Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Copy of Email to Physicians For Human Rights

(This is a copy of an email I sent to PHR at about 11:30 p.m., in 2 parts)

I wrote to your group several times, most of the correspondence in 2009-2010. I requested an evaluation of torture and your doctors told me you don't do this for U.S. citizens, even though you were featuring U.S. kids on your site that you were helping.

I have implants in my body from an unethical surgery done in 1995. I had made enemies in the U.S. and was reporting a prominent family to the IRS that I had worked for as a nanny. The family is Lisa and Brian Thebault (NJ). Their friend was Louis Freeh, director of the FBI (NJ). My report and my personal check that was mailed to the IRS disappeared.

I was then in a car accident after the driving hijacked my car, refusing to stop as I begged him to do so, for over 30 minutes. I prayed with my other friend who was in the car and then when I said I was taking my seatbelt off to get something, he rolled the car, believing I was unbelted. His parents are both Canadian and U.S. His name was Mike Nichols and it is possible his adoptive parents are Canadian diplomats--his U.S. family was FBI connected.

I was taken to a hospital and surgery was done for my neck and while I waited, I felt my entire face, throat, chin, and body, to know what my injuries were. After the surgery, I discovered 2 additional incisions had been made that were in places where I had no injury or cut, and which had nothing to do with the neck incision.

After this surgery, I was forced to work for employees who worked at a microchip company, and who specialized in "top secret" (they said) programs involving "intellectual property". I said I didn't want to work for them and I was forced to work for them anyway. Their names are Carl and Mary Del Balzo. This was in 1995-1996.

While in their employ, I was experimented on and then they were reported the effects to some other group. When I quit working for them, and took another job, then a different U.S. military employee worked next to me and the experimentation progressed and was disabling. I was being targeted to have sudden onset migraine that incapacitated me for days. They were triggered to occur at specific times. Then later, when I discovered migraines were being triggered on specific court dates, forcing me out of court, I suspected something wasn't normal.

The excuse had been given that my migraines were connected to my periods. So court hearings were being scheduled to occur on the dates I was telling my friend (who was connected to Dept. of Justice bc her father was a prosecuting federal attorney)I had my period. Either the implants are electronic surveillance and allow me to be tracked, and/or she gave the information to others.

I realized I was losing my cases because of migraines that were suddenly being triggered on court days, and then Judges were refusing to give me a medical abatement (extension of time). I felt my migraines were being triggered on purpose by unnatural means so I tested this theory.

I began to lie about when I had my periods. I included small bits of information to make it sound as though my period had slowly shifted from one week in the month to a totally different week, 2 weeks apart from actual date.

When I was then saying "I can't go out, I started my period today and have cramps" and included information like this, all of a sudden, the migraines were triggered to occur on the false period days. Additionally, the lawyers and Judges moved the court hearings to the new "period timeframe" and then I was tortured with migraine.

This is illegal obstruction of justice. Not only that, it was done by torture.
After I figured this out, not knowing I had implants in my body or ever imagining this possibility, I said something about what I had discovered. From there, my freedom of travel was cut off and I was blocked from leaving the country or traveling where I wanted to, for over 7 years. It has been since 2005 and now it is 2012.

During this time, I have been falsely arrested a number of times, defamed, thrown into a psych ward and assaulted (and then discovered FBI had ordered this), and been denied processing of my passport.

Additionally, my ability to have housing was removed, and I was forced to live with military-connected people. My son was taken from me after we fled while being tortured in horrific conditions and I applied for political asylum in Canada. They refused to allow me to continue the asylum process with my son and colluded to send me back to the U.S., knowing my son and I were in danger.

In 2011, the U.S. began targeting me by specific torture to the actual implants. I found that if I pressed on small devices I could feel inside of my body (neck, under chin, and ear), the torture quit or was reduced. These are not irregular pieces of scar tissue or cysts. They are the size of bee-bee pellets and are in locations where I had incisions that were suspicious. I also have something inside of one ear that has a magnetic pull. The other ear is fine. My left ear has something magnetic in it because when I put a thin metal wire (bobby pin) inside, it is drawn upwards and sticks to the top of my ear as metal would do with a magnet.

I also had one tooth filling done in 2006, by a U.S. Army (or other military) dentist and then my dental records were disappearing. I have never seen them because they were refused me by that clinic and when I had full x-rays done at the next place, they disappeared and the dentist said he didn't know what happened to them. Beginning in 2011, I was tortured with something that actually moves, and radiates in some way, through the filling in the tooth. They didn't close the gap on the filling and you can feel the energy coming from it when it is somehow activated. It's not a cavity (yes, I have a couple of actual cavities, but this is not cavity pain).

I have scars where the incisions were made to include implants in my body. I showed my mother recently and she was shocked, and anyone could see them.

Since your offices told me you refuse to help me because I am a U.S. citizen, I would then like to know what international doctors would be able to help a citizen that is being refused any assistance from the U.S. MA and D.C. offices.

I need to have a surgery to have implants removed that were put in my body without my consent and have been used to torture me with.

The lawsuit potential for this is in the billions of dollars range, and I believe money has factored into the vast conspiracy to conceal the crimes that have been done to me and my son.

Is there a U.S. doctor that removed implants from torture victims? or, since you've claimed you don't care if U.S. citizens are tortured, is there an international physician who is willing to remove these implants and take a portion of my lawsuit proceeds when I win a case against The United States?

Cameo L. Garrett


  1. Brian Thebault Family Foundation Inc


    Their son Phillip http://brownbears.com/sports/m-lacros/mtt/thebault_phillip00.html
    Phillip graduated from Delbarton which is an all-boys Roman Catholic school.

    There have recently been some lawsuits against Delbarton for child sexual abuse perpetrated by monks and Fathers.

    Delbarton monk accused of sexual abuse in newest allegations, http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2012/06/delbarton_monk_accused_of_sexu.html
    <-- In the statement, parts of which were reviewed by The Star-Ledger, the accuser describes a playbook of "befriend, intoxicate, abuse, treat and repeat" among monks at Delbarton School, where vulnerable teenage boys were called "cuties" and puppies" by monks.

  2. and Christie Thebault graduated from Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, a Catholic school.
