Monday, July 16, 2012

Forced To Work For Intel Microchip Employees After Implant Surgery

I was told to work for employees that worked for IBM/Intel after I had electronic implants put into my body.

After the U.S. made incisions into my body to put in electronic implants, in 1995, I was forced to work for Intel (microchip) employees Carl and Mary DelBalzo.  It wasn't my idea.

Now that I know I have implants in my body and that this is what the incisions were for (the ones which had nothing to do with neck repair), I can look at who I was told to work next to in a different way.  It wasn't to "spy" on the DelBalzos.  I was sent to work for them so they could report back about the effects torture through use of the implants caused.

They had me working as their "nanny" but they watched me, and when they came home after I started having migraines triggered, by use of the implants, they were the ones who worked for the microchip company--Intel.

They did observe and watch and yes, now it makes sense why I have thought Mary DelBalzo is connected to the FBI.  This is disgusting.  She and her husband Carl were watching to report whether there were any effects of not.  And then I started having migraine triggered at their house, in 1996.  They came home to "watch" and see how much pain I was in and if it "worked".  God damn Carl and Mary Del Balzo.  They are FBI-connected U.S. criminals.  I remember how Carl came home, and saw how I was incapacitated and stared at me, hesitating, from a distance, across the counter, and then got this pleased and excited look on his face.  They are U.S.-Italian criminals.

I didn't look for the job or find the job.

My mother was told to "find" it and take me to their house, which she did.  I had no say in the matter.  I remember my mother said, "There's a nanny job I'm going to take you to."  I never saw the ad and I wasn't looking.  I still had a hard collar around my neck from the surgery and it was only 3 months after the surgery.   I wasn't allowed to not take the job.  In fact, the Del Balzos didn't even speak to me when we met them for dinner.  They only talked to my mother the entire time, like negotiating a deal.  It was a meeting between government workers, and all I was, was the guinea pig.
My mother didn't act like she was the one in control either.  She took me there as if she had been told to do it.  Then I sat there and the entire time, Carl and Mary didn't ask me anything about myself.  I was just "there" with a hard collar around my neck, thinking they would be interested to know who this person was that might be their nanny, and they didn't talk to me at all.  They talked to my mother.  THEY decided I was working for them, without even asking me.  Carl and Mary said, "Okay, so she starts on ___" and my mother quietly agreed.  No one asked me.  I sat there, shocked.  It was the most forcible hiring I'd had, and I was 20-21 years old.  Mary did the talking.  She did not even look at me when she hired me out from my mother, like a slave being sold.  She had my mother agree with her and stared at my mother and I remember I was shocked that she had not even looked at me, or asked me.  Mary got her deal for the U.S. government.  Mary worked in top secret Intel "intellectual property" for Intel, the microchip company.  This is what she told me.  She was a lawyer in "intellectual property" and worked on top secret projects. 

God damn their family.  God damn them to hell.

This country has forced me to work for them, and they started with the Del Balzos after they put implants in my body.  They wanted me to work for Carl and Mary because the Del Balzos were going to report back about what effects the microchips in my body had, when they worked for FBI and a microchip company.

My mother meekly agreed that I would be working for the Del Balzos.  No one talked to me, looked at me, or even asked me.  We got out to the car, and I was with my Mom and went off, saying, "You didn't even ASK me? and SHE didn't ask me?  No one asked me if I wanted to take the job, you just decided for me like I'm 5."

I watched their children, loved them, hugged them, made good meals for them, put together floral arrangments for them, sang and danced with them, took them on fun trips, prayed with them, gave their oldest daughter things I'd saved since I was a little girl, including a frilly lacy dress I had had since I was about 8 years old, and made them STEAK? with black peppercorn sauce and spending the most I could afford on them for a dinner and they SHIT on me.  The Del Balzos are traitors to the American people and after what I did for them, they shit on me and MY SON Oliver.  They are criminals.

