Saturday, July 7, 2012

Potential for Military/CIA Implants (why it's not crazy)

I have excruciating torture still leveled at me, at the areas I mentioned, and I had someone (or more than one) person, on the East Coast (D.C.) tell me about electronic implants and other implants the U.S. has put inside of people at different times.

I thought he was nuts.   Actually, I thought maybe he thought I was nuts to believe a story like that, which is "totally out there" and so far removed from reality it's hardly possible.

Even if I was coming to terms with the realization (I am so slow, naive, trusting, and stupid, stupid, stupid) that my own government was allowing a department or agency to torture me, implants was almost as bad as trying to tell me "aliens" exist.

I do not believe in aliens, and I never have and never will.  I believe aliens are a government idea to cover for supernatural or other UFO phenomena that usually has to do with secret programs and research.  My opinion about "aliens" has not changed, to this day and it just never will.

UFOs on the other hand, are realistic.  All that a UFO is, is something that's in the air and is "unidentified".  So big deal.  Is it a bird, plane? superman?  Of course there will be unidentified objects in the air.  That doesn't mean it's aliens.  It more likely means it's government.  So now why don't we just come to terms with the fact that the real aliens are goverment employees.

When it comes to implants, it is not unlikely or fantasy-thinking like aliens are.  Implants are put inside of bodies all the time:  heart transplants, metal pins, screws, plates, fixtures, electrodes, name it, they can do it.  Most implants are to reconstruct something or hold something together.  No one is going to argue about whether implants can be done or how possible it is. 

The idea, however, that someone would put some kind of small implant into a body to monitor them, or torture them by, however, is an idea most people, like me, can hardly fathom.  Believe me, if I am the kind of person who is practical enough to sign up for a conservative 30 year loan, and if I am trusting in humanity enough to think Catholic priests are one day (I was so sure) going to confess and clear my good name because they just HAD to be good and really care about "the Holy Spirit"--if I am that practical, down-to-earth, and trusting person who believes in the good of humanity and goes into panic attacks at the shock of finding out the goodness is not always actual...If I am that person and personality type, I am not going to believe anyone who brings up "government electronic implants" to me.  Why not?  Because it sounds CRAZY.

Even if I'm artistic and sometimes absent-minded or have moments of inspiration, and even though I can sometimes go high-risk for an emergency, I am conservative, practical, logical (no contradictions please, or how do we firm up the definition to be more precise?), and extremely trusting and naive.  Only recently have I tried to put my natural tendency of stupidly-dangerous sympathy extremes in check.

I am grounded in reality.  I enjoy using my imagination and being creative, but I'm grounded.

So for me to hear about someone mentioning implants to me, for government purposes, it sounds strange, bizarre, and highly unlikely.

Even though my son and I were tortured, I kept going back and forth in disbelief--is it really government?  "How couldn't it be?" "But no, that's impossible.  It's a crime to commit torture and why would the U.S. do this to citizens?"  Even when I was on the East Coast, I was still in such denial, that I was going to military places or contacting them, asking THEM if they'd do the assays I needed to prove I'd been tortured.    Then, I go through all of this federal funding cut-outs and after false arrest after arrest and torture and treason against my citizenship and guarantee and promises of protection by birthright,  I heard only a couple of years ago, from someone in Idaho, "We can't help you--it's federal."  "Your problem is federal." 

"It's federal?"  I thought he was exaggerating.  After all of that, I still thought he must be kidding.

After all of the warnings, hints, tips, and obvious signs, I STILL, after 6 years of this, did not want to believe it and was still in denial.  The first time they was no possible way to deny it anymore, was not even when I saw FBI papers against me at a psych ward.  I thought, "They are NUTS.  The FBI is off of their rocker and NUTS.  They harass me to be assaulted??!!!"  And yet still, I thought, maybe it's a combination of things and they just happened to have FBI stuff about me.

(also, note the word "federal".  The only agency in the country with Federal as part of the name, if we are specific is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Not that he meant to be that specific, but it's a note)

When I was locked up in Knoxville and handprinted, injected, and used for research in the plexiglass room with the blond and their monitors watching me, that was when there was no possible way to any longer deny the truth.

It was not just "a state employee" or "a government worker" acting on their own with a group.  It was not just "a department sending crap about me to other civilians".  I was ON government property, IN a government capacity, and EXPERIMENTED on by government employees.  There was no guessing game.  It was a fact that it was a federal site.

Then, instead of torturing me as much with the technology they used which they knew could be traced, and could have been documented had my son and I been tested, they began, starting in Wenatchee, torturing me targeting metal in my neck.  And then more and more of that and extreme levels from INSIDE of my neck.  And it wasn't even the metal plate.  It was something else at times.

It was some other part of my neck, where if I pressed down on some knobby thing, the radiating pain instantly quit and it wasn't a nodule.  This is electronic wave kind of pain.  I have had all kinds of injuries, and this is different.  It's like an electric fence but in waves.

My neck, and then the filling from one tooth, and then other things targeting my head and chiseling out parts of my tooth while using something that first targets my head and jaw and radiated to that area. 

This government is 100% corrupt.

So then I thought about what this man had said about implants.

What did the U.S. do?  they couldn't kill me off on "accident" so they put implants in my body while I had neck surgery?  to track me and monitor me?  and then what?  kill me off or hopefully have me commit suicide?  to be a sleeper agent for them (maybe they hoped) and then bump me off if I don't do what they want?

I had incisions made on me during my neck surgery that had nothing to do with where I had surgery or cuts from the accident.  I had no injury or cut under my chin at all and after the neck surgery, I had stitches under my chin.  It was a cut and then stitches.  I kept wondering why it was there. 

No one was going to try to get to my C2-4 levels by entering through under my chin.  There was also a cut and possibly stitches (but if so they were the dissolvable kind) next to one of my ears (the left one).  I didn't have any cut or scrape from the accident there but after the surgery, it was a whole new incision.

Then I had the regular part of the surgery. 

I know Janet Bechtold didn't want her son to visit me, so he said.  But then neither he or any of my other former high school friends visited the entire summer I was home, and none of them sent a card.

I thought this was odd.  None of them called or sent a card but then this girl from high school that I hardly was friends with, who knew my friends, "Katie", send me a card.

I'm reminded of this only because I saw someone who looked like Alicia Peters younger sister today driving by mocking me and I don't know that it was Peters.  But I do know they are good friends with the Bechtolds who hated me by then.  (Alicia Peters younger sister worked as a model in the U.S. and Europe)

It is not impossible that I had implants of some kind, very small, put into my body.  If this is the case, it makes it easy to track me no matter where I am.

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