Thursday, July 5, 2012

Getting OUT Of This God-Damned Country

The CIA are the biggest Department of State fuckers in this country, second only to the FBI.

They have tortured me and are trying to destroy everything about my life.  My mother asked why she didn't hear about torture from me for 2-3 months and I said it was because they had laid off of the torture.  They were still targeting me, even while I was in college, and it affected my classes and studying, but they used other tactics to ruin everything, like creating computer delays every single day which made it impossible for me to do anything in normal time.  They used up 8 hours of my time on things that took 1/2 hour and prevented access to sites I needed to see. 

I told my mother, "They jacked up the torture since I wrote to the FBI on the 25th."  In this email I accused them of setting me up with Alvaro Pardo, the Dept. of State and FBI FUCK that they tried to human traffick me to.  This country used me, to human traffick me for someone they liked.  They hated my guts and all they needed was me to do them a fucking sideways CIA-FBI favor.  

They are torturing me to drive me out of this country and ruin all of my education and career objectives.  I am not staying here at this point, for another round of ongoing torture by this fucking country.

They drove me out financial aid for a normal, good professional career and this fucking government knows I had a good plan for making money.  They don't want me to be successful or make money.  They want to ruin my life, degrade me, downgrade all I've done academically, and mock me.  I fucking HATE this country.  I hope this country gets nuked.  Why should I care if we're nuked if I'm tortured every single day?  It would not be any worse.  Go ahead and fucking nuke me, because the CIA already injected me with foreign substances and experimented with me giving strangers access to me and then using my own PARENTS to experiment on me for them.

I called an online college which the CIA already knew I'd do if they tortured me and blocked me from financial aid.  They already know there is no college I can get into at this point for Summer, so they waited until it was too late for me to get into any normal college and then withdrew funding.

Then they tortured the living daylights out of me night and day, and trapped me here to be tortured for another round.  They already knew that if they did this, I would be desperate enough to sign up for an online college just to have an income.

I'm getting that income, because the only time this fucking country does NOT torture me, is if I have any money to leave with.  They're wimps.  They can't stand the idea of my leaving and ratting them out to people who will find evidence of torture, but worse, they can't stand the idea of my staying here and having a normal life and being successful because THIS GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT.

I'm filing another petition, if not a lawsuit, against the FBI.  They are going to be served and if I can, I'm flying out of here to get another country to document evidence of torture.

This country is a disgusting, SICK, and morally decrepit country.

They sexually abused my son, and covered it up with State officials.  They tortured my son.  They have sponsored Kate FUCKING Middleton and her family, to do favors for the U.S. for decades.  They funnel money to her family in the UK.  And then they torture little boys like Oliver, and use Judges to commit felonies.  And BITCHES like Shannon Borg to steal all of my belongings from me.

I'm suing Borg for stealing my clothing and medical records and private journals and photos and giving them to her Canadian lover to share with the Middletons.

I hope Kate Middleton and her family are in auto-accidents or worse, and die.  If this is half of what I am tortured over, and pushed down over, BY MY OWN COUNTRY since I was a teenager, I hope they get wasted.

I hate them because this country betrays their own citizens to support UK traitors.  They tortured my son Oliver over Kate Middleton and the FBI threw me into a psych ward to further ruin my reputation.  At every single turn they looked for an opportunity to ruin me so they could buffer Middletons and make them look better than they are. 

The movie industry even made a movie, "Spy Games", featuring a woman who resembles Kate Middleton, walking through CIA halls, and then down an escalator at some point with a guy who looks like William from the back, and then a woman that looks like MY MOTHER behind her.  If I ever find out my parents have ever supported those fuckers, that's it.  I don't think they have, and I think they've been tortured over the Middletons, but I think they've had to work with them.

I think the CIA took a contract that was with my parents and gave it to the Middletons.

Whenever I look at who has been trying to bring me down and degrade me, it ends up being, in hindsight, U.S. government workers.  Barbara Greenman and her husband, all the way back in the 90s, and then telling my Mom to cut me off. 
They stopped torturing me while I talked on the phone with someone from an online college, for about 30 minutes and then started torturing me again.  For the last 1/2 hour, since 8 a.m., they increased tortured to metal in my teeth and neck, while I was on the phone with the college.  It started up after I told this guy (who said he was from California) that I couldn't handle his repeated "wows".  He was saying "wow" and adding a "wow" to the end of every single thing I said, like a punctuation mark.  After that I was put on hold a long time and then tortured while I was holding and then some woman from an English Department got on the phone.  She transfered me and they all ask what my goals are and I've told them all the same thing:  Double major in English Lit and Science.  The U.S. is going to stall anything I do and if I have to appeal for science, then I'm taking money for English in the meantime and suing the shit out of the FBI for repeated obstruction of justice.  I'm also getting a medical evaluation and dental evaluation by someone who is NOT in this country.


  1. Yes, Hollywood is definitely involved in the conspiracy. If Hollywood is involved then you definitely should consider leaving the country. But, where? The conspiracy apparently is world wide. Europe is out. All Catholic countries are out, which pretty much knocks out Central and South America. Canada is involved so they are out. Africa? Hmm. That's a possibility.

  2. ...and you can see how well Africa has been doing.

    Have you read about The Illuminati? If not, if you're not already involved, I highly recommend you take a look. It's a real organization and it makes promises to members that it cannot keep, and even uses government officials to do its work.
