Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Will The Stooge, Torture Beginning 3 p.m, Julie Collins' info

The torture to my ear is from a neighbor.  We have military neighbors around.  It's coming from the direction of the house that had the vehicles with Pennsylvania plates.

I know it's from this direction because I was in my garden working and the closer I got to a building or structure, the more the sound wave or whatever is being used, was obstructed.  So it's not coming from straight above and the torture to my ears (and parents ears) is happening from a location in this area.

I just found out how the U.S. is trying to screw me over with financial aid too.  They're coming up with excuses to deduct money from one financial aid year from the next.  They forced me out of one college, knowing it was going to affect my ability to borrow in other ways.

They're offering me about $14,000 total instead of the $22,000 I'm actually eligible for.  That makes my living cost monies that I would have about exactly $2,000.  These people know Alvaro Pardo and he is Department of State. 

This country first tortures me and my son, and gang rapes me through federal employees.  Then they have the nerve to try to punish me for not marrying their asshole and doing them a favor after they committed crimes and concealed those crimes.

I am being tortured now to the metal in my teeth as well, but that is separate.

The torture to the ear has occured for about 1 month, and I first noticed it at my parent's house.  My mother looked at me and said, "I feel nothing, I know nothing."  Basically, we were being tortured in my parent's kitchen, and she's indicating she has to lie and refuse to even acknowledge anything is going on.

My mother wouldn't lie unless we were being tortured to lie.

We are being tortured to lie by this country.  The U.S.A.  The torture is by the U.S.A. and apparently it is UK Catholics and Jews that also run the show.

I know that on the day I was tortured at the Russian Baptist church while sitting next to a man, a row of Jewish guys sat in front of me.  They were making fun of me and I remember thinking, "Why are Jews coming to the Russian Baptist church? to make fun of me?"

Does Joshua Gatov, Russian Jew, mean anything?

How about CIA Russian-Jew who was in charge of the CIA when my torture began?

Let's see...It was London based Negroponte after Russian-Jew CIA director in 1998.

And then I was being stalked by Russian-Jews in Washington D.C. and wondering why they even cared about me.

My parents are on an exclusion, at a beach.

This woman had me on the phone, and wanted me to REPEAT what I thought about literature.  She said wait a minute, I need to get this other man on the other line.  Then she said, "Okay, so you were saying you liked Russian Literature?" or she said, "So you said you're taking RUSSIAN Literature?" and then I said, "No, I told you it's English Literature."  Then she wanted to prompt me to repeat what I had said about Russian Literature.

She told me she was getting this man on the other line after she asked me why I was studying English Literature.  That was her question.  They don't even have Russian Lit at that college.

This woman went from soundin--

One of my mother's coworkers just called me, already knowing I would answer the phone.  It sounded like the fat lady that works for them.  She said, "Who is this?"  I just hung up on her.  My mother's coworkers torture my mother at work and then they call at bizarre times. (she called at 4:02)

So first this woman who is going by the name of "Julie Collins" sounded pleasant and normal and then she got VICIOUS, and started sounding smug and passive-aggressive.  She is definitely passive-aggressive.

I sat on the phone and chatted with her pleasantly until she wanted me to rehash about "Russian Literature".  Then she said the man was not on the other line and that she was getting him on email, and said to me, "There is no one else; it's always been only you and I".

Do you know what she got frickin' snappy over?  Her entire tone after I said I had never cared very much about American authors like Willa Cather, who we had to read from in Jr. year of high school, that I had always prefered the classic literature of British and Russian literature, which I studied my Sr. year of high school.  I said my teacher Mr. Howard, for Sr. year, was very good but I hadn't cared for the material the jr. year teacher introduced (Willa Cather for one thing).  I said, "I thought Willa Cather was very boring.  It was very plain language, and the subject matter was boring.  I'm sure other American literature is more interesting, but I didn't care for Willa Cather.  Then we got to Sr year and read lots of poetry and Russian Literature and English literature, and I really enjoyed reading."

She had said to me it depends on what you read, that she wished her kids had better material and it sparked this.

After I said Willa Cather was "boring" this woman, "Julie Collins" turned into a passive-aggressive weirdo.

She acted like I had insulted "Willa Cather" personally or like she knew the instructor.  It was 1992 that I took that Jr. yr. class and the instructor was Mrs. McKusker (or McCusker).  McCusker hated my guts and I was this nice and innocent school girl at the time, wondering why this teacher hated my guts. 

Julie Collins sounded like straight-up Catholic FBI to me.

McCusker was the teacher who lead yearbook and included photos of Carol Skeeters unwrapping and wrapping all these presents, with "Katie" next to her.

Was the U.S. plotting to put Kate Middleton with William of Wales together all the way back in 1992?  And then killing the mother over it?  Why all the Carol and Katie crap, all the way back to 1992. 

Did William know Katie existed?  This is like an American CIA plot from the start.

So anyway, Julie had a mean tone after I said Willa Cather was boring and plain.  Then she wanted to imply I was Russian lit, not English and still had this mean tone. 

The U.S. had corrupt U.S. government people grooming Kate Middleton to attract William of Wales.  He is SUCH a stupid ass for falling for it.

Of all things, right into the trap.  RIGHT into the trap they had set up for him since...NINETEEN NINETY TWO?

And that's about the time that our pets and my mother were having "dizzy spells" all of a sudden.  I had always thought Nancy McCusker hated me because I had offended Robin and said I couldn't be his girlfriend because he was Catholic.  She really hated my guts.  Later, she even brought this woman over to flaunt in front of me, saying, "SHE has done something with her life and is now singing in the OPERA."

