Friday, July 13, 2012

Medical: Catherine Herridge & J.D. Hayes

I thought today that maybe I had an impression that came to me while watching Fox News this morning.  It was on the Iranian developments and there were a couple of different women, but probably I noticed nothing.  I saw Catherine Herridge and wondered if she had something going on brain-wise.  But maybe not.  It was first impression, some sort of scattered objects in her brain possibly, very tiny.  Then I closed my eyes to ask and saw something with her stomach and sort of doubling over from a pain in her stomach.  But who knows.  So I looked her up and it says she donated part of her liver to her son, so she did have a stomach surgery.  I found nothing about anything to do with her brain. 

I discovered her husband's name is J.D. Hayes.  And she is from London, though I don't know where her husband is from.  From what came up in searches, he is in Washington D.C. and works in computer technology.  There is mention of a J.D. Hayes that does research for the Microelectron division of IBM, and there is one that is part of "Technology Ventures", with one of the businesses sounding IT and another as part of a large steel company that is international.

(as soon as I included information about Hayes, I was then being tortured to my ear and also then added to my tooth, so who knows if Hayes is connected to the British Hayes over here or if it's to Kate Middleton's roommate, or he's not connected at all.)

My employers Carl and Mary DelBalzo were IBM-Intel employed but they are the only people I know who worked for IBM or Intel.

Also, the other day I started scanning for someone, looking at the body in the minds eye and then I got interrupted so I quit.  I tried to finish or resume and see if I could see anything and saw a thin stomach tube going into his belly button but I am sure it's my imagination.  It was for a man.  Not sure why a man might have a feeding tube for his stomach when he's younger or if it was a procedure of some kind.


  1. Miss Garrett,

    You have cavities! Go see a dentist right now!

    If your ears hurt, you probably have TMJ syndrome.

    Please stop being ridiculous. There is no way you can genuinely believe all of this CIA/torture/military crap. It's just unbelievable!!

  2. Dear Rack City,

    Thank you for your concern.

    If you can't believe it, find a screw on the side of your halo and make an adjustment. Or maybe you have never worn a halo before.

    Please see my post about being forced to work for microchip employees after having 2 incisions made in my body in 1995 that had nothing to do with a surgical repair.
