Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blocked From College: Avena Singh & Tim Dailey

Tim Dailey specifically told me my financial aid was in place for Summer.  So did 3 other employees.  A total of 4 employees at SWOCC told me everything was fine and that they needed nothing more from me and to sign up.

After getting the email from Avena Singh on Monday, telling me to plan on paying for classes if I go this Summer, she ignored my phone calls and messages to her.

I called her twice and asked her to please return my call so I could ask her on what basis my Summer financial aid was being denied after it was already being awarded.

She was claiming it was too many credits and that's not a reason when someone has changed their major.  If they need the credits for the new major, they cannot deny financial aid for that reason and she knows this.

So I called to sort it out before having to withdraw from classes tomorrow, and I called on Tuesday and sent email and she didn't get back to me.

There is no reason to block my financial aid.

They did this to me two times in a row now, and this last time it was deliberate and malicious.  If I file for habeas corpus again, which I will do, I will be naming one of SWOCCs employees as colluding with Portland FBI to block my access to education and financial aid when they are attempting to interfere with my college AGAIN.

First they illegally take my vehicle from me, knowing it was a false suspension of license and now they are fraudulently "suspending" financial aid for SWOCC, and it's FBI connected.  I would name Trish McMichaels.  If I find out that English man is still overseeing the college, I might consider naming him in connection with the Middletons.  It is possible Avena Singh is FBI connected.  She has wanted to stay out of the picture the entire time.

It's odd, however, that all my correspondence was with Tom, and then he met with my mother?  Why would he want to talk to a student's mother? and not just meet me?  Not one of their faculty has met me before.

The Middletons will eventually be in a petition and they are only 2 steps removed by acquaintances.

I knew something was wrong because on the 2nd, I went grocery shopping in the afternoon., I noticed everything changed.  A bunch of Jewish women drove by laughing maliciously and there were a bunch of others who expressed delight and sadistic pleasure over something.

I didn't know what it was over and then the next day I saw Avena Singh had sent an email to me denying Summer aid, without good cause, on the 2nd, at the same time I then had people driving by, gleeful about something.

I double checked letters and everything is coming from FBI excuses to block me from college.  Pardo is behind it, trying to get revenge for my not marrying him possibly.  It's not like people can't pull strings for him when they want to.

If Avena Singh is Eastern Indian, how does she know Mary and Carl DelBalzo and why were Eastern Indian people calling my mother late at night to harass her and why did my mother sound afraid?  Mike Tanzer knows Eastern Indians and Carl and Mary DelBalzo do.  They are the only people I'm aware of.

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