Nancy McCusker was Janet Bechtold's friend.  Janet was Robin's mother.  They jointly hated my guts.  They had the L.A and San Fran Italian mafia ties and the Dad (George) who did overseas work.  She worked with "Talented and Gifted" kids in elementary school and Nancy worked as an Advanced Placement teacher.

Do you know who told Katie to give me a card and flowers after my auto accident in 1995?  Most likely, the Bechtolds.  I never even talked to Katie.  Janet told Robin not to visit me and no one visited or sent cards, and then I got this random card from "Katie" about how sorry she was.

What the hell.  I break my arm as an 8 year old and get introduced to "Katie Fallon" and then I break my neck in 1995 and get a card from some "Katie" I don't even know?

This country has tried to kill me over Katie.

William of Wales is a total stooge.  They have made him think he actually picked her.  It's one of the best planned set-ups in history.  How do you live with knowing a totally different country picked out your woman for you and killed and tortured others over making sure it happened?  and then think about the whole set-up, but really, it was all your idea Will.  I mean, Of Course.  It was Free Will.  Even when he was drugged up on anti-depressants.

How do the English citizens like to find out about U.S.-UK plotted SCAMS.

I would love to know what kinds of teachers, and materials, and things were being introduced to Willy and Katie before the governments decided to pop the girl out onto the runway in little more than her birthday suit.  I mean, how did they groom and prep the two first?  The biggest trick was having Will think it was his idea.  They were grooming for this since at least 1992, on the U.S. side.  I have no idea who was involved in the UK.  What would be even more hilarious, would be to find out the U.S. or some group tried to pick his bride out a couple of years after she was born--I mean, that would be hilarious.  But at least, it goes back to 1992.

When did Will get hit on the head with a stick?

And if I was 17 years old in 1992, how old was Katie Middleton?  I don't know how old she is but I think I once looked it up and I was maybe 7 or 8 years older.  Was she 9? 10? 11?

This country was already sponsoring and giving money to Middletons and plotting to install...what?! "Cathers?!"  into "Willas?!" life. 

This is why those people have affairs.  And it's like no one even cares, because as long as their pick gets to be the public face, and have power and have the kids and raise them in their religion, they're happy.  That is seriously sad.

I mean, my son, Oliver, has been TORTURED over this.  I've been tortured.  I even had to work with some Italian guy who was "gay" and had weird eye contacts and apparently traveled and was abusive.  He had parts of his hair dyed a dark and bright purple red color, and then I later found out that's what Kate Middleton did to her hair as a kid.  He's the one who decorated hotels and had me humiliated and banned from a UK connected hotel in Tennessee.  The Middletons are mobsters.

William is no better. 
Anyway, this woman Julie Collins sent me Chapter 4 from a handbook on loans.  That's after telling me to go to a website that had nothing to do with "overlapping loans", which is what I asked about.  So I went there, after she told me this man on the other line with her (who she later said was just on email) confirmed that's where I was to go.

There's nothing there.  There's not even a search field for looking it up.  I had said, "So this has information on how it's a federal rule that you take away money from one FAFSA year and subtract it from the next FAFSA award year?" and she said yes.    Then she told me she'd send me a link with information on it and she sent me Chapter 4.

This college has been trying to force me to start classes on the 4th instead of the 17th.  I had a start date of 17th and then all these excuses have come up.  Supposedly, if they're good for their word, if I have everything in by tomorrow (Thursday) it's still for the 17th.  But I am seriously wondering about some of this.

Julie decided to send me "something else" after I said I was on the site she told me to go to and nothing is there, and not even a way to search for "overlapping loans".  It was my student site, and I said, "I'm on the site you told me to go to and there is nothing about overlapping loans there."  She had said she'd already sent me an email with a link to it (when she was getting peevish about my saying WIlla Cathers is boring).  So I checked and there was nothing and then she said she sent it but it was returned.  I said there is nothing there so she tells me she's sending me something else and that she was going into a meeting.  The last thing I said to her was "Enjoy your round table."  She had sent me (which I had not opened yet) a pdf for a table that you had to turn clockwise to view which was in orange and pink.  You know, Jewish Josh Gatov and his sympathizer's whole "clockwork orange" stuff.  It was great.  At least I told her to enjoy the round table before I disconnected.

There's something wrong with her.

I mean obviously, because she acted like my saying Willa Cathers is boring was a political statement and not my opinion of the author's work. 

After she asked me about my "Russian Lit" she said to me, "Here it comes."  She hadn't sent me any email.  The next thing that happened was that this country started torturing me and they've got "Julie Collins" as the announcer?


  1. You clearly know too much... we will continue to monitor your blog. If you want to torture to stop please shut down the blog.

  2. I don't know if this is a prank comment or what. I would guess it's a prank and making fun of me, but in case it's not, even if it sounds dramatic or weird, my country treats me like a traitor and yet they are committing treason at highest levels of government. My entire family is being tortured.

    It's basically like they use kids and then if they grow up and start to wonder what's going on, they torture them? What have I done?

    All that I ever wanted was to go to college, have an education, get a job, and raise my son. That's it. I never asked for anything more than just a regular chance to use my abilities the best that I can, and to have freedom in choosing how to parent and raise my son. Even if I couldn't have whatever career I want, maybe not precisely, you'd think they'd leave you alone enough to complete your studies and choose your own course.

    I could be doing so much more and my God-given talents have been wasted for nothing here. I don't want that for my son. I don't expect to be rich, but maybe the concern was that if I actually was allowed to use my skills, I would be rich, and that would be threatening.

  3. Not a prank, the intelligence community is a family, think of us as the uncle no one talks about.

  4. The torture of which you speak of often, is science, sanctioned by the government. I know you want the truth... the secret is in the mirror.
