Tuesday, July 10, 2012

FBI Killed Nancy Schaefer

The daughter of Nancy Schaefer is not going to see justice unless an independent investigation is made of Nancy and her husband, by a forensic group that is not FBI.  I guess that would be expensive, but there will be no justice without a private investigation.  I would begin thinking about how to raise funds for that and find out how to get court orders to have it done.  The United States FBI killed Nancy Schaefer and her husband, and they are connected to my case in Washington State and to Alvaro Pardo.  Laura Laughlin with the FBI in Seattle, WA did a dirty deal with a group and the FBI thought if I didn't marry Alvaro, it was because I knew more than they wanted me to know, so they went after Nancy, who they thought was about to expose them publicly.  She and her husband were killed after I told Alvaro Pardo (FBI connected) to leave.  Alvaro is also connected to U.S. Military.  The Senator for Washington State is Patty Murray and she claims to be a children's advocate and she's a liar.  She has a personal conflict of interest as she is U.S. Military and is protecting military sexual torture and rape of children and their use for government research.  The only Senator without conflicts of interest was Nancy and they killed her when I didn't marry Alvaro and marry into the FBI, and they thought it was because she was about to talk.
The couple in Georgia who fought against CPS were most likely killed by the FBI. No one else had a motive to kill that woman and her husband except for the FBI. The FBI is the agency protecting criminals, CIA, and military, and allowing the trafficking of children. It is the FBI that has supported those who steal children from parents and it is the FBI that protects those who torture those kids and claim it's all for government work. Laura Laughlin is FBI and has worked on foster children cases. The FBI works with CPS, and protects CPS even when CPS is sending innocent parents to jail, because of corrupt law enforcement and CPS and government who want the kids.

It is the FBI that murdered that Georgia woman. They will never "investigate" because THEY are the murderers. They definitely opened an "investigation" but it's going nowhere. They did it. They murdered that woman and her husband because they wouldn't follow through on an FBI "deal" and keep their mouths shut. She knew about my son Oliver and what the FBI was doing in Seattle. The FBI murdered her and her husband. They weren't murdered when I was with Alvaro Pardo. They were murdered after I chose not to marry him. It's the FBI. The FBI didn't like the fact that this Senator sounded like she knew so much about corrupt U.S. government baby selling and sexual trafficking of children. She'd just come back from Copenhagen after talking about what the U.S. was doing with children and how CPS was basically a criminal organization. She was the only Senator who spoke up for kids, who did not have a conflict of interest like Washington State's Patty Murray has. Patty is U.S. military connected. This is conflict of interest to the best interests of defending children who are being used by the U.S. military for research and mind control. The Georgia woman and her husband, knew what horrible things happen to kids and because the FBI got nervous when I didn't marry into their corruption, through Alvaro, they killed the Georgia woman and her husband and set it up to look like double suicide. Most likely they worried that if I wasn't marrying into the FBI, and protecting the FBI by being part of it, I was a liability. If I didn't marry Alvaro, the FBI got nervous that someone knew too much about the ultimate plan.

Not just anyone would have access to the Georgia Senator. It would have to be someone that, if seen in the area, was known to be an upstanding citizen or professional or law-abiding type. The FBI also knows what forensics people look for and are educated about how investigations work and what things would be inspected and checked. They set it up, and they killed them, and then they put on an act of investigating. Either one group of FBI did it and planned to have another group of FBI investigate but removed evidence knowing what FBI looks for, or the same FBI group that killed them is currently in charge of the pending investigation.

Not only was that Senator extremely diligent in investigating crimes against children, she and her husband suffered for it politically. The FBI was involved. The FBI also knew that I had told many people my first and initial plan for leaving WA state to get help, was to go to Georgia.

It wasn't Washington D.C.

It was Georgia.

I told Mark, the U.S. Army truck driver this but I was careful to bring up other ideas because I didn't trust him. I never trusted anyone, and it was wise. I wasn't going to give anyone a heads-up on where I was going after they tortured me and my son and set things up ahead of time in Canada. Canada was set up 2 years ahead of time because they thought that's where I would go. When I was dropped off by Mark, at a truck stop, I got a bus ticket to Georgia. The U.S. was watching my every move and I had been dropped off by a U.S. Army man who reported back to FBI and military. They knew where I was and it was a public record that I had a bus ticket, in my name, for Georgia. The Department of Transportation and any other U.S. Department that wanted to know, knew what the destination was.

On the way to Georgia, there was a stop in Washington D.C. with a layover and once I got out, I decided to stay in D.C. and see if I could find help and thought it might have resources, access to a hospital to evaluate me, and internationals.

I had not even KNOWN there was a defender of children and CPS/Military/FBI enemy in Georgia. I didn't know one thing about the Senator. I had chosen Georgia because it had a transportation network for making getting around easier, and they had high ranking Baptist hospitals which I thought might possibly be able to help, if I went to a church and asked. Had I gone to Georgia, I may have met the best politically positioned defender of kids in the country. She had clout, and she wasn't afraid to go against powerful government, even accusing Children's Administration of colluding to traffick children for sex, and other reasons, in our own country. Instead, I stayed in D.C. and became fodder for the FBI--the same FBI that killed the Georgia Senator, and then assaulted me with Haldol.

