Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photos of CT (suggestive of implants) UPDATE

(UPDATED 7/20/2012: I just noticed that the lymph photos I uploaded didn't upload the way they are shown on the CT. My name is covering the lymph so you can't see what appears to be an artifact there (if not swelling from the other tooth artifact). So I will try to find a way to upload them a different way. Also the "L" didn't show up except as a very faint < and it's turned around bc on the original, it is a clear "L" so something happened with the photos ) Before I put up signifiers of implants, I am uploading one, that shows a bad lymph node process, first, and this is on the left side, as you can see the screen indicates, and it is a reflection of the pain and suffering created by an implant in my left jaw which I will point out next I customed designed the contrast.  Hope you like it. Okay, I have someone tampering with the program to block me from uploading this to the public. First it was changing the photo on me even though I had selected the one I wanted, for about a half hour, and then it closed the entire program out so I have to start over. There was no technical reason to block me from exporting an image to a picture folder, as I selected the image I wanted, by marking the box that was then highlighted, and then I exported for an image, to save as in my new folder. Someone does not want the photos up for the world to see. Why? Because I have implants. I know it, I found some ways to show indications, and now I'm being blocked out of putting some of this online.
(Coronal head and neck with standard 340/80 window level) Left is to the right of the screen. So the left side of my jaw, which I talk about, is showing on the right) I'm having to do this the long way, but here's one, showing enlarged lymph node. Which looks like it could be from anything, right? but it's from an implant and I'll show you why it's possible (although MRI might be better)
Here is Coronal using lung view at 660/100. It gives a view of what the inside of the lymph looks like.
This shows the same thing, but you can see position of teeth next to where the lymph in jaw are.
This one shows coronal with lung view in black contrast, to see the lymph different way
This one is same photo with bone view, black contrast. Yet another way to look at things. I don't know a lot about CTs, so I'm learning. But I want to show you something about the tooth filling I've said is not normal. This is the filling where no dentist wanted me to see the records. My dental records kept disappearing and I never got to see them but everyone was taking all these photos. So I had to look at it different ways but then I think I found something that suggests it's not a normal filling.
But first, oh look! it's an "L", right at the top. Taken with chest view at 660/-900. (and I just got tortured by use of military, to the top of my head when I wrote this, right after I wrote it, so they are stalking online and torturing as well. Real brave.) That "L" is significant because there is a spot under my chin that is L shaped and at first I thought it was the hiphoid bone, but I am not so sure. So first to the tooth and then that. Do you know what? I'll bet that "L" showed up on my CT that CPS forced me to have in 2009. You know, the one they wanted before Katie got engaged.
Here is a sagital with bone view at 900/1219 and on the right side of the screen (which is left side of my body), note back molars and then compare with the next one.
So you can see the tiny dot inbetween the molars in the back? That is not anywhere near the fillings on my teeth but that's where it radiates and something gets switched on or activated or something.
So this is isolating the source after looking at a wider picture where the effect scatters everything around (which I'll show you). Here below you can see an outline of it and a small ray of light coming from it. I think I'll skip the other ones where the distortion and effect is more noticeable because I'm not interested in putting a brain scan into the public file. I just wanted to highlight what I've been talking about. And there is much more than that.
So basically, I am a hostage in my own country. It's been since 1995. The dental implant was in 2006, but the other things were done in 1995 and then I was forced to work for a microchip "top secret intellectual lawyers" after the surgery. I will upload more suggestive evidence after I learn more about CTs. Please help me and my son. I need a lawyer, and I need a doctor who will remove the implants. I want compensation for what has been done to me and my son and for the FBI's lies and attempt to obstruct justice and slander me. Injecting me with Haldol??? They and the DOD and CIA have known all along. I don't know if this is a true story or not, but I read about Mogens Tindhof Honore today, a man who says Denmark put implants in his body and he had to have them removed. He said it was done in 1988 and people didn't believe him and he thought at first maybe that was too early to have one, one that is small. But no, the CIA has unclassified material stating they did this since 1974 and they have classified material that goes back farther than that. By 1988, Honore had an implant small than the size of a 1/4 of a contact lens. By 1995, they had even smaller devices. I was literally forced to work for microchip people, the Del Balzos, after I was implanted in 1995. They observed me and later, when I had healed for the most part, when the U.S. started targeting me for torture, they observed my reaction. I want the implants out, I want reasonable compensation for over a decade of lost time and work and college, and for pain and suffering, I want my son returned, I want an apology from the United States, and I want to live a normal life raising my son. There is no reason why I can't do many things and succeed, but it is impossible as long as I have implants in my body and am a victim of state-sanctioned torture and ridicule.


