Thursday, July 5, 2012

Continued Torture (Severe) NOW

The United States of America is torturing me and my parents still.

It is not even 6.  I've had almost no sleep.  They lowered the level but kept it going all this time, for the last several hours and then cranked it up hard enough that it is impossible to lie still.

Where are Mormon FBI agents?  or Protestants?  Don't they care?  With an election coming up, and for other moral reasons, why are they not exposing this crime?

My Dad stated for the first time that yes he was tortured too a few hours ago. 

We are being tortured without any break and I believe my parents also feel it is an attempt to cause us to kill ourselves and/or to permanently disable us and create suffering.  I saw signs that my parents were about to consider suicide a week ago and the U.S. is still doing this.

Dempsey is 100% guilty.  He has always been part of the problem, and gets the go ahead from Biden.  I can give a full Irish-American trail of terror and torture from the Catholic Irish American side, against my family.

WE CAN'T SLEEP.  THE UNITED STATES is torturing us 24 hours a day to the point that we cannot even sleep. 

I am nauseous this morning and feel like throwing up from the levels of pain and my parents were green yesterday and the day before, from being tortured.

MY PARENTS cannot leave this country.  They are sets of twins and the FBI used this to make me sound nuts the last email I sent, but they know it's true and that's why we are being tortured worse.  My parents are held hostage to remain in this country.  They cannot leave even if they want to.  They have been lying about even being tortured.

I know they showed signs of despair when they were told and realized the FBI was blocking my financial aid for Summer because they knew we were going to be trapped to be severely tortured again.  They knew something bad was going to happen starting in June, because of someone in control, and instead, it's in the end of June and then into July.  Basically whoever was planning bad tghings in June moved it to later when they felt I couldn't leave the country.

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