financial aid" for nursing students, even those who have already used up their credits.  Trying to deny financial aid if I was applying for a nursing program would stand out as prejudicial more than anything else.  They funded so many "past the credits" students already, it's an in-demand occupation, and the FBI would be proving what I said about them already--that they were trying to keep me out of college and even preventing me from being a nurse.  Trish didn't care if I signed up for Art History.  Great.  Even though it applied to nothing. ("the better to kick you out of fin. aid with, my dear").  She cringed when I listed the 3 other course, which were food & nutrition, and other pre-reqs for nursing.  She hesitated and sounded concerned.  I said out loud, "That's a nursing prerequisite isn't it?" and she paused and then said, haltingly and with displeasure, "Yes."  Right when she said this I picked up on what she was thinking by her tone and everything else.  It was "She does not like the idea of my taking nursing courses".

She cleared me but then sure enough, as soon as I signed up for all nursing classes instead, she blocked me from Summer AND Fall.  I went from sort of 1/2 way nursing courses to 100% nursing and she obstructed me.  What she knew, is they would have a hard time denying financial aid if I was pursuing nursing.  So she tried to block me out and DID.  She put a block on all my courses and then I was forced to speak only to the 'psychologist" Tim after she ignored me for a week and wouldn't remove the block.

She made such a major STINK about it, and then Tim did as well, refusing to open up my schedule to register for Fall, that I decided to go back to all online for a little longer.  And Susan in advising mocked me and insulted my intelligence by saying, when she found out I was going to just pursue the Natural Science program with physics and calculus, she mocked me saying, "Don't you think you might want to work up to it?"  She said more than that too, insulting my intelligence and wanting me to take low level courses first.

The minute I did half of what they were trying to force me to do, they suddenly blocked me from all financial aid ONE week before classes started.  As soon as I was out of the nursing prereqs, they sank in their fangs.

Trish has fucking fangs.  She is FBI connected.  Not only that, she knew way ahead of time that the plan was to cut me OUT of all financial aid and base the decision on "too many credits" for an "associates" at the last minute.  She got nervous and hesitated, realizing it wouldn't work if I was taking prereqs for nursing.  That's why she didn't like the idea.  Then she BLOCKED me from even going further with it.

The woman is a bitch.  She used me in that conversation too, on illegal grounds of trying to use me to read me and then prop herself up to make herself sound special and psychically talented.  I hate her.  I knew what she was about after she blocked me.  And I wasted no more time with her and refused to talk to her again after that.  I didn't try to work it out, I asked her to correct it, but I didn't waste time on her and asked for a replacement immediately.

These SWOCC people have been blocking me from college on behalf of the FBI and the FBI sponsors the Middletons.  Not only that, Tim Dailey got tipped off (maybe from Trish) about how much I had recorded from conversations so they felt secure screwing me over.  It would make sense that he got his info from Trish because she's the one who referred me to him and she's an FBI contact.  The people responsible for illegally going through my house, are connected.

When I was on the phone with Carolyn Prescott, about financial aid matters, that woman used her phone conversations with me to insert predictions about what I was going to do next.  I guess she wanted it over the phone because that's how she got her "credit" and it was documented.  Trish then did the exact same thing, and said several things that had nothing to do with my schedule and were out of the blue comments that were predictive of what I was going to do that day.

Do you know what this is like?

This is like having the FBI masquerade as some kind of public servant and pretend to help you, as an "advisor" (or through an advisor), when she is actually only interested in stripping you and taking off all your clothes to tell you to "kneel" while she twists an arm behind your back and breaks your hand.

When I thought I saw something about the woman at the health store, I told her, because I thought it would mean something to her.  These people don't do that.  They're not telling me things and hoping it means something to me--they're using me as a template for them to strip down and then brag to others about what they guessed I would do and how I did it, and then robbing me of my dignity by trying to call me Crazy when they are the CRAZY FUCKS.  Then, while they get pats on the back for how great and special they are, as they degrade me and use me, they are trying to strip me of all my education and dignity in even having an income and living costs covered.

So the FBI gets to destroy my life, still, and uses me still, and then wants me to be with NOTHING after they continue to participate in degrading me and using me for their own agenda.

It is acceptable to have financial aid for Change of Major to nursing but not to Natural Science for Pre-med?

They dumb me down.  I absolutely have zero forgiveness for Trish McMichaels.  Who does her husband work for again?

She wanted me out of college all along.  If anyone would have let it go for nursing, it would have been with only the motive of hoping they could try to trade me out of the country for someone else.  That's how they are.  Look at how the FBI punishes me over any insult to Middletons.  They double people and trade them like cards.  They are human traffickers, abusers, and torturers.

