Monday, July 16, 2012

Louis Freeh Conflict of Interest: FBI

.  The FBI has had a conflict of interest with me since 1993.

Louis Freeh knew The Thebaults and people who knew them, and is connected to the Del Balzos.

Del Balzos and Freeh went to college in New York next to eachother and they are all Italian Catholic.  Freeh is Italian and FBI, Lisa Thebault is 100% Italian and knows all these people, Del Balzo's are Italian and FBI and CIA connected through the electronics and intellectual property-research on human beings groups.

See my last post.

Every CIA and NSA and FBI officer following the next, almost all of them except for maybe 10%, were covering the criminal tracks for eachother.

Princess Diana even knew about what they had done.  She is either dead or in hiding somewhere.  The same year I was having to work for the Del Balzos in a hard collar for my neck, for their kids, while they worked for microchip companies, as I had implants in my body, she was photographed in a "halo" holding larger scale models of landmines that were similiar to what was put inside my body (smaller).  Then she was killed before she was going to go to Cambodia about landmines when there were implants in Cam's body.  (my body).

I worked for people who knew people.  What they didn't want me to know, was what they did to me in 1995 that ruined my life forever.  Look at what they have DONE to my SON.

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