Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Torture All Night (2nd night in a row)

I was tortured all night.  I never slept more than a few minutes without waking up from pain from torture to my teeth, ear, and neck, all on that same side.

They did this to me the entire night and this morning they've done the same but worse.  They started doing it stronger in the morning.

The night before they did the same thing.  I slept only a few minutes at a time.  I prayed but could hardly even focus because of the torture they'd done all night.  Then all day yesterday they blasted me so that my entire time was focused on writing about  torture.

They're trying to ruin my GPA.  The FBI doesn't want me in college, and they obstructed me from this in 2004-2005.  Now that I'm back in, they're trying to ruin my GPA.  I can't focus on school when I'm being tortured.

They started this again after succeeding in ruining my last term.  Now they are trying to get ahead by torturing me so I am unable to read, study, or take tests in the first 2 weeks.

The FBI wants me out of college and they want me on health insurance so they can keep smearing me as mentally ill.  They want me tortured to ruin my GPA at this time, to make me sound crazy and get responses from me that are only possible by extreme and severe ongoing torture, and to then try to force me into health insurance.

It was the Portland FBI that told me to call "The Health Department" when I asked them to investigate judicial felony.  I put in another request to their offices, and afterwards, I was brutally tortured again.

Not only are they responsible for trying to force me to go to the health department, so they can smear me more, they are the group that was trying to force me onto disability, for the same reason--to smear me, discredit me, and make themselves look better.

They already know I named them in a petition for habeas corpus and they are proving they are colluding to have me tortured.

They know if my GPA is ruined, it prevents me from going to graduate colleges I have already stated I want to go to.  So they're ruining my GPA.  I have never received an "F" in my entire life for a course, until last term, and it was not my doing at all. 

They had extreme computer problems (not just normal technical problems or a day or two, but taking 8 hours of time instead of a 1/2 hour, for over 1 1/2 months); they had people they know deliberately cancel my book orders after we ordered, making it impossible to get my book until the end of term; I had a teacher who insulted me by email and refused to tell me which paper she claimed she needed from me, and I completed all of her assignments and she gave me an "F" which had nothing to do with my abilities; the FBI and Department of Justice were involved with allowing my medical terminology program to be dysfunctional until 2 weeks before the end of term (because it was objective testing and not personal teacher testing, I got a C+ but the grade is actually a B because the online program changed some of my answers when I was testing (not many but a couple).  I would have received an A+ in the course if the FBI had not been obstructing my access to that online program and switching things back and forth on me.  I got an A in military history only because the tests were multiple choice and I had my books on time (the one class where my books came on time) and he wasn't taking a personal revenge on me apparently (unlike Tonia St. Germain, the woman who gave me an F and then told me she refused to locate which paper she couldn't read and told me to talk to disability or student relations, to prejudice me).

Now, they are torturing me again and interfering and it's because I got ahead in classes in the first week, so they started torturing me to put me behind.

They don't want me to have my non-profit, which is why such an effort was made to give me an "F" in Business Law.  I had all my book orders blocked and canceled.  Some group wanted me to have an F to point to, because they don't like my idea of started a legal advocacy non-profit for others and they want to minimize my corporate and business credibility.

Gregory Fowler is personally responsible for torture against citizens in this state.  As long as I live in the State of Oregon, he is the FBI agent who is responsible for what happens here.  His background is NYC FBI, and U.S. military.  So far, he's backing military DOD/DOE torture.  The pastor of the church my parents go to have them reading all these books about other people in other countries being tortured.

He's trying to minimize and mock the fact that we are tortured and then have them reading about others being tortured, knowing how bad it is.  He has them reading all these books about Chinese being tortured and have of the stuff is a gloss for more military research.  They're told, "Now this is real torture."  As if we're not tortured.  My mother said, "I'm reading these books by this Chinese man who was tortured, Heaven (something)...if I give it to you, will you read it?"  I said, "No.  Why would I want to read about torture when I'm tortured?  This pastor from your church doesn't experience any kind of torture and then he has you reading these books."

She never told me this, I just know.  His whole thing is to have us tortured, and Fowler knows this guy by the way, and then have my parents reading a ton of books about other people being tortured.  Currently, it's a ton of books about tortured Chinese who become Christians.

That's actually a real Catholic approach.  I know this pastor at that church is not really Protestant.  I don't care how many years he claims he has been or is.  He's not.

