Monday, July 16, 2012

Photos Of Removed Electronic Surveillance Implant

I can relate to this man's story except for the part about beginning to commit crimes.  I never followed a criminal path--instead, because of the threat I posed to exposure of federal gang rape, and the fact that the U.S. had put implants in my body, I was called mentally ill and I was arrested, by false arrest, to create a ficticious criminal history.

I believe that the lie about "grand auto theft" was a deliberate attempt by the U.S. and UK to attempt to ruin my international interpol files.  It is one charge that shows up on records and can be used by a country to refuse entry to their country.

The U.S. has wanted to find any possible means for obstructing my ability to travel, which then makes it impossible for me to have certain careers that involve travel, or to go to some countries which would try to block me on this basis.

They also did this to smear my Dad and get to my Dad, because then when I was wondering why someone chose to use "grand auto theft", I found out when my Dad was just a kid, he had been cited for some kind of prank of this, but then it was dismissed.

The link below is wordy, but if you look at the photos, there isn't any question this man had implants in his body.  He says doctors denied it, and tried to throw him in psych wards, and assaulted him.  Even with clear evidence, they denied it, and then finally he was able to have a surgery in Greece where they removed the implants.  That removal of implants was done in 1978, and from what I've read, implants were used in ears of people for research, common knowledge, by 1976, and prior to that, implants were used in the 50s and 60s but under higher top secret categories.

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