Wednesday, July 11, 2012

U.S. Trying To Cause Deafness In My Ear (I am losing hearing in one ear)

Not only has this country poisoned me and tortured me, and ruined my decent singing voice, they are trying to cause deafness in one of my ears.

They are using technology to chisel at my teeth, and crack them, and have drilled a hole into the front of one of mother's teeth as well.

They have been repeatedly targeting one of my ears and I am losing hearing in that ear.

Does anyone GET this.

I am being held hostage and tortured in this country.

They ruined my singing voice, they tried to destroy my mind with Haldol, they have used federal employees to gang rape me, they stole my son, they've ruined two of my teeth, and right now they are increasing the torture to my ear, with waves that I can hear in only the one ear they've targeted to lose hearing.

I have no hearing problem.

My Grandpa Garrett lost hearing in one ear at his job with the U.S. military.  The U.S. is treating me like the daughter of a spy.  They're torturing all of us, as if to get ultimate revenge for some kind of imagined fucking delusion and resentment.

The FBI is 100% responsible for this.

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