Friday, July 13, 2012

I Have To Leave This Country

There is no way any doctor is going to evaluate me for these implants and do surgery to take them out.

I just spent an hour crying about how this government took my son, knowing all along that I was innocent of "mental illness".

They used "mental illness" as their entire defense.  They turned it into a crime and a way of forcing me into slavery in this country.

They have known too, and blocked me from leaving.  This country has held me hostage because they didn't want anyone else to have a chance to find out I was telling the truth.


  1. If you have a passport, you can leave this country.

    The only reason you can't travel is because you have no money. You have no money because you are unemployed and have been unemployed for 20000 years.

    If you're not mentally ill....Get. A. Job. and then you can go wherever you want to go.

  2. You are wrong.

    My passport was withheld from me when I had money.

    It was given to me only when I was blocked out of having any money and the FBI forced my parents and told them not to give me anything, not even $5. This happened after I refused to be a guinea pig and work for the police and FBI after they have tortured me and mutilated my son Oliver.

    I went to college recently only when the FBI felt sure I would not leave because I had filed for appeal for my son and for habeas corpus. They knew lawsuits would tie me down to this country, and that I wouldn't leave, so I didn't have obstruction for one term.

    During this term, they ruined my GPA and interferred with my computer online work to cause problems and harassed me with someone they know at EOU. Then they gave hidden warnings to colleges claiming I was in default and not to give me loans or money for college again.

    They did this, when they knew I was not in a lawsuit and would possibly leave the country at least for a week or short time, to be evaluated for torture and get help for my family.

    The FBI used Judges and colluded to obstruct me from traveling, knowing it would lock me out of college (my income) and lawsuits that protected my reputation. After this, they tortured me to levels they felt certain would create a suicide attempt or would kill me.

    This is after they tried to kill me through various "accidents" first.

    I am blacklisted and cannot get a job in this country.

  3. You can't get a job because you are insane. Your prior posts about employers amply demonstrate that. Employers google prospective job applicants and if they google you they will find this blog. And the blog simply shows that you are crazy and unfit for work. Sorry to be so blunt but someone needs to tell you how it is.

  4. Hi,

    You're wrong again. I am not insane and not even mentally ill. A little PTSD? yes. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with me.

    I have implants in my body and I've been tortured since 1995. I am not 100% positive, but pretty sure that the man who hijacked my car and rolled it when I said my seatbeat off, was raised by FBI employees. His adoptive parents were the Nicholls family. His real parents, he said, were in Canada (biological). I had a woman approach me and want to meet me and talk to me that had blond hair like he does and maybe she was just curious, but she wanted to meet me the way a biological mother would want to meet someone their son knew. She showed up at the embassy of Canada in D.C. and she was a diplomat.

  5. In addition to having an internationally connected person hijack my car, I worked for high profile people who lived in one of the most affluent areas in the nation--they knew Louis Freeh, who was also from NJ and then became FBI director in 1993. When I tried to report my share of income, my check disappeared. When this happened, I then reported what had happened with another houseworker because I felt bad for her and I also wondered where my check had gone, bc I sent it directly to the IRS.

    The IRS "hid" it for the Thebaults. That was in 1994. Then when this Canadian contact rolled my car after hijacking my car, I had implants put into my body. Right after this, I was forced to work for U.S. govt. people. I was still in a hard collar for the injury and told my mother, "They didn't even ASK ME! I am NOT going to work for them when they wouldn't even look me in the eye and they basically just told you when I would start work for them." When I insisted I was not going to work for them and would find some other job, I was told it wasn't an option--I was working for the Del Balzos.

    The Del Balzos worked at a microchip company and she worked in "top secret intellectual property". This is what she divulged but I never would have thought it had anything to do with electronic implants and the attempt of govt. to use ME as a piece of "intellectual property."

  6. After the Del Balzo's tested the effects of torture on me, at their house, they later took me to see their next-door neighbor: a Russian-Jew.

    No big deal, if the CIA director at the time, or thereabouts, had not been Russian-Jewish.

    I have been held hostage in this country since this time. I went to the Dominican Republic in 1997 with a large church group, and we were not allowed into Haiti. Maybe this is because the Haitians are connected to the French, and the French already knew what was in my body. Why? Because Brian Thebault is French, and his father was a French citizen.

    I want the implants OUT