Then my mother said something about his daughter committed suicide (I guess to have sympathy for him).  My thought progression was this:  "his daughter killed herself? wow.  that's horrible.  sympathy for less than 1 second, and then, i wonder why then he processed that event to become a bad person and torture other people."  The reality is, just because there was a tragic event in his life, doesn't mean it worked to make him more empathetic.  He may have felt bad about his own daughter but then he goes on to torture the living daylights out of other people, and knows it's happening to their children, and he has them reading books about other people who are tortured.  It sounds like Kate Middleton to me.  Right?  She was supposedly "bullied" in school, which would make her more empathetic perhaps, you might think.  Instead, she goes on to be so cold and cruel as to torture others, as a woman.  She doesn't look capable of torturing kids and encouraging others to torture kids and adults, but she is.

At this moment, my parents have about 3 books by one Chinese man who was tortured and then came to the U.S. as a Christian.  He writes about supernatural experiences.  Get this--(think about what I said, and have said, about this pastor not being a Protestant and being Catholic...)--in one of the books, there is some scene (this book or another, but I think this one) that my mother talked about out loud, about how all these people were praying and then they all saw this apparation in the sky, of a clipper ship or something, and then they were all so shocked, anyone at the meeting who was not a christian became a christian.  I said, "So they were already christians?" and I was told, "No, the ones who were there that were not christians got saved and became christian."  I said, "I asked because so what if there's a ship in the sky.  I wanted to know which God they praying to because people over the world from different religions have had similiar experiences and they are praying to different gods."

I thought about it later and realized, it's like someone who is actually Catholic wanted my parents to mention how seeng an apparation in the sky saved people.  I realized this is like the Catholic church with their Marian apparation stuff.

My Dad has one book borrowed from my Mom about Chinese torture, and the other one about military and another about Brother Andrew (smuggled Bibles into Russia) called Secret Believers.  They've always had missionary or christian books and stories, but since this pastor came to town, they're getting fed all these "torture" examples, and it's like a mockery.  The pastor at that church is Catholic, not Protestant, but he has been undercover Catholic for awhile.

I said I already knew what torture was and didn't need to read books about torture when I'm being tortured.  This is what that pastor is doing with my parents though--cramming torture stories to them while we are all tortured.  He's not.  He's not tortured at all.

I think Hitler has some tragic experiences when he was a kid or teen too.  Not to blame just Hitler.  There are plenty of examples of people who were bullied, or lost a family member or suffered tragedies, and they don't turn out to be sympathetic. 

I feel that I'm reasonably sympathetic.  I used to be unreasonably sympathetic, and a door mat.  Now, I try not to let others take advantage of me because they want to use my sympathy to allow them to get away with horrid crimes.  I have no internal need to feel accepted or loved by those who torture or sexually assault me, nor do I have any personal failure feelings if I am 'rejected' or finally left alone or ignored by criminals or sexual abusers.  I believe I am sympathetic and that I have normal reactions and responses to extremely cruel and constant degrading treatment of me, my parents, and especially my son.  And none of these other people can claim they were tortured for years and never reacted to it, like FBI or those they prop up like Middletons.  None of them are tortured.  Ever. They're the ones who are backing and supporting torture.

Torture is a criminal felony in the United States.  You get over 20 years for it.  If you thought 20 years in the military was something, think about 20 years in jail.  If this country and the FBI continue to allow torture, and do not investigate hate crime and judicial felony as required, this country loses it's reputation and gets more than its credit downgraded.

England is a mess itself.  It seems to be a lot of wolves got into their packs.  What happened to the nice English guy like the one on the stretcher in "Purple Plains" (the movie).  They have a lot of mean, manipulative people who snuck into politics and intelligence and even royalty.  They got infiltrated.

The "bridge" of corruption is Middleton, crossing from UK over the waters to the US.  They gave her the name of Duchess of Cambridge and that bridge is so far from a symbolic representation it's not even funny.  Some in the U.S. have been planning this for decades.  It was a well-excuted plan and any quirk that came up was solved by mass murder, torture, and tons of money being funneled over from the U.S. to the UK Middletons.  That's how the airplane people stayed in "the game".  Sort of sickening.  Her Dad has uzied how many people?  and for which side?

I wonder if the English people feel comfortable with the idea that their potential future "figurehead" is a double agent for the U.S.  Is this exciting to them?  The only time this would be acceptable to a group is if there is an overarching group that supports it.  It would be religion.  A religious interest would accept a double as long as it benefited their religion or religious group.  It would be like, "Well, she's an english citizen and doubles for the u.s. but she's secretly catholic so that will benefit the catholic church regardless. In fact, it may double the proceeds and benefits to our church."  If it's a jewish interest, same idea.  The other potential group that would accept a double is drug underworld.  A group within 2 separate countries doesn't care about whether someone is a double agent or not, as long as they keep the drug transportation pipelines moving or the bridge clean.  Potentially, 4th option is if there is a selective group that joins U.S. and UK and worked together on mind control programs over a long period of time. 

