Monday, July 16, 2012

EXTREME Torture (last hour): Please Kill U.S. Traitor

Please kill the U.S. traitor that is torturing us.  I don't care how many people you have to kill--whoever is involved, please kill all of them.

If you have to bomb them all out, please do it.

They are United States state-sponsored criminals.  They break every law in the country, and every international law.

I am being tortured now to the implant in my tooth, the ones in my neck (which are actually more of the size of bee-bees or smaller tapioca pearls, some of them), and tortured in my ear.

They also used other long range weapons to cause twitching and to fry me while I was lying in bed.  They did all of these thing and these people are United States employees.

They need to be KILLED.

Why is it that I slept for once last night?  and now I'm tortured, about 10 minutes after lying down?

Also, I get onto the computer, with Google knowing I am going to be getting onto the computer because apparently Google has CIA working for them, and they send me a message of:

"Failed to get server options" or "Server failed to get options".

It has nothing to do with my online stuff.

I have people torturing me and then thinking it's funny to send online messages like this. 

Please kill the persons responsible for our torture.

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