Monday, July 16, 2012

U.S. Officials Responsible For Authorizing Illegal Implants: 1995

Now that I am positive implants were put in my body in 1995, I looked up who was in charge at that time. 

CIA:  John Deutch (Russian Jew).  He was in office from 1995-1996.
Deutch worked for MIT (still does) as a research scientist, and for the Department of Energy.

Department of Defense (Secretary):  William Perry.  1994-1997 (He lives in CA and serves on the Board of Atomic Scientists, and Los Alamos National Security.  His career was in electronics technology).  Religion unknown (Catholic?)

NSA:  Mike McConnell:  1992-1996 (Navy technology).  Catholic.

FBI:  Louis Joseph Freeh:  1993-2001.  From New Jersey with NY contacts.  Catholic.

I had implants put into my body under electronics techie for the CIA "Deutch", and then I was forced to work for the Italian-Catholic Del Balzos who worked in the same industry as Deutch and McConnell, and who were also working with Freeh.  Freeh is from New Jersey and I pissed the Thebaults off.  They lived in New Jersey and had powerful connections--in fact, Freeh even went to the same college one of their lifeguards went to--Rutgers.  Ken went to Rutgers.  In fact, Ken went to Rutgers about the same time that Freeh went to Rutgers.  Ken was one of the lifeguards who took me out a few times.  Kevin, the other Thebault lifeguard, lived in Jersey City, where Freeh grew up and was raised.  Same age.  I always wondered why people over there, at Kevin's BBQ, looked at me so strange, when I went to visit in Jersey City.   I babysat Philip Louis Thebault, for the Thebaults, in New Jersey, and then right after this, Louis Freeh from New Jersey, who knows their lifeguards, takes the position of Director of the FBI.  (you notice how helpful the FBI has been for me).  Freeh lived in Jersey City but he went to school in New York, so he has New York contacts.  I looked at his photo, for the wiki page, and I have seen him face to face.  I have seen Freeh before.  He took his job the exact same time that Lisa Thebault began pushing me out when I asked to be compensated for the additional hours I was working.  They were leaving for a vacation in September and I was going to go prior to September and then they cancelled me from the trip.  He's a handsome man isn't he?  Which goes to show that even Lucifer was disguised as an angel of light.  Louis Freeh started up 2 law firms, one in Europe, and one with the Sullivans, who are connected to the same Sullivan that now presides over the OIG.  Stephanie Sullivan, who was with CIA and is now OIG.  Freeh became an Italian citizen in 2009.

I left the Thebault household in October of 1993.  By 1995, I was being "fitted" with implants to ruin my life.  The FBI has always known and Freeh had a conflict of interest all along.  It was not a small conflict of interest. 

Oh, and by the way, I think the man who was always watching me who was friends with Mike Nichols, in 1995, was Jewish.  I had thought he was Jesuit, but I think he was Jewish because I remember saying something about "Jewish" to him, and he got mad.  It was one or the other, but in 1995, I am sure I didn't have any reason to say something about Jesuit unless I thought he knew Erik Lund (who went to a Jesuit school), but if he was Jewish, I might have asked if I thought he looked Jewish.  I remember he and Mike acted like they hated me and would group together from the electronics store to look over at the music side and glare at me.

After I had implants put into my body, when Janet hated me already and told Robin Bechtold not to talk to me, Robin later came over to visit one time, much later, never during my recovery if I remember correctly but I think it was after I bought my house and he brought his Boston, MA friend Cullin over.  Cullin went to Claremont McKenna but was from Boston, MA and was Irish Catholic.  Whenever it was that Robin looked at the photos of me, after I was injured, I remember how he specifically looked at, and treated one of the photos.  It was after surgery, and I was sitting behind a food tray, unable to eat any of it.  My face was swollen to twice the size, and my hands were cut up.  Half of my hair was gone, because they shaved off exactly half of my hair from my head.  Behind me was a white eraserboard with the words "We Love You Cameo!" and a big perfectly round smiley face.

I remember that Robin stared at that board, and got a hard look on his face and scowled and he gritted his teeth so that I could see his jaw clenching and unclenching.  My parents were in the photo with me.  I noticed at the time, because his reaction was so obvious.  What I get out of it now, in hindsight, is "he knew.  Robin knew what had happened to me at the hospital and he hates my Dad."  Robin has hated my Dad since my Dad kicked him out of the house and told him to scram down the driveway.  His parents attempted to take me from my parents after this, and tried to coax me to live with them.  I refused.  This was probably motive for him to want to rape me later on Thanksgiving, to get to my Dad.  Just like Josh wanted to and said the same thing.  Robin absolutely hated my Dad and he was always trying to score by taking my virginity and he never succeeded with that.  He just raped me later.  The last name Bechtold was originally Bechtel, if I remember correctly.  They changed it at some point, but had a poster with the original name on a poster they framed and said was from their family.  I just remembered this as I was looking up CIA directors and found mention of a company called Bechtel-McCone, from San Fransisco.  According to wiki on "Bechtel",
"Bechtel has long had close ties to the American government."  (this includes CIA and Navy)

My being forced to work for the Del Balzo's after I was implanted, was forced.  My parents acted like they did what they were told to do and that was it.  When I protested in the car, saying I was not going to work for the Del Balzos because they did not even respect me enough to ask me directly, I was told, "Tough.  You're working for them."  I said I'd find a different job and I wasn't allowed to.  Sometimes my mother let people know I could babysit if I wasn't around, but she never took me to an employer to force me to work for them.  When I was looking at nanny jobs in 1993, it was all my idea, not theirs, and then I was the one who made the decisions with what I was offered.  I had tons of calls and I chose the Thebaults because I said, "If I'm going to be a nanny, I may as well be a nanny for a rich family" and my objective was to work for the richest one I could find so my surroundings were nice to look at (so I reasoned).  But when I was taken to the Del Balzos, Carl and Mary didn't look at me and did not ask me if I wanted to work for them.

It was a hand-off by the CIA and FBI.  Those people at the top knew what was going on, and the Del Balzos where the microchip people who were going to watch me for any effects. After awhile, I was taken next door to meet the Jewish woman too, who had brochures from Israel to show me.  Catholic and Russian Jewish intel. 

Chris Rozollo and Kevin Boll (here locally) are part of the Bangor group.  CIA director following Rueben Deutch was William Cohen.  He got into the CIA as director and was Russian-Jewish.  He divorced his wife Diana Dunn in 1987 and married Langhart.  She is a model, from Boston, and part of BET.  They started up the Bangor Rye Bread company.  I tried to look up her communications consulting firm and it's showing up nowhere online, but it's called Langhart Communications.

At the time I had severe telecommunications problems for the first time, a Roman Catholic who is still with NSA was in charge:  Keith Alexander, from Syracuse, NY, taking office in 2005.

Michael Hayden was the other Roman Catholic who turned up, with NSA from 1999-2005, and as Director of National Intelligence from 2005-2006 when Alexander took over for NSA.  Hayden then worked for CIA from 2006-2009.

It's been Russian Jews and fanatic hypocritical Catholics, some of them Catholics on the UK side as well.

William Cohen was another Russian Jew who worked for CIA from 1997-2001, during the time in which I was raped.  Before him, it was Russian Jew Deutch.  They knew Josh Gatov, who raped me in 1998.

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