When I was in D.C. at the Post Pub, people always asked how did I end up there and I told them all the same thing, that I had planned to go to Georgia and decided to stop in D.C. They always looked at me and said, "Why Georgia?" and I said I had heard they had a good medical system.

WHO KILLED THE GEORGIA SENATOR that was about to expose the FBI?

The FBI.

The FBI thought that since I was planning to go to Georgia and since Senator Nancy Schaefer was the biggest politician exposing U.S. government criminal conspiracy against children, that she was going to expose them.

The FBI murdered Nancy Schaefer and her husband. Every single person in charge of this case, was connected to U.S. military. The U.S. military used the FBI to cover up crimes of torture against me and my son and used FBI to cover for those who torture kids.  Alvaro was directly connected to FBI, the Department of State, and Department of Defense.  This country tried to sell me and my son and then murdered a Senator who they thought was going to tell on them.

After they were murdered, my son was tortured and brought to me in visits, with obvious signs of torture.


  1. Hello I was stumbling around the net looking for stories about Cps, and I was curious about your thoughts on Josh Powell.



  2. The U.S. constantly tries to create parables for themselves while assisting in ax-murders for high rollers. They punish and torture the good, to try to bring out the bad, and work at it for almost decades. Then they reward those whose values are superficial and cut into the necks of the children of the good, to punish them.
    For what.
    Josh Powell is described as nothing more than a regular small time customer service guy and yet he was a computer programmer. The government was after his boys for
    research. Josh also went to University of Washington which is a college that seems to pick out people to be selected for torture. I was seen at that hospital with my son before we were both tortured and my son targeted to then become a ward of the U.S. government.
    I said to my mother, I haven't heard of someone taking an ax to their own kids before, or any kid at all. She told me there was a man she went to school with named "Ben Slough" (pronounced "Slow") who took an ax to his own mother, Della. Della was a friend of my parent's family and everyone was shocked in Cashmere that her son did this.
    My son Oliver is tortured and has been a hostage of this country, I am a hostage, and again I'm being refused normal student aid because that's how the FBI set it up, and my parents are hostages and are being tortured.
    That's what I think

  3. If the police had videotapes of surveillance of a neighbor girl undressing and blamed one person, Steven, maybe he did it, or maybe the police did it, for govt. military research and illegal black operation programs where they watch the kid from start to finish and then try to use them.
    This man also moved to Graham, Washington, and I find it interesting that I knew a "Graham" who was connected to Canada and U.S. and Judge Hotchkiss, and CPS. Graham was friends with Russ Haugen, the Director for CPS in Wenatchee. I'll write about that later.
    The sister thinks her brother Josh is innocent and possibly, in some way he is.

    What is obvious is that the country is NOT innocent. Those kids and that father have tell-tale marks and signs on their bodies that indicate they were being tortured and used for research long before their deaths.
    I think this man was making a point about William of Wales as well. William of Wales used his friend Alvaro Pardo to find out about me and he was still interested in my life and son's life until I said something about "Harper Seven".
    Josh Powell withdrew $7,000 before raising an ax against the necks of boys which is not as shocking really as what this country has done to me and my son Oliver, and my parents. If you think about it, and know the facts, what Josh Powell did, pales in comparison with what this country has done to their own citizens.
    University of Phoenix today told me they could offer me what amounted to $7,000 and minus the education costs, is only $2,000 if that.

  4. The younger sibling of Josh states the evidence that the father had child porn or voyeurism was fabricated. Maybe not, and it could be true, but I have witnessed firsthand how the govt will fabricate anything to get what they want.
    I believe that for whatever reason, this man knew how he was tortured and knew his sons were tortured and potentially in ways we don't even know about or want to know about.
    Anyone under the influence of the devil would do something like this. It is possible Josh knew there was no hope and that his sons were destined to be tortured alive like lab animals--someone could imagine, in that situation, which Alina (the youngest sister) called "difficult" (a nice mild way of describing outright torture), a man might kill himself and family.
    People around the world have done such things when under constant torture, or knowing they are about to be tortured worse and then die anyway. People in concentration camps have done this, those anticipating concentration camp torture who are already tortured have done this, and families where they are repeatedly tortured and raped and forced to watch this happen to others have done this on occasion.
    I am not the type to give in, regardless of torture, and one attempt I had on my own life, was while I was supposedly under influence of marijuana, which I never took voluntarily or knew was in my system.
    The oddest part is the hatchet or ax. I can't imagine setting fire but maybe someone thinks they'll die fast--but the hatchet was possibly to send a message. It was maybe his way of bringing attention to something that he felt was extremely important to national security and citizens in general, which he felt would not be picked up by media unless it was dramatic. maybe first he shot his kids so they didn't feel pain and then he did something else, or very possibly the hatchet work was done by someone else.

