Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Cyan" Eyes

I am beginning to rethink what 'cyan' eyes is supposed to mean.

In Jr. High, after I had turned down Robin Bechtold, we were both in an AP English class.  We had to keep journals and write poems.  He wrote a few poems for me and gave them to me, but now I think it was possibly more passive-aggressive stuff from him.

He was taking chemistry that year.  Half of his poems to me were partly angry but sort of romantic and I had to look up what "cyan" meant.  It means blue-green or something, but I also recall, that was a year I started having seizure symptoms, I was being run off the road in the middle of the night, and our pets and my mother were having "dizzy spells".

So I also think about cyanide.

Years later, he nervously called me up, just to ask me if I still had those poems that he had written to me.  This was just a few years ago.

I said no and he sounded extremely relieved. 

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