I had migraines triggered against me while working for them.  Then I signed up with a temporary help agency on my own, "Express Temps" and they gave me a job with CTR Business Systems, a computer company run by a Jewish CEO, in Portland, Oregon, with about 100 employees.  I was selected for that position and I took it because that's what I was offered.

I had a couple of migraines at night, possibly, but I remember after Diana died, or had the car accident, I had a dramatic increase in migraines.  I was being targeted more often and then CTR brought in "Billy" who worked previously for the U.S. military and he was Dave Kopra's personal assistant.  I remember my migraines got very bad around that time.

I wonder what was on the CDs in the car that crashed.  Disney songs? or evidence?

Here is a link that proves Intel is the major company in charge of making and operating and controlling microchips:

Intel is the company that would distribute microchips used for human surveillance, and after they were put inside of my body, I was forced to work for their employees, who are connected to the FBI.  Then I was repeatedly gang raped by federal workers and the FBI has never done anything about any of the crime against me, becaue their employees have been involved at the first.  Mary and Carl Del Balzo--with the NY contacts.  Then I am almost killed by a U.S. government kid who was first stalking me from electronics department while I worked in music.

From CTR I was offered a job in outside sales of computers which would have put me into traveling, and into proximity with people the U.S. may have wanted me to be near, for their own surveillance interests.  This country knows exactly who raped me and they knew I was a virgin and there is no question about it.  They overheard my first pap smear and what I told the doctor.

This country has listened to my being RAPED.
This country has listened to me having sex.
This country has invaded any and every kind of privacy right there is
This country has tortured me
This country tortured my son
This country listened to me screaming when I was in jail,
listened to me sobbing,
listened to me singing
and felt guilty
until they ruined my singing voice
this country is guilty of crimes that would rack up damages into billions of dollars
a secret so disgusting, and potentially international, with international implications into other countries that listened to Princess Diana
coutnries that tortured Princess Diana
countries that manipulated her sons and citizens
countries that concealed crimes

like William of Wales is going to make a request to have his head checked for implants.  Let's hope his own mother watched his entire surgery from start to finish.  If she did not personally watch the entire surgery, I would not be surprised if he was implanted.

I would not be surprised because it's obvious that the United States colluded with some in Mossad and the UK and Vatican, and Italians are involved in the grand scheme of things as well.  Some of these Italians are criminals and have criminal knowledge of citizens implanted in order to ruin the kids of other families they don't like, in favor of another group.

They used my MOTHER?! to force me into a job for a top secret "intellectual property" lawyer and human resource manager who worked for a microchip company.  And then she was jealous of me, and she had power.  After she got jealous, she then didn't like my teaching her kids how to pray and started teaching them to pray to Mary and about Catholicism.  The Italians I saw mocking me as I was driven to the psych ward in Middleton, TN were people who knew I had talked to an FBI agent with an Eastern Indian last name, Diane Harsha.  Eastern Indians worked with Del Balzos and were good friends of Del Balzos, as many of them are in the microchip industry.  They harassed me at the YMCA and they were in the FBI and then Italian Americans who were rich, drove alongside the police car to mock and laugh about how I was going to a psych ward.  The woman I first talked to at the door was Eastern Indian.

The Del Balzos are criminals.  Not only that, they are probably connected to Leon Panetta, who is also Italian-American and Catholic and involved with CIA and who offered Eastern India a big trade deal around the time I was trying to get the attention of the UN, whose person in charge is an Eastern Indian woman.  The Del Balzos affected my treatment by Portland FBI because they were the ones "checking" me out after the surgery where my own government and country IMPLANTED me.

I was not given a choice of whether I wanted to work for the Del Balzos or not.  The job was assigned to me, and my mother was told to take me to their house after they set up an excuse for having me at their house.  They had never had a nanny before.    Their kids were 3 and 7 and they had been watched at the Intel daycare, while they worked at Intel.  They decided to hire a nanny, when the U.S. wanted them to observe me after they'd put implants into my body.