  5. About Josh Powell:

    I had to look him up bc I didn't know who you were talking about.
    The first thing I did was read 2 news articles. What I found was that the media still distorts the truth. I read the article by Tim Haeck from My NW, dated Feb. 3, 2012, and one by Kiro T.V. dated Feb. 8, 2012.
    They describe the boys as talking about how to bury things, saying their mom is dead (the missing woman), and how she died after they were looking for "crystals."
    To read that, you would think there was drug activity involving drug crystals and a murder and a whacked out drug dealer.
    But then if you read further, you find out the boys knew how to bury pets or animals after they died; and how the "crystals" they talked about where rock crystals from Topaz Mountain where they hiked and looked for them like everyone else; and that saying their mom was dead was probably something someone told them that they repeated after so many times hearing it.
    This goes to show how anyone can take one thing, and by omitting sections, context, or words, can cause the reader's (and publics) imagination to believe things that are removed from the truth and have nothing to do with reality or facts.
    This is what the Willamette Week did to me, what the FBI did to me, and what others have done as well.
    I was then tortured repeatedly for years so the FBI could then say there is something wrong with ME. Anyone, tortured as badly as I've been, would react how I have, would write as I do, and feel as I do, and anyone has noticed that I only sound "normal" when I am not being tortured. They wanted me to say horrible things and to make accusations and isolate others. That's because it's torture in this country.
    I think that after reading about Josh, I wanted to see more about him and then I listened to the 911 calls. The police or emergency dispatch sound mirthful and amused, like they already know exactly what is going on. The social worker hardly sounds distressed, but the police are worse.
    Then, I looked at videotaped coverage of Josh on a visit with his boys after they were taken from him. The boys both have the same dark circles around their eyes, and impressions in the corners of their eyes that Josh has. Josh didn't have this appearance until later, and his boys wouldn't naturally have this at all, unless they were being tortured by the U.S. military for research.
    By all accounts, these boys were "unique and gifted" and there is a history of military intelligence in Josh's family--with his brother Michael having spent time in Phoenix, AZ with Army as an intelligence specialist and fluent in Korean with a major in Asian studies.

    What happened to Josh is now happening to my mother and father. They're eyes are so dark and black and impressed from torture, you wouldn't believe it. My son was kidnapped for use by this government.
    The boys also look extremely unhappy even though they try to seem happy. There is depression all around them and it's not because of Josh, it's what the FBI, police, and this country was doing to them.

  6. For my response to what I think about Josh Powell, please read from the bottom one-up. There are 4 parts and they are in ascending order.

    Additionally, my son Oliver came to a visit with a slice on the back of his neck at one of the last visits I saw him.

    CPS tortures children.

  7. (I had to ask for something and my mother said, "It's too late" about the time, but it brought to mind how I need to make one thing and one thing only, very clear:

    Nothing is "too late". If my son Oliver is not dead, and I am not dead, it's not "too late".

    I care nothing about being a royal--I care that I've been tortured over fear of it and that my son has been tortured.

    I care nothing about getting married.

    What are over 50% of all American movies about? romance.

    I am fine without romance. I had my son and knew the only thing I had ever been missing in life was then discovered with the birth of my son. My life was complete and full and I was fulfilling God's will and plan for my life. There was nothing else that I lacked or needed or could have wanted.

    Any attempt at romance, was only because society and this military government was forcing me to marry someone to not be tortured or have my son with me.

    I don't accept that.

    God loves single mothers and God loved my mothering of my son and chooses it over any other parenting.

    This country is too late. THIS country is definitely too late, because they lost me for good. I am the one who says "It's too late" to the United States.

    United States, make no mistake--it's too late.

    My son is my child and it is God's will that he is returned to me. God does not care about U.S. military or Department of State and their plans, or the Directorate of Intelligence.

    As for those who punish me because I was a single mother and tried to force me to marry, I had thought the other day, what about Hagar? Hagar and Ishmael?

    I mentioned her briefly in a letter to Iran, and said, without reading the scriptures to check "she was a single mother and God didn't tell her to get married first before he provided for her and her son"; he chose her and her son to be Head of A Nation as a single mother. I had added, that she and her son were saved by a well and a group of people traveling their way.

    Then I thought, "I think that's right. I should read it again."

    So I did. But it was slightly different. She and Ishmael did not even have a "community". They didn't have "extended family" and "community bonds".

    It says Hagar and Ishmael lived in the desert and makes no mention at all of a community. He gave them a well, and presumably desert animals for food, and it says "Ishmael was an archer."

    Her son became an archer in the desert and lived with his single mother.

    Then, later, when a group passed through, Ishmael found a wife.

    It is very clear that God does not condescend against single mothers nor does he expect women to marry or remarry to raise their children. It also says nothing about community or extended family.

    What others try to twist as an excuse for taking a child from a mother, even conservative christians who say the kid should have a mom and dad, you are not listening to God.

    God did not tell me to get married.
    God told me to raise my son Oliver.

    So while it is "too late" for the United States, it is not too late for me and my son.

    I expect this country to return my son or suffer the horrendous consequences which will follow from failure to abide by the law and honor the blessing of God upon a mother.)
