Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Parent's Guesses

My Dad did some more sophisticated things but it's harder to pick up on sometimes.  When my Dad foresees something, sometimes it's far off in time, days ahead, or probably further.  The first time I ever knew something was different with him, was in 2010 or 2011 when I was still in Wenatchee.  I was on the phone and he described exactly a truck that came around the corner, name, type, and it freaked me out.  It was probably the only time I can remember feeling "scared".  Literally, fear.  Maybe it's how the Bible says when people saw angels and they were afraid, and they always said, fear not.

Since I went my entire childhood and adult life having no idea whatsoever, this really freaked me out.  Then I didn't know until I was back here that both sets of twins are gifted (my Mom and Dad are twin-sets).  When I wrote about twins being used for special research too, I never had my parents in mind.  I discovered it later. 

If you wonder why we are tortured, I believe it is because of fear.  If I was afraid of my own Dad and what happened, and I am his daughter, imagine how someone or a group of people feel who want to take advantage or ascend to certain positions.  If I had fear, their fear is 10x worse.  I think some nice hispanic people that my Dad worked with knew a long time ago maybe, or knew just a small bit, because my Dad told me when he worked at Burger King they were shocked he knew nationality of people before they were on camera or at the window.  However, I can do this sometimes too, and it's just by my picking up on natural give-aways.

Definitely, fearing my parents has been why this country and corrupt groups want to control them.

I think I'm much more intuitive than some, and living with them, I should have noticed something, but no, never, not until 2010 and then it was one time and I thought there was a hidden camera somewhere relaying this to my Dad and maybe someone was forcing my Dad to watch it and then spook me.  There has been so much crime, why not.  So I didn't know until 2011 when I got back to Oregon.

That means I went 36 years not knowing.  The only thing I ever noticed, was that they seemed to be so much smarter than their jobs gave away, or something was different about them, and they were able to learn and pick up things fast.  I figured it was just because they were geniuses, and had been ranked that way as kids.  I didn't think it had anything to do with an extraordinary gift at all.

My Dad has done a lot of things recently but I noticed a couple of things about color from my mom.  I was outside the day before yesterday and after sitting on the porch, I stood up and smelled just the lavendar rose (it has the strongest scent) and then I walked off the porch and my mother had put a lavendar petal from another flower on the ground and I saw it as I walked by.  It was out of the way, so she did it knowing.  Then yesterday she clipped the dog and then had the scissors out of the way but where I could see them and they were green and I had worn green.  Just little things, but there are bigger things too.

I woke up this morning because of being tortured.

The U.S. put implants into my body to control me.  They wanted to control me and keep tabs on where I went, what I did and said, because they were using my parents in forced labor and research for them.  Then they forced me to work for employees I didn't want to work for as well, so they could monitor me and see how I reacted to pain and harm they triggered against me by accessing or using these implants.  Once I was out of the employment with Del Balzos, they had Billy, who was Marines, sent to work at CTR where I worked and then increased torture and had him and/or someone else reporting back what the effects were.

After they knew they could do certain things to me, they used this torture to control me and to incapacitate me.

Like I said, I found out I wasn't having migraines triggered by my periods or a cycle at all--it was military and they were only using a cycle to mask the real cause.  The military didn't know when I had my periods, neither did the CIA, or anyone else.  So when I started lying, they went with what they heard, and exposed themselves.

I exposed this in 2005.  I found out, and I blogged about it.  I knew I was being targeted but still hadn't figured out I had implants in my body that was making this accessible.  I was then brutally tortured with my son and he was kidnapped from me in a forced kidnapping staged by corrupt Canadians and the U.S., who knew we were tortured and put me on false arrest when I was asking for political asylum.

Torture is a good enough reason for political asylum, right?  Torture of myself and a baby?

How many years of my life are wasted and lost forever because of Carl and Mary Del Balzo.  Not just them, others who work for the U.S. and who colluded to keep implants and torture a secret.

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