  1. hmmmm if you really are oh so important with everyone watching you as you say then how come "they" didn't stop you from going to the doctor's?? Their secret could be exposed!!!! You would think that the FBI would never allow it. You make no sense

  2. Well, I see you made your comment before I uploaded this last photo.

    "They" did stop me from going to the doctor. I was blocked from a psychological evaluation which I needed to prove my innocence and then the state took up over 1 year to stall and find someone to defame me, in part for the state, in part for the FBI. My son and I were blocked from medical care in the entire state of WA so along with being tortured and stalked, it was a good reason to leave to try to get political asylum.

    When I returned, I was repeatedly prevented from getting a counselor to establish the fact that I was normal. I was jailed on false arrest, to keep me from taking a job in Seattle that would have paid around $300 a day, and greatly increased my independence and ability to pay for an evaluation or a lawyer. The night before I began work, I was falsely arrested for grand auto theft, which smeared me in international and national records. I lost the job because of this.

    One hate crime after another has been dealt to me, with the FBI participating. In addition, I have been at a huge disadvantage because I've been tortured. I have been tracked, surveilled, used, and tortured.

    I was blocked from getting a counselor at federally funded clinics, for all this time.

    The only time the FBI wanted me to go to a counselor was after they'd sent me to a psych ward and my son was out of my hands. So then, all of a sudden, they just want an excuse to smear me.

    Getting state owned health insurance is not going to help me at this point.

    It has been state-paid doctors and dentists who put implants in my body and did this to me. All they would have done is tried to conceal it. I have gone all this time, with them taking records of me for their personal inventory and research, while ruining--destroying my life.

    This country has committed treason against me and my son. Our lives will never be the same because of what this country has allowed.

    I am blocked from college, and last term I was forced to take "F's" that I didn't even deserve. I was harassed needlessly by Colleen Cascio, and got no help from their president when I asked.

    The worst part of this, is how many people have known all along.

    Not only that, I have babysat, almost entirely, the children of parents who work for the government and look at how they repay me and my son?

    They take, and take, and are so greedy, all they ever looked for, was the next way they could squeeze me for something.

    These people are not tortured, and they have known that my son and I were tortured. This is almost impossible to believe, that these people are all this bad and this corrupt.

    See? I'm not lying about implants. Look at my photos. There is more, but some of it is more discreet. The stuff they did with Del Balzos later around, was tiny stuff. It also takes time to sort out the surgical metal from the implants that aren't there for surgical reasons. But I'll upload more evidence when I can.

    The FBI has ridiculed me. They made me a laughingstock from one state to the next, with local police, and internationally and did FAVORS for Kate Middleton while they lock their doors as I was poisoned, tortured, and had my son kidnapped???!

    I seriously believe the Middletons, including Kate, need to be removed out of the public eye, so we don't have to look at where our U.S. dollars have gone. To England. And England's citizens personal private info went to corrupt leaders here. It's not a good trade.

  3. the way, NO, I want nothing to do with William either. That's not my point, or why I've written about them. I've written about the Middletons because I've been shocked to discover the truth. No child should suffer because of them and their supporters.

  4. excuses after excuses. im sorry you failed school because you are too dumb to do the work. its always someone elses fault huh? take responsibility for once in your waste of a life

  5. To "too dumb to do the work":

    do you see these photos? i did the work.

    This is not how they arrived on auto screen. I had to put them through several filters and adjust settings to find an electronic surveillance implant.

    I've always done "the work". It is not my fault if computer systems block me for 1 1/2 months, or I get repeatedly harassed (every other day) by a staff member, and when I ordered the books ahead of time, I expect them to arrive on time. I don't expect people to cancel on me 3 times with books, until 2/3 of the term is over. This is why I got 2 "F"s. Is that my not doing work?

    It has nothing to do with my abilities.

    I could be in a completely different place by now, helping a lot of people with some of my abilities, if I had not been tortured and used ?! by criminals in my own govt???

  6. I should add, my work does not detract from God's help, because if it had not been for God, I might not have even looked at the CT, or ended up going to places I needed to go to find things.
