Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Mother Has Hole Blasted Into A Tooth (photo)

My mother has a tiny hole blasted into one of her teeth. It's military.  I've seen it before and then she somehow had it covered, but I saw it again today.  It's at the bottom of one of her front teeth.  Her teeth look normal and she has normal enamel on all her teeth but there is a tiny black hole the size of a needle, that is going through one tooth, on the bottom jaw in the front.

I have had 2 of my teeth chisled out and cracked by military torture.

My family is being tortured; my son is tortured; and the FBI is responsible for this torture.  They are guilty of controlling the torture against kids and their parents.  They killed Nancy Schaefer.  Laura Laughlin is involved.

This country is trying to destroy my parents and family.  I talked to my mother today and as we talked, she began quivering and her eyes were bloodshot and red almost as if from torture, the tiny hole in her tooth was showing (which she's covered up in the past and which looks like some kind of sadistic joke by one of Armando Garza's friends, i.e. "you have a little black hole in your knee?" is what he said to me).

Chris Dabney is connected to these FBI agents.  That's why he said, "Here's another one in the hole."  That's how the FBI was referring to me.

My mother started shaking and looked poisoned practically and then later that night, after her eyes were blackened and indented from some kind of pressure, and after she'd taken her bath, she came to the door looking calmer but smacking her lips like she's doped up on an anti-depressant.  This psychologist in town, who works for FBI in Portland and military and CIA, has done horrible things to my parents.  He moved here in 2006.  Dr. Jose Agosto.  My mother gets a dry mouth whenever she is around him, and since she's visited him, she's had that effect sometimes.  I also know he's a criminal because I was with my mother when he tried to intimidate her and my mother and I were both targeted with military technology while sitting in his office.  It wasn't anywhere else but his office.  He kept trying to say he's Pentacostal christian but he's not.

Also, there is something going on with Carl and Mary DelBalzo and my parents.  I found photos on my mother's computer when I first arrived here, of my parents being mocked at their worship meetings and of my mother's hair being messed up and with her being threatened, and then also, photos taken by someone at the beach, of my mother imitating the photo of Mary DelBalzo that was on their fridge when I was a nanny.  My mother never sits that way or poses like that, and it was done to exactly match Mary DelBalzos "beach body" photo.  I could tell from the photo that my mother was forced to do it, was afraid, and unhappy, even though she smiled.

Something about DelBalzos is factoring into torture of my family.  My Dad wouldn't take a photo of my mother like that.  There were other photos of Sandbergs with my parents at the beach but I don't know if it was the same day. 


  1. The hole in her tooth is called a cavity. They happen without military help.

  2. No, it's not a cavity.

    Let me describe why it's not because your idea is normal and what everyone else will think.

    I will make a picture for you. Let's see if I can upload a drawing to show you the difference. One moment

  3. Okay, I drew a picture so you can see what I mean (of course, not my artistic sense, but just to show you).

    See how I pointed out the surface of molars? If there was a hole there, it would be more likely to be a cavity, though if it was chisled out in a weird way, maybe not. Also, people can have other things happen to their teeth and it's not cavity. However, understandably, someone who is not a dentist might wonder if a small hole on a surface of a molar is a cavity.

    It's not on the surface of a molar. It's drilled into the front of a tooth on the bottom half of her jaw. It's perfectly round, not like an irregular mark or hole from decay. It looks like someone shot a tiny laser onto the front of her tooth until it burned a perfectly round hole all the way into her tooth.

    It's not normal and it's not a "cavity". The rest of her tooth is solid enamel and shows zero sign of decay.

    This doesn't happen unless someone targeted my mother.

    Even worse things have been done to my family.
