Friday, July 13, 2012

Magnetic Pull In My Ear (confirms implanted device)

I've had someone turning on and off this thing in my left ear all day again today.

It's definitely an implant.

This is CRAZY.  Someone literally planted some kind of metal device in my ear.

I don't know why there is a slight magnetic pull to it, but it's definitely an implant.  The other ear has zero magnetic pull or attraction to metal.

I found out last night but wanted to wait until I checked again today.  I discovered it by using a metal bobby pin.  What kind of metal this bobby pin is made of, it's being pulled to stick to certain parts of my ear and then it stays there, not falling like it does on the other side, from gravity.

My ear is also differently shaped slightly, like something is obstructing it a little but maybe it's just swollen because of the last full month of torture I've had using this specific implant in my ear.

I guess they're done with me.

I mean, first they used this stuff to track me and maybe thought they'd put me with someone or a group to spy on for them (without my even knowing) or that they'd just monitor me to make sure I never knew who my parents or others worked for.

When I was first tortured with my son Oliver, they were using this stuff to track me and find me and then they were targeting me long-range, to have migraines, and other repeated assaults.  After that, it stopped for a very short time, and then I believe they used all of this to torture me and my son by, for whatever they couldn't do locally.  That was microwaves, MRI, all kinds of horrible, excruciating pain for months. 

No one targeted me directly to specific body parts until later.  They used torture and energy directed weapons that affected my entire body, not just specific parts.

And then beginning with my departure from Tennessee, after I arrived in Oregon, it was specific targeting of my neck, to the implants around my neck, and to the metal in that one tooth where my dental records have never been viewed by me.  After this, 1 month ago, after I turned down Oregon HealthPlan, it was my ear--they began using my ear implant to torture me with.

I first knew there were implants in my neck because of being able to push on the little knobs and how it seemed to "turn off electricity" or an extremely painful energy flow.  This, combined with remembering the 2 odd incisions, is what had me wondering, but when someone in D.C. first suggested such a thing I thought HE was crazy.  I thought, "Yeah right.  This guy is trying to make me think I have implants in my body as if I believe in space aliens too."  Then I realized it had to be true.  The pain in my one tooth was like someone turned on a small radiative energy chip that then radiated through my jaw.  I remembered the weird process with the U.S. Army dentist and then how my dental records kept disappearing so I never had them.

Then, I found out about the ear implant, because I am going deaf in that ear, after 1 month of being tortured by the U.S. Government.  How do my parents not know about these things?  No one bothered to tell me they work for or are forced to work for the U.S.

I mean, did they know about it, and go along with it, being told to or who knows, and then the government used this for the blackmail?  "We'll tell her that you knew and consented to it."  So then when they want to torture all of us, they use this for their leverage?  I have no idea.  I know that I have never consented to anything against my son while sober, undrugged, and rational, and that I have spoken up for him about everything.

So this country began torturing me next in my left ear, to the point that I have lost some of my normal hearing and my ear inside is extremely tender and sore and inflamed.  The other ear is 100% fine.  I guess this country figures they can torture me to my ear because no one will ever be able to see the damage.

This is why I then tried a couple of things but then had these bobby pins, which I think are just plain metal, and you know how paperclips attract to a paperclip magnet?  That's what this bobby pin is doing inside of that one ear.

So um, it's not just "pain", it's a magnetic pull.  I can't remember what it is that creates a magnet pull.  Like, if pins or clips are metal, what has to be inside of the magnet thing that attracts them?  And why a magnetic type of device?  why not some non-magnetic thing?

Do you have to have something magnetic for specific kinds of implants?

At any rate, the inside of my ear is totally swollen and hurts.  I haven't been probing around so that it hurts, I have energy directed torture to my ear.  And the craziest part is that it's inside of my ear some of this. 

If they put a chip in my ear, and chips inside of my jaw and neck, and in one tooth filling, then I might have chips where my head injury is as well.  I have no idea. 

U.S. Military has done this to me.  The man who did my dental implant is U.S. Army.  The doctor who felt around my jaw for an abnormally long time was Dr. Butler and he is a federal doctor whose father is on the Board at the University of Washington, where they are experimenting on humans.  The doctors who did my surgery at the Salt Lake City University Hospital can't be found because U.S. and Canadian government employees stole my medical records knowing the rest was expunged or whatever.  The only way to find out who was there now, is to find out who was working on that day, according to the Hospital records.  You know what?  NO WONDER these medical professionals didn't want to pray before my surgery.  "Will you pray for me?" or with me, I said, and they said no.  So I said I would and one shed a tear, and then I get jacked up with government implants.

What a prayer party.

Then I had surgery for the miscarriage and no one is giving me those records.  The U.S. government aborted my unborn baby.  They murdered him.  They're the ones who knew how to track me and then torture us and then jam machines and cause his death.  U.S. military again.

I probably should be checked over for implants from any incision that was ever made in my body.  I have been unconscious too many times and too many times this country has used this as an opportunity to torture me.

They try to FORCE me to marry people!  They put all of this stuff in my body, torture me and steal my child, and then torture him, and then they want to USE me again, as an unwitting data collector and spy against people.  The police and FBI and Department of Justice were PISSED that I didn't do it.  The CIA is never going to let it go, and if Mossad is involved, same thing.  They will never let it go. 

They used me as a kid, used me as a teen, tracked me and put implants in my body and all the while knowing one day they could set everything off and destroy me.  They tortured me to make it impossible for me to appeal to get my son back.  They used Judges and allowed and encouraged them to break the law and obstruct justice, only for purposes of keeping my son as a government property hostage with a family that will do what they want.

