Friday, July 13, 2012

CIA Ear Implants Since 1974

I was wondering why I had this impression or idea of having a thin wire going into one of my ears when I was a kid so I looked up information.  So far, it says the CIA started this kind of research in 1974 and began implementing this with human subjects a few years later.  Maybe something was done to me at the psych ward and there is nothing to do with my childhood.  What I had come to mind, was being told to be very still, and being conscious, and then having something inserted into my ear, with my age between 2-5 years old. It came to me with a man doing this.   I can't imagine something being done like that while being'd think you'd be sedated, but who knows. I think that it is likely that I could have had something implanted at the psych ward when I was blacked out--I don't even remember one single thing that happened after they injected me and then I fell down on my knees and prayed.  I didn't think about it, it was automatic, and then I sort of remember standing up and being led out the door, and that's the last thing I remember.

I also think that since 2 incisions were made at Utah, I know there is something different with that and I can feel these objects.  I also know some kind of unusual metal or something else was put inside one of my teeth and then my dental records kept disappearing, and then it's possible that in 1988 when I had my arm surgery was an opportunity for something but I don't know what.  Some of these things were obviously intended to be "latent" and have no symptoms  and then to allow someone to detonate them and use them against me at a later date. 

At least we know it's possible and has been done in this country.  Read below:

"Dr. Delgado conducted experiments in the early 1960s that placed an electrode on the eardrum (middle ear) of a cat. The device picked-up people’s conversations and transmitted them to a receiver for listening. According to Victor Marchetti, co-author of The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (1974), the CIA attached a tiny radio implant to a cat’s cochlea (inner ear) for surveillance purposes.
A few years after Delgado’s implanted “bug” experiments, Dr. Ralph Schwitzgebel developed a miniature radio receiver so that a therapist could communicate with his subject.

Very small combination microphone-transceiver-speakers are implanted in unsuspecting people’s ears. The instruments transmit nearby conversations and deliver audio commands to individuals that are usually unaware of the voices."

Here is an explanation of why the CIA does terrible things to children and why The Presidents and FBI protect them--it's because if you are not CIA, you are "the public" and are considered to be an outsider, and the enemy.  The public is the enemy.  What follows was obtained from a wiki page on Victor Marchetti.  Maybe that man, Josh Powell, used a machete on his kids or someone did, to symbolize what the U.S. is doing to children and families:

The real reason for the official secrecy, in most instances, is not to keep the opposition (the CIA's euphemistic term for the enemy) from knowing what is going on; the enemy usually does know. The basic reason for governmental secrecy is to keep you, the American public, from knowing – for you, too, are considered the opposition, or enemy – so that you cannot interfere. When the public does not know what the government or the CIA is doing, it cannot voice its approval or disapproval of their actions. In fact, they can even lie to your about what they are doing or have done, and you will not know it. As for the second advantage, despite frequent suggestion that the CIA is a rogue elephant, the truth is that the agency functions at the direction of and in response to the office of the president. All of its major clandestine operations are carried out with the direct approval of or on direct orders from the White House. The CIA is a secret tool of the president – every president. And every president since Truman has lied to the American people in order to protect the agency. When lies have failed, it has been the duty of the CIA to take the blame for the president, thus protecting him. This is known in the business as "plausible denial." The CIA, functioning as a secret instrument of the U.S. government and the presidency, has long misused and abused history and continues to do so.
Victor Marchetti, Propaganda and Disinformation: How the CIA Manufactures History[6]


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