Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Are you English LISTENING TO ME?

Your Royal just hooked up with a double operative that works for the United States of America.  Your country is being ruined because your government is infiltrated.  Your personal information is going to the United States, and United States citizens like me and my son are being tortured for talking about who is involved in corruption.

The Middletons have received U.S. money for decades, and "Katie" was being groomed to "show up" for William.

I really don't care who he marries, but he married your country into the United States and this country is a corrupt mess.  I don't know how anyone can be so blind and mute and not speak up with me about what is going on. 

It's not that Middletons are just "liked" by a certain group over here--they are government double operatives who have been plotting how to get into a power position for a very long time.  The U.S. has committed treason just as the Middletons have.


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