Thursday, July 19, 2012

CT Evidence of Implants

I think I have evidence that suggests both implants and that my throat-voice box was damaged, just as I said it was, in Seattle.

The sickest part is that so many medical professionals know.

I am getting Oliver back.

And yes, Princess Diana knew.  I don't know how she knew, or if someone put her up to it, to make it look like she knew, but she knew.

I just found a shot that shows the plate over something else that is radiating or giving off some kind of artifact effect, and it's the same thing I saw in one of the Angola photos.  In one of the rarer ones, a man stands next to her and is putting a rectangular piece of something on top of a landmine. 

Either someone was trying to help me, or they were making fun of what had happened to me.

First, everything I saw was on "auto" but then I found this device that gives different CT views, for "bone", "brain", "lung", "head and neck" ...and they all highlight different things.  Then I found the black and white contrast and I switched it from black to white.  That's when I found some stuff.  I could already see it but it was highlighted differently.

There is no way I'm not getting my son back now.

I've been listening to

This is the version I listened to yesterday and all night:

This one is good too, the 7" original:

If you want to see something interesting, read my post about corruption in U.S. Navy and government, to kill and torture my family, and read about Holloway and Elmo Zumwalt.  Then look up his "kids"...real charmers I'm sure.  They etched 3 lines into a "metal plate" to honor their Dad.  Mouza Zumwalt-Weathers.  Their criminal father.  They've been killing, assaulting, and maiming through connections for decades.  And they've tied in with UK Middletons.


  1. No, you are not getting Oliver back. He is not your son. He is adopted. He is better off without you. Being raised by a paranoid schizophrenic is not healthy for any child.

  2. To No, you are:

    I am not paranoid schitzophrenic and have never been. I also have no normal evaluation to support this idea.

    Thanks for expressing your opinions freely, by taking advantage of "free speech" where I am not torturing you for insulting me. Some U.S. citizens are not as fortunate as you.

    As to getting my son back, his adoption is not valid and that is all that I can comment on at this time.