Then, my mother is forced to work for the U.S., and she was told to take me there.  No one talked to me or looked at me or asked my opinion--I was forced to work for them.  When I got to the car and was angry and said, "I didn't say I wanted to work for them, and don't you think it's a little strange that they didn't even ask ME?  Why would they tell YOU?"

My mother said, "You're not going to sit around the house without a job.  You need to work and you're working for them." 

I was still weak and skinny, and had to wear this hard collar around my neck to keep my head from moving and I went to work that way.  Then after I moved out of the hard collar and used the soft collar more, around my neck, I was gradually able to not wear one, and then that's about the time the U.S. started to torture me, with the Del Balzos observing for them.

Maybe the Del Balzos felt it was a great idea for them, for me to be their nanny.  At Intel, they had a running camera on the kids at all times, so the parents could go online, and click on the site and see their kids, on camera.  Having a nanny with government implants must have felt as secure to them.  They knew where I was going, when, who I was with, what I said, who I talked to...and it was just like being able to click on a computer and watch your kids on surveillance--I was wearing surveillance in my own body that the U.S. could listen to, at any time.

It was so bizarre how the Del Balzo's disrespected me that I went off about it for a half hour.  I kept looking at my mother, like, "Are you KIDDING me?!" and she was just thinking and looking straight ahead.

Out of all of their "Disney" movies, they sure did not have The Prince Of Egypt.  That is for sure.  At the time I was working for CTR when Diana died I had bought several tapes of Disney music when I was driving with the kids and some for myself later, and listened to them in the car all the time.

When I was being tortured in 1997 after Diana died, and after this Catholic guy "Billy" was hired, who had worked for U.S. military, I was offered the one job in outside sales and then I turned it down to go to college.  After that I was raped and then targeted with multiple migraines, all in 1 month, blast after blast after blast.

They experimented on me first, when I was at Del Balzos, to make sure what they did had the intended effect, and when I had to go home from work because of it, they knew they had a way to ruin my life.  Carl was the one who came home to see what I looked like when I had to call the first time.

When I had them over for dinner later, after I was working at CTR, they ate with their heads down, looking guilty the entire time.  They could hardly look me in the eye, and I gave them NY style steaks, which I hadn't realized, was fitting for them.  Then, their kids were in the livingroom and Sarah banged against a glass bookcase and I said, quickly, "NO!" because I was afraid she was going to go through the glass and hurt herself.  I am usually not that abrupt, but it was emergency, and for whatever reason, I remember Mary looked triumphant, as if I had just been harsh to Sarah and so she was justified being a criminal who is not just mafia, but FBI.  I still remember this, and after that, she and Carl perked up and smirked and looked at eachother and then said they were leaving.  As if I was mean, when, also, I had said this once or twice to Philip in New Jersey, and I don't think they liked it there either.

These criminal Italian-Americans don't like being told "NO" even when their own kid is about to put their hand through a glass pane.  It was a built-in in my new 1920s bungalow, a built-in bookcase, and she knocked up against it and it made this loud rattle sound and if you open it, it came out abruptly and rattled the glass.  So I said "No" and they looked jubilant and left.

They are criminals.  The Del Balzos hired me to observe me for effects from the implants and I would not be surprised in the least to find they are connected to the  people who tried to kill Diana.

This is why I am a big deal.

This is why torturing my son and going to extreme lengths to conceal the crimes is such a big deal, and why it has been impossible for me to fight the system or get him back.  Thank you, to those who tried to tell me about implants, when I didn't believe you and thank you to those who told me the problem is federal.

My parents are "Chained" by the fucking Del Balzos.  My mother wouldn't have sold me to them, if she hadn't been following orders and known the U.S. power was involved.

Del Balzos go to NY FBI.  At that time, Middleton's were FBI NY connected

Listen very closely Mary Domenica..."this is the sound that a mother makes when her baby breaks."  How many "sounds" can you identify on a recording of my son and I being tortured.

Mary is an intellectual property slut and government whore.

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