Monday, July 16, 2012

My Mother and I Cut Up To "Match" (torture) & Family Implants

The U.S. cut me and my mother up to match eachother.

They made 2 straight cuts on my neck and chin, horizontally, like:



and then they made an incision by one of my ears at an angle like:  / (backslash).

On the top of my mother's face, where they cut her for her plastic surgery, they left her with a hairline scar that incorporated my two lines and / or, I can't remember when she had her surgery, or they cut me up to match her.

This is how they specifically cut my mother up:  _______

They've also cut my Dad across the neck several times, and I've seen it, and they cut my son's face.

The torture to my tooth is between the ear implant they put in me, and then one of the metal implants they put in my neck, which is placed immediately below the jaw under the molars where the extreme pain comes from.  It's going between these spots and the implant in my neck can be felt and it's perfectly round and is being used to create severe pain by turning on technology that activates it.

I am pretty sure my Mom had her plastic surgery in 1992, and then I had mine in 1995.  If so, they did this to her first and then cut me up to match her. 

If not, if she had it done after my accident (I don't think so but maybe), they had her cut up to match me.  I think it was the other way around though.  They cut a weird angle on my mother's hairline and then they made additional cuts on my face (chin and ear) that they never explained.

They put an implant in my ear while I was unconcious and maybe more than one.  I have several bee-bee gun pellet/tapioca pearl sized implants in my neck and chin.

The U.S. literally "activates" them and turns them on and then enjoys themselves while I suffer in excruciating pain.

I noticed my Dad's eyes tonight and they are getting a thicker sclera (coating of the white of the eye) and it's turning yellow on the insides of his eyes.

I said he'd never had surgery (except for fillings) and he said, no, he's had surgery.  My Dad said he had surgery when they took his tonsils out when he was in 4th or 5th grade.  So he has been knocked out and had surgery that could have been an opportunity, aside from fillings.  The U.S. military already was using him for research.  They bribed his father and blackmailed his mother, saying they'd send my Grandpa to jail and where would the kids be then, if he didn't do what they wanted.  They had already tested my Dad out of grade levels, determining he was "genius" level.  They did this long before he had his tonsils out.  There is every reason to believe that since the CIA and military were already putting implants in people by the 60s, that they possibly did this to my Dad.

My mother has had the surgeries I've already mentioned.  One for thyroid problem and one for plastic surgery where they cut her face a weird way and then had my face incisions match hers when my incisions had nothing to do with a necessary or needed suture.  They put implants in my body just as they probably did my mother.

My brother has also had surgery.  He had to have his nose corrected because he couldn't breathe at night after it was broken in grade school.  So he was under anasthesia and had a surgery and I don't know if he had implants, but I know the U.S. and UK seemed to have no problem finding him to target him with military weapons that caused a huge swelling on his forehead.

When I showed my mother underneath my chin, that I had scars, and showed her what the incision was like, drawing a line under my chin, she freaked out.  She looked and saw the scars and had a gasp of what sounded like shock.  My mother saw the scars that prove I had an incision there and it was NOT from a scrape.

I didn't get scraped anywhere on my face or neck, and definitely not under my chin where it is impossible to be scraped up, nearly impossible.  There was no flying glass that missed my entire face and then decided to aim right for a spot under my chin either, and there was zero injury there because I felt under my chin and know for a fact.

There are a bunch of cars out on the local road tonight, since about an hour ago when this torture got worse.  It's different people driving around on the main road which is central and they weren't out and about at 11:30 p.m.  I stopped blogging, and went to bed and the minute I tried to sleep, I was targeted to be tortured.

I am guessing someone in military made an excuse for it, claiming I wrote in Farsi or that I didn't write well enough--whatever excuses they make, along with excuses for raping kids, and then I was being torturedwith  full-blown torture.

I don't know what distracted someone or caused them to quit for a few hours last night, but that's not what is happening tonight.

Please kill these people.  I am serious.  Kill them, their families, whoever you have to kill to get rid of U.S. traitors who are making money off of TORTURE of U.S. citizens.  Also, it is time to investigate Agent Fowler with the Oregon FBI, and who he is connected to in FBI NYC and military.  He is part of the problem and is allowing torture in this state, and it started up with his arrival because someone knew he had their back.

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