That still doesn't account for billions who are normal citizens and might wonder what kinds of conflicts of interest are present when your government is even less transparent than you thought, and when you find out your figurehead is not just reading state papers every day, but is transfering information to the U.S. FBI about your own people.  And it doesn't sit well with the U.S. citizens who are tortured and whose kids are tortured and then they find out that instead of spending money to investigate torture, their own country is abusing them FOR the Middletons of another country  and are even giving U.S. citizen money to them.

For all of the smears about my being on welfare one time in my life because I was pregnant, the Middletons have been taking U.S. welfare for decades.  American tax monies have gone to UK Middletons.

A bridge is great when it further corrupt causes.

(I'm getting a picture now, just imagination, of the golden gate bridge bouncing dramatically and creaking, creaking, as Middleton drives across it)

Going out and marrying a woman who was openly a citzen of another country would be less damaging than having married a woman who is secret citizen to another country.  No one cares (well, they do care sometimes, because some people feel if someone represents them or will 'speak' for them, they are one of their own and have their own country's interest most at heart) if one public person from one country marries someone from another country.  They do care, I think, the majority cares, if they find out there has been a liason between 2 persons who refuse to choose one loyalty. 

It's as dangerous as having drug lord informants working within the FBI and then passing on information to just one selective drug mafia.  People get killed and tortured.

The only people who don't mind, are those who are benefiting from the torture work and killings.  So who might benefit from my being tortured?  The rest who do mind, are normal patriotic people who want to know where their representatives stand and who don't like the idea of their personal information being shuttled from one country to the next, and then strategies being made over that.

Do they have little flags to raise on a short stick when they take a vote where you live?

I am still being tortured, by the way, and it's to the same side and they amped it up about 10 minutes ago--it's now 11:14.  It was quit when I wrote about Gregory Fowler and the guy over here, and their responsibility to prevent torture in their own state.  Then it was jacked up when I started writing about the Middletons and the fact that they are doubles.  They are not just people who get information because they're privileged now--they get it because they're operatives.

They are operatives.

My guess is that William fell under their spell.  I have no mercy for him where my son is concerned, so it's not like I care, as I would trash all of them in speaking the truth, if the truth had to be said for torture to end for Oliver Garrett.  However, I think that if Mike Middleton is a programmer, in the mind control-personality formation sense of word, along with being an operative, it would not be hard for him to appeal to the emotional needs William has.  It's what they're trained to do.  You can't recruit unless you know how to appeal to someone.  I don't know what Carol is about except my idea is that she works psychically and trades with the FBI all the time.  For decades.

(you guys need an analyst, you readers?)

I imagine Mike appeals through his training as a programmer.  I guess he and William also have hunting in common:  Will hunts animals and Mike hunts men.  Most likely, they have William pegged down the gradation of color of one of his pubic hairs.  Think about it.  His father helped develop his personality but how many guards and secret service guys did he bond with?  They already knew what would appeal to him and how to trigger the reward centers of his brain and meet psychological needs.  They created the vacancies, and then brought in ..(um, I think my chemistry studies are affecting me now)..they brought in the elements for creating the bond they wanted.  They can't create a need in him unless they first take things away.  Then, they are ready with what they want him to bond with and to, and only need to make it look like his own idea to preserve his dignity and ego and keep their cover.  For all we know, the bond is not just to Kate, through the initial physical attraction and other personality features they planned in both.  It's through Carol and Mike. They helped fill his mommy and daddy need.  His Dad, Charles, is busy all the time, and Charles, is his natural Dad. He's not going to be programming himself on how to bond with his own son.  He has displayed inattention before or more callous treatment, but he's attending to tons of duties.  Will was raised with substitute dads, men to fill in gaps and to shape him.  Mike was just another one who happened to meet the features of one he liked among the best.  Will's family is busy and all over the place with work and duties, and it was his mother who provided the intermittent attention of attachment parenting.  When she was gone (to wherever she went), Will ended up going to Kate's house and having his little bond sessions.  Once he bonded to the family, it was almost impossible to break that bond to Kate.  He could look but he would always feel his little pull back to them.  Miserable other options were probably introduced, and disappointments, in the meantime, to help secure the idea, that this was it.  Sign.

What did Middletons recruit him for?  CIA? or FBI.

"They killed your mother.  Join us."  If they recruited him and not just Kate acting alone with her parents, it appealed to the personality formation they started when he was a kid, and also, to his natural interests.  All intelligence are actors.  You want theater?  being a figurehead isn't enough?  Here.  Take a piece of this.  Some of the greatest intelligence even worked in film.  Think about marrying an actor.  Could they put on a good show if they wanted, or WHAT.  "You need tears?  I can do that.  Hey, do you think it's better if I smile, or look really nervous when she's walking down the aisle?"  {He stands in front of the mirror, practicing the suprised  'light in his eyes' look}

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