Monday, July 16, 2012

Hidden Cameras & Lawsuit Worth Billions

If this country used implants for audio surveillance of me and for tracking me, for this long, which they have done, they have no problem using hidden cameras.

It is probable that I have zero privacy and that I am being observed by hidden camera in my house and/or property, as well as documented by the implants they put inside of my body.

They also stole all of my personal belongings and have had police and FBI, Department of State and military and other internationals, going through all of my things.

What has been done to me and my son is worth many billions of dollars if I am able to prove torture and prove implants are in my body.

The U.S. knows this and they don't want anyone to help me, because of the enormous amount of money involved and how strong of a case it is, if implants are recovered.  Between torture of my son and what they've done to him, and torture of me since at least 1995, I have an extremely solid case for a massive windfall in damages.

No lawyer in the U.S. is going to take it, and fight up against the military in this country, on their own turf.  A lawyer from another country wouldn't be interested either, unless they grasped the idea about how much money in awards is involved.


1 comment:

  1. Try the aluminum foil hat. You would look fabulous in it and it would interfere with audio transmission.
