Monday, July 16, 2012

FBI Obstructs My Loans Again (through Dept of Ed)

I am being obstructed from college again, by "contradictory" information  coming from the Department of Education again.

They already consolidated my loans and I was confirmed to be out of default.  It said "default" on my student site, but I got a letter and sent it to the college and then I was in classes. 

The FBI knew I wouldn't go anywhere because I was still trying to appeal for my son.  So now they have trapped me in the U.S. again, as a complete hostage.

After already confirming I am out of default, they withdrew the funding I had through SWOCC, to take the Natural Sciences program there.  It was done in a nasty move at the last minute, after they had already confirmed I was approved.  SWOCC brought up an excuse about financial aid, and default and then they confirmed that was resolved and it was something else.

These people wanted me to call the Department of Ed hotline just to call the Department of Ed and let someone over there have a shot at me.  Tim Dailey or someone in financial aid kept telling me to call them and there was no new information.  So I refused to call, just to get another person on the phone who wanted to make guesses about me, or relay information across the phone for someone else to pick up.  I am tired of being the "secret surveillance" guinea pig for other people.  So finally she confirmed that yes I was not in default and it was corrected.  Instead, she told me I had "too many credits".  So it was another excuse, even though students have a right to change their major and do so all the time and are eligible for funding.

Now, it's another matter.  Next, I was applying to another college, and they said my financial aid was fine and then at the last minute, after telling me it was fine, they came back to me with how they have the Department of Ed (federal government) telling them I am in default again.

I'm not in default again because no new occasion has come up to allow for that.  I am not in default from leaving EOU (which was only a month ago) and I'm not in default for any other reason.  But they deliberately delayed everything, saying I am in default.  I sent them over 17 pages of copy and paste of my FAFSA showing I'm not in default.  The only thing that was weird was that it said I had used up 333% of my Pell Grant money.

There is no such thing as having used 333% of Pell Grants.  That is what they sent me from the U.S. federal site.  However, there is no default anywhere.  Basically, it's another stall tactic.

The U.S. ruined my GPA with EOU.  It was done deliberately.

And look at how much room these people have to commit additional crimes--I get ONE implant out of my body, and they're in huge trouble.  It would be a lawsuit worth billions of dollars, to me, my son, and potentially other family members.  Even for just me and my son, proving these horrendous things have been done to me with government cover, in my own country, is enough to send a lot of people to jail, and for billions in compensation to me and Oliver.

So as you can see, I'm trapped here to be a U.S. hostage.

I have been forced to work for U.S. employees, sometimes, completely forced, to work for those who use me, and degrade me and know what has been done to me, since 1995.

There is a history of government abuses against my family on both sides.  On the Davis-Garrett side, it goes back to the 1940s or earlier.  It goes at least as far as my grandparents.  On the Breigenzer-Baird side, it goes back as far.