It sounds like a whirring running of a machine.  It is 100% implant.  They turn it on or start torturing me, and then I can hear a machine sound inside of my ear.  You can't hear it at all unless you have something else that's metal influencing the sound wave or something, because then you can hear it.  It was extremely bad in the worst torture the other day, to the point that a part of my ear was MOVING.
(do you see why the U.S. Military and CIA wanted Fowler over here?  He's one of them.)

Just now, I have my teeth and jaw hurting along with my ear, and I lightly angled the metal bobby pin a certain way and you could hear a sound that bascially sounded like a military telegraph machine.  The beats are maybe like 17-19 of them within 1 second.  I thought it was 5 per second but I just listened now and then figured it out and it's more like, oh wait, I was doing that for a 5 second count.  Okay, in a 5 second timeframe, it's about 18-19 beats and it's whirring and sounds exactly like a WWII telegraphing machine.  It sounds like something that picks up information is what it sounds like. (by the way, I've never heard voices or anything. Ever.  There is some kind of a machine sound though, in my ear, which I will explain)

The other ear, I can do the exact same thing and no result.  No sound, just the pulse of my heart as the only noise.  On my left ear, with the implant, I can't hear anything until I angle something metal and have it against something lightly and then you can hear what sounds like a machine running.

I'm trying to find something like it.  Here's a first part of how it sounds, without the taps.  The morse that this guy taps into it isn't what I hear, but you hear that "running machine" sound, that's it, and then there are little beats with high and low pitch that run through it.  The pitch is high E, if you check it on a piano, and the whirring sounds like this machine.

This one is from Germany, and this is the speed of the beats.  It sounds like a cross between the whirring machine sound from the old telegraph and this beat or clicks:

It's the first one.  That's how fast the clicks are and then it's mixed into a machine running whirring sound.  The next one is not it at all, it's too slow.  It's the first one.  So basically, there is an implant in my ear that whirrs to the pitch of high E and has about 205 beats per minute.  And it gets louder when it's turned on more and I'm being tortured worse.


I am not kidding.  The U.S. Military and doctors put all these implants in my body, and then they torture me with them?  and my son?  So who is being tortured in Phoenix, AZ right now? because is it strange that this woman gets a "man on the line" to then have him repeat what kind of literature I study?  and why should she want to say "RUSSIAN LITERATURE??  RIGHT??!"  Then she's saying she was just getting a man on email.  If it was email why say line.  And then neither of them sent me an email, so it had nothing to do with that.  I feel like I'm calling University of Phoenix half the time and getting transfered to the Phoenix CIA.

What does this country do?  torture me and my son for over 7 years, to get revenge over some idea that someone who loves me was a spy?  Why else torture us?  They just put all these implants in my body, on U.S. soil, and then want to pretend like they're the "good guys".

Is the FBI "good"?

They have tortured my son.  They tortured all of us, and tried to force me to give them my eggs so they could have mini-me's of ME. 

I don't know if this is a radio transmitter device, to pick up conversations, or a sonar kind of device, or what.  There is a magnetic pull to it.

So I don't know what they put in my ear, but it's an implant and I am in severe pain almost every day and night from it.  First I wasn't able to sleep for almost 2 weeks, since the 25th of June.  Then they quit doing this to me all night and let me sleep a few hours and then every single morning, they wake me up by increasing the level of torture so I am forced awake.

I had added a clip here and then deleted it but it is what is in the background on this implant in my ear, and it was from a program that play Navy sonar files.  I can't find it now, but the username of the poster was something like McEtnie or something.  The background part of the sonar was almost identical.  Here it is:

At about 39, into this tape, you hear the background changes and sound like a telegraph or something recording? then it stops, then it starts again.  She opens something that pops, when it is around this part.  This is how that machine running sounds like a telegraph, but then it's about that level of noise, and then higher pitch at about E on a keyboard, and then the beats are about as fast as 200 per minute.


  1. Cameo- maybe you have TMJ syndrome which causes ear pain.
    If you have TMJ syndrome, you should get a night guard from a dentist (or even from some place like Safeway)
    -put ice on your ears/jaw
    -take aspirin
    -go to physical therapy for TMJ

    You should also go to a dentist to have them fill your cavities.

    Do you have a primary care physician?

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    TMJ has nothing to do with implants. Someone can have TMJ now and then and still have implants in their body which causes pain that has nothing to do with TMJ and pain factors that are in no way related to normal dental problems.

    Please read my posts about how I was forced to work for Intel microchip employees who worked on top secret "intellectual property" projects, following 2 incisions made to my body in 1995 that had nothing to do with any cuts or injuries.

    I had implants placed in my body at that time. They are still there and first they were used to track me, for purposes of targeting me, and then later, they were actually being activated inside of my body to cause specific pain at these points.

    I have suffered extreme ongoing pain and torture since 1995. I have a scar under my chin to prove it, and there was no cut or injury there after my collision. They made an incision there to implant, and also one by my ear and I don't know what may have happened to my head.

    I cannot feel anything in my head, I know I've been targeted with migraine though.

    The places where I identify implants is as I described above. And what does TMJ have to do with a magnetic pull? TMJ has nothing to do with affecting whether metal is attracted to a part of your ear and sticks there, like sticking to a magnet.

    TMJ? howso? it has nothing to do with that.

    I will never go to a doctor in this country again if I can avoid it. This country has held me hostage here to prevent this very thing--my ability to be evaluated in another country.

    Going to France or someplace, for analysis of torture, or anywhere that someone could bring up and mention implants in my body, scared the crap out the criminals here.
