Monday, July 16, 2012

Carl and Mary Del Balzo: Criminals and Princess Diana

Carl and Mary Del Balzo are U.S. criminals.  See my post about how I was forced to work for them after I had implants put in my body.

They work for a microchip company.

They also work for the FBI.

Wasn't it "mediterranean looking" people that supposedly sped off after running into Diana?  maybe they know the Del Balzos.

Carl and Mary Del Balzo

Oh let's move to WWIII now.  I am so ready for the U.S. traitors to be killed off.  They TORTURED me and knowingly put implants inside of my body and then forced me to be under initial observation by U.S. Italian microchip employees.  Carl and Mary Del Balzo.

Then Diana makes a public photo shoot, wearing a halo, in "angola" and holding mines, and I think it scared some people.  What kind of photo shoot did she have prepared for Cambodia?!

Del Balzo's relatives are in NY.  NY.  NY.


Mary and Carl's family are in NY, and if she is FBI here, she knows FBI there in NY.  They knew Middletons before Diana was ever attacked.  They set it up.

So first they kill Diana and then they look for ways to get rid of me.  Not only that, Mary and Carl worked for a microchip company in the U.S., and she worked in "intellectual property" and there is a "Hayes" that works in D.C. for IBM and is married to a woman from London.  The IBM industry he is cited as being involved in is microchips.

So what happened?  Lisa Thebault, the American-Italian feels offended by me (the one who mailed oreos and chocolate chip cookies to the German nanny in Germany) and then my country tries to kill me with Mike Nichols, FBI kid with Canada contacts, hijacking and rolling my car.  Then they put IMPLANTS in my body and force me to work for microchip people in top secret "intellectual property?"  I went from making chocolate chip cookies with the Thebault kids, allowing them to all sit on top of the counter, and happily involved, to having this country put CHIPS, MICROCHIPS, inside of my BODY.

And then they have tortured me since.

Look at what has happened since 1995.  It has nothing to do with a "head injury"--my country implanted me and then stalked me.

So let's think:  Here is an extremely damaging situation where the U.S. committed gross and unforgivable sins and crimes against me.  We're looking at...between me and my son and all collective damages, billions of dollars in lawsuit potential.

Someone gets put on edge by seeing this photo shoot stuff by Diana, thinking it's too close to home somehow and then, oh great.  Now she's going to take it over to Cambodia?  Microchips in cam's body and Di is going to Cambodia.  What kind of photo shoot or revealing symbolic ware will be displayed there?  She is getting involved with people who are Muslims, besides, who don't care what religion Catholics are.  They're not going to keep their mouths shut just for the Catholic faith or Catholic or Jewish conspirators.  Muslims had nothing to do with implants being placed in my body. 

Then Di is yelling off of a deck, "You will be surprised at the next thing I do!" and meanwhile she has a dossier and is collecting a LIST of people connected to illegal landmines, which very well could have had some symbolic information about my life, and who was responsible for implanting me with electronic devices intended to be used later for extreme harm.

I mean, it is too close for comfort in Angola but Cambodia.

And no, it's not all about me.  I of course know, the very fact actual landmines were placed in fields and left there, killing and torturing children, so many children, is horrific.  But it wasn't just this that was happening.  She was alluding to the government use of 'landmines' --implants--placed inside the bodies of people, which were for torturing and tracking people.  And what was the result?  Profits.  People were making money off of it, off of maiming,  and torturing kids.  Just as landmine victims had governments making money off of them, money was being made off of me, and my own country incapacitated me with help from some internationals, who used these implants to assault me and keep me from doing anything I could have naturally done.

The Del Balzos stood by while my son was TORTURED.


  1. You're just being your usual jealous, envious and hateful self, Cameo.

    Mary graduated from Cornell and is a lawyer.

    You are on welfare, had your parental rights terminated and make up lies ("delusions") to get more money from SSI.

    You are a manipulative, conniving liar.

  2. Read my post about which U.S. employees were involved in putting implants in my body.

    Mary graduated from Cornell with a degree in engineering. Cornell is in Ithaca, NY. See who she was in proximity to.

    I was forced to work for her and her husband in 1995, after I had a surgery where they put implants in my body.

    I wasn't given a choice and neither were my parents. I was told we were going to this house for dinner. There, Mary and Carl Del Balzo talked to my mother while I sat in a hard collar around my neck, immobile. They told my mother they wanted me to work for them and my mother said okay. Mary never looked at me, or looked me in the eye. She didn't ask me. She told my mother I was going to work for them.

    She and Carl worked for the biggest microchip company in the U.S. She specialized in "top secret" "intellectual property" matters and her husband worked in human resources. They had their kids at a videomonitored daycare at their business, with Mentor Graphics (which was connected to Intel and which she worked for as a lawyer). The parents could click on their computers at work and look up their kids on rolling videotape.

    After the U.S. put implants in my body, it was like having surveillance on the nanny still. They hired me as their first nanny, knowing I had microchips in my body.

    They observed me and then reported back after they later starting using these implants to torture me and trigger migraines that caused me to have to go home and be ill.

    From there, it was one act of assault and government treason after another.

    All I have to do is have one implant out of my body and it's a lawsuit worth billions of dollars.

    So yes, I am broke. Glad you noticed. I have been blocked from leaving the country, and forced out of any income that would allow me to do so. In addition, I've been defamed, had my son tortured and kidnapped, and then these people don't want the public to know the true story, so I've also been put under false arrest to ruin my credibility and traveling options.

    Read my most recent pos.

    I am not a liar.

    Mary Del Balzo is a liar and she is a criminal, along with her husband and NY FBI and a lot of other persons who were involved at that time.

    If you want to find someone who is "smart" and also was very jealous of me, Mary is one.
