Monday, July 16, 2012

My Shampoo Turned Into Beer (Cider beer)

My homemade shampoo has turned into beer.

I didn't wash my hair yesterday so today was the first day I tried out my homemade shampoo-conditioner (which I wrote about a few days ago).  I made it on Friday or Sat.

I saw it foaming from the top of the lid in the shampoo bottle I used, which has a hole in the top, and thought it must just be the soap sudsing.

I smelled my conditioner, which I had put into a plastic apple cider vinegar bottle (I didn't have other bottles to use), and it smelled like apple cider.  I guess because I used cloves.  It's the one with the sachet inside of it.

So today, I squeezed this shampoo into my hands and smelled it and it had fermented into beer smell.  My shampoo turned into beer.

So I used it, thinking, well, people use beer for their hair I've heard. 

The conditioner isn't fermented into a beer smell--it smells like cider.  Basically, like apple cider.  So my shampoo smells like beer and my conditioner smells like cider.  I used both and it works pretty well, and I don't know why, but a slight tingly feeling on the scalp.  Very refreshing.

I put the shampoo into a VO5 empty shampoo bottle I had and then someone had taken my Suave rain conditioner bottle that was empty so I used what was on the table at the time--a plastic apple cider vinegar bottle with just a little vinegar left in it, so I tipped the bottle and drank it while I was making my concoctions and then used this for the conditioner.

Maybe the tingly feeling is from the fermentation process.  It must be because of the flax seed powder I ground up.  Or the cloves?

So I was aiming for a lily scent and I ended up with beer & cider.

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