Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lawyer Needed for Billions of Dollars Lawsuit

I need a lawyer.

The law firm that takes my case stands to make billions of dollars.

All I have to have, is even just 1 implant removed from my body for evidence, and the case is won.

The defendants have deep pockets and will be forced to pay billions whether they go to trial or decide to settle.  The defendants are all U.S. state-connected employees.

I can prove torture to me and my son. 


  1. Billions. Why not trillions? Or bazillions? You have no case. You are re-living an episode from the X-Files. Have you tried to contact Fox Mulder or Scully? Maybe Deep Throat is already on the case. Alien implants? What's next Cameo?

  2. Get a grip on your own EZchair because I worked for people that you could not imagine working for.

    I worked for a family that was personal friends with a man who then became director of the entire FBI, Louis Freeh. I was a nanny in 1993 for them and worked there on the Mantoloking Beach with a ton of politicians and high profile "socialites".

    Is that alien to you? I guess it is.

    What happened later was retaliation and concern that I might have been a spy (I guess) and the idea to track and follow me, and torture me as well. All of the above occured.

    My case is worth billions. If they hadn't used implants, I would have nothing, but they did.

    I can then correlate all the things that have been done to me, and use this is fundamental evidence of state-sponsored torture and I can even point to the times it was done.

    Not only that, I was then forced by the FBI and other agencies to work for people I didn't want to work for, or be without any work at all--I have been a government slave.

    So what is "next", is that after the implant is out, even just 1 of them, I sue for damages. Then, I take my son back. That is what's next.

  3. Cameo,
    I can assure you that no one that you worked for remembers you. You are not special.

  4. to "I can assure you"...

    au contraire my dear.

    they all remember me which is why they wanted others to steal my personal photos and papers.

    thank you for sharing your belief that I am not special. should you want to dabble in being "different" you could take a finger to St. James School in Maryland.