My --

I think I was raped by an FBI agent.  I think Josh Gatov WAS FBI.  He had to have been.  The police covered for him, knew who he was, and he was tipped off by them.  He worked in the ENNL department and most likely was only tutoring as part of keeping an eye on internationals and feeding the FBI with information. 

Not only that, I know the P.C.C. financial aid advisor I had was also FBI.  I saw her coming out of FBI offices in Portland when I went there to drop off a written report about Bujanda and Garza.  My financial aid advisor came out of their offices.

She was the financial aid advisor for the same college of the man who raped me, by the way.  And it was she who told me I was having "panic attacks".  I was having panic attacks after her coworker raped me.  Why would she even guess it was panic attacks?  My financial aid person???  This would mean the FBI in Portland had a motive to work against me since 1998 at least.  And I believe Mary DelBalzo worked for them in some capacity as well and wonder if she knows Avena Singh. 

I was driving to college in 1998 and I had a call from the college or I had to call for some reason.  I couldn't hardly breathe and the FBI-P.C.C. financial aid woman (I hate Portland FBI) said, "I think it sounds like you're having a panic attack."  I said, "A panic attack?  why?  What is that?" and she proceeded to calmly and happily tell me the symptoms sounded like me.

That woman worked for Portland FBI.  When she came out of the offices in 2004, she wasn't nice and smiling at me like she used to anymore.  She knew about my rape and most likely so did the FBI.  I know police knew and Josh was very likely to have been working for FBI.  I don't remember her name offhand now but I could find out.  She was blond.

Why would she assume it was panic attacks?  I said not one word to her about personal problems.  As far as she knew, I had nothing to be concerned or anxious about.  And yet the FBI woman was telling ME "I think you're having panic attacks."  And that's because...? I  should feel panicked about something, like having to see the person that raped me at college?  Why wouldn't she guess "Maybe you're having an asthma attack?" or "Have you been running?" or "Do you have a heart condition?"  I never talked about any personal issues, EVER.  I kept it to myself. 

She mentioned panic attacks because she was already aware of a situation that would cause them.  And then I find her working for Portland FBI when I was dropping off  a report in person at the offices in 2004.  I actually cannot remember if her name was Judy or possibly Trish.  I would recognize her.  I knew exactly who she was when I saw her coming out of FBI offices, looking like she hated me.  What is the FBI's job?  To stalk me and watch me be raped, assaulted, abused, and vandalised and then to torture me?

It is very possible, actually, more likely than not that Josh was FBI employed.  Which would mean Dr. Parnell's statement that I claimed I was raped by the FBI was a smear, but possibly a clue as well, when I had no idea.

I have open rape claims that can be prosecuted and they're not being prosecuted.  I sent a polite request to the Chief of Police in Portland, to find out who the currrent Sexual Abuse division person was there and no response. It's been 2 months.

Here is an example of how Trish McMichaels was using me and her predictive crap:

She had no reason to say, for example something about "I see that it's all going to come up and pretty muddy" and then I'm gardening in the mud, digging up dirt that day.  She said several things, all part of the same predictive thing.  All that woman did was use me to boost herself up.

That is SICK

Carolyn Prescott did the exact same thing.  Every single time I was on the phone with her, one guess about me after another and then who is watching to see if I do these things?  we do or we do not have hidden cameras or spies around the property?

They are USING us and the FBI has made serious promises.  I mean, the FBI has made major promises and then not delivered.  Huge things.  Then after all the criminal obstruction they've already been involved with, they try to deal more through agents working for them in college financial aid offices.

What does the FBI do? make a target of implanting at least one at every college in fin. offices? maybe just at colleges where there is international activity?

SWOCC has an Arabic lure.  You can take Arabic there or Chinese, and then supposedly the person above the President is from England.

At Eastern, there are a variety of languages you can take there and I don't know what their exchange program is like.  At P.C.C., there were tons of international students.  If FBI has agents in financial aid offies to keep tabs  on them, they also have them working in tutoring centers.

I'm sure PSU has the same but I didn't have one specific person assigned.

I think Avena knows DelBalzos.  I have a feeling. I don't know why.  If she's Eastern Indian, even moreso do I think she knows DelBalzos.  I was first targeted at their house, as a nanny, in 1996.  They worked for a major computer company that is international--Intel, and most of their friends and coworkers were Eastern Indian.  They also knew FBI in Portland.  If Mary Delbalzo is connected to FBI as a lawyer or in other ways, and Avena Singh is for her proximity to financial aid and international student matters, then it's possible Avena is connected to FBI.  Being Eastern Indian and FBI connected would give proximity to Carl and/or Mary DelBalzo.

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