Monday, July 2, 2012

Other Things (until I have my signal intensifier)

I left the house after telling my parents about seeing the horse(s) in this woman's eyes.  My Dad was like, what's the point and said it sounded like demon stuff or Satan and if it's from God it edifies someone.  I said, "How should I know?" and then, I think he was playing Devil's advocate, and he said you just wanted to show her what you could do.

?  I can do nothing.  My abilities in that area are nil.

I said, "I didn't ask or try to see something about her life bc I planned to tell her.  I wasn't going to say anything and then when I heard it might be close I told her, "I looked into your eyes and saw horses.""

I didn't share it to brag, I shared it because I thought it was interesting.  So I shared it because I thought it might mean something good to her. And then after this, I asked about colors, not telling her what color I had seen on the ones and I said nothing, not knowing the gray ones had been horses that were her favorites. (She said something about markings on them but I didn't see that) So then my parents said what's the point and I said,

"Well, if she wasn't pulling my leg, and I really did see her horses, then maybe it was to show her I saw one thing about her that was correct so she would believe something else that God specifically showed me through prayer."  And I explained that this had ended up being an opportunity to mention seeing inside someone's body and that it was spiritually connected, after prayer. 

So even if it the first thing seemed strange, it maybe glorifies God by helping to validate the next thing.  And maybe it was a really important horse to her.  How should I know?  How should I know, I said, why God does what He does?  I don't know what His motives are.

Then I left after they said time to hit the road (call it a night) and I left, after saying "What's that supposed to mean?" (time to hit the road) although I know it's an expression they use. They said this but I felt slightly chagrined that this was questioned as some weird animal occult spirutist thing when it wasn't. So I sat the cat when I opened the door.

His eyes were very bright.

I said, "Can I put the cat food down? I think he's hungry."  They said he already ate and I said, "I think he's hungry though."  So they said okay, and he was looking perkier. 

I was told he's getting thinner and maybe his throat hurts and he's not eating as much.  So I bought salmon today and then planned to puree it.  My Mom got him chicken baby food and said that's good for digestion first.  I gave him and the mother cat small pieces of salmon and they seemed very happy. My Mom gave them chicken baby food first.  Then, tonight, both cats came onto the porch when I set the cat food out again and they both did eat. 

Then I went to my place and I had bought groceries today and I bought this half loaf of Jewish Rye, after I started laughing when I saw it's made by the "Bimbo" company.  It's basically light rye, but the only kind they had that was vegan was called "Jewish Rye".  So I bought it and then had it with a Blackbean Chipoltle vegan Gardenburger.  I had stuck the sticker on the side of the table.  It said "Oroweat" and then Bread Perfected and then Jewish Rye and then "save to reseal".  And I think it means nothing, but then I was scrambling to find my notebook for a computer password because I had already decided I need my Acer back and working.  It suddenly had the wifi missing and said it needed the computer info so I was looking everywhere for this notebook.  I went to my bedroom and had all these clothes all over the top of the bed, and moved them around and tossed them over and to the side, looking for it.  Then to another room, looking under books, on and found it then.

Then I found it and I was thinking about random things, or what different things mean if anything, if God shows things we don't understand.  So then I unstuck this sticker "Jewish Rye" from the table and prayed lightly but quick, not really prayed, just said to God, "Where would you put this, in this house?"  I mean, for it to stand out or be symbolic of something, anything.  So there was my kitchen, livng room and bedroom and I thought living room but then just went with where I sensed, and I walked to my bedroom, turned around so my back was to the bed, not looking at my bed or knowing where I'd thrown my clothes around, and I was going to throw it behind me.  I was going to throw it and see where it landed, but it was sticking to my fingers so I got it just barely touching and then tossed it over my head and behind my back.  Then I turned around and looked.

It was inbetween the "virgin wool" shirt and the blue shirt I had worn in the last photos I took which I put online.  It was stuck rightside up to the pale blue shirt and was touching next to the virgin wool shirt that happened to be next to it.  It landed stuck to the bottom hem of the shirt, that's the part that was showing.

Then I picked it up and took it back to the bread and stuck it on top of the package.

Believe me, I am so not Jewish.  I thought, I don't know what that's about.  Next to the "Worsted virgin wool" shirt and on this blue shirt?  The only thing it made me think of was my being raped by the Jew.

I think the editor of The Willamette Week (my own human motives coming into play here) needs to make a serious adjustment to what he is responsible for with his paper, defaming me.

His entire community is as guilty as the Catholics who defamed me and tried to shame me when I had a good reputation.  Anyway, that's my personal idea, but maybe someone else has another idea so that's fine. It's not like a big was a spontaneous thing.  I just checked the label and it's Mossimo.  And made in Indonesia (not that it matters).  The other one of worsted virgin wool is Sir Pendleton, assembled in Mexico of fine worsted wool of USA fabric, and says 100% Pure Virgin Wool, Portland, Oregon. 

Hmm.  Word association and collage anyone?

Mossimo (stretch)
100% Pure Virgin Wool
fine worsted wool
Portland, Oregon
assembled in Mexico
U.S.A. fabric
Jewish Rye
Save to reseal


How about the responsibility to correct your errors? You are "too good" of a Jew to print retractions?  Same thing for the Archdiocese and their lawyers that knew all along what they were doing and saying was wrong.  I don't know how Dick Whittemore and Nathan Zodrow live with themselves.  If you repent of a sin, you make ammends by public confession and correcting your sin. 

Instead, you've all tortured a baby boy and his mother.

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