Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Georgia Senator & Husband Killed by FBI

The couple in Georgia who fought against CPS were most likely killed by the FBI. No one else had a motive to kill that woman and her husband except for the FBI. The FBI is the agency protecting criminals, CIA, and military, and allowing the trafficking of children. It is the FBI that has supported those who steal children from parents and it is the FBI that protects those who torture those kids and claim it's all for government work. Laura Laughlin is FBI and has worked on foster children cases. The FBI works with CPS, and protects CPS even when CPS is sending innocent parents to jail, because of corrupt law enforcement and CPS and government who want the kids.

It is the FBI that murdered that Georgia woman. They will never "investigate" because THEY are the murderers. They definitely opened an "investigation" but it's going nowhere. They did it. They murdered that woman and her husband because they wouldn't follow through on an FBI "deal" and keep their mouths shut. She knew about my son Oliver and what the FBI was doing in Seattle. The FBI murdered her and her husband. They weren't murdered when I was with Alvaro Pardo. They were murdered after I chose not to marry him. It's the FBI. The FBI didn't like the fact that this Senator sounded like she knew so much about corrupt U.S. government baby selling and sexual trafficking of children. She'd just come back from Copenhagen after talking about what the U.S. was doing with children and how CPS was basically a criminal organization. She was the only Senator who spoke up for kids, who did not have a conflict of interest like Washington State's Patty Murray has. Patty is U.S. military connected. This is conflict of interest to the best interests of defending children who are being used by the U.S. military for research and mind control. The Georgia woman and her husband, knew what horrible things happen to kids and because the FBI got nervous when I didn't marry into their corruption, through Alvaro, they killed the Georgia woman and her husband and set it up to look like double suicide. Most likely they worried that if I wasn't marrying into the FBI, and protecting the FBI by being part of it, I was a liability. If I didn't marry Alvaro, the FBI got nervous that someone knew too much about the ultimate plan.

Not just anyone would have access to the Georgia Senator. It would have to be someone that, if seen in the area, was known to be an upstanding citizen or professional or law-abiding type. The FBI also knows what forensics people look for and are educated about how investigations work and what things would be inspected and checked. They set it up, and they killed them, and then they put on an act of investigating. Either one group of FBI did it and planned to have another group of FBI investigate but removed evidence knowing what FBI looks for, or the same FBI group that killed them is currently in charge of the pending investigation.

Not only was that Senator extremely diligent in investigating crimes against children, she and her husband suffered for it politically.  The FBI was involved.  The FBI also knew that I had told many people my first and initial plan for leaving WA state to get help, was to go to Georgia.

It wasn't Washington D.C.

It was Georgia.

I told Mark, the U.S. Army truck driver this but I was careful to bring up other ideas because I didn't trust him.  I never trusted anyone, and it was wise.  I wasn't going to give anyone a heads-up on where I was going after they tortured me and my son and set things up ahead of time in Canada.  Canada was set up 2 years ahead of time because they thought that's where I would go.  When I was dropped off by Mark, at a truck stop, I got a bus ticket to Georgia.  The U.S. was watching my every move and I had been dropped off by a U.S. Army man who reported back to FBI and military.  They knew where I was and it was a public record that I had a bus ticket, in my name, for Georgia.  The Department of Transportation and any other U.S. Department that wanted to know, knew what the destination was.

On the way to Georgia, there was a stop in Washington D.C. with a layover and once I got out, I decided to stay in D.C. and see if I could find help and thought it might have resources, access to a hospital to evaluate me, and internationals.

I had not even KNOWN there was a defender of children and CPS/Military/FBI enemy in Georgia.  I didn't know one thing about the Senator.  I had chosen Georgia because it had a transportation network for making getting around easier, and they had high ranking Baptist hospitals which I thought might possibly be able to help, if I went to a church and asked.  Had I gone to Georgia, I may have met the best politically positioned defender of kids in the country.  She had clout, and she wasn't afraid to go against powerful government, even accusing Children's Administration of colluding to traffick children for sex, and other reasons, in our own country.  Instead, I stayed in D.C. and became fodder for the FBI--the same FBI that killed the Georgia Senator, and then assaulted me with Haldol.

When I was in D.C. at the Post Pub, people always asked how did I end up there and I told them all the same thing, that I had planned to go to Georgia and decided to stop in D.C. They always looked at me and said, "Why Georgia?" and I said I had heard they had a good medical system.

WHO KILLED THE GEORGIA SENATOR that was about to expose the FBI?

The FBI.

The FBI thought that since I was planning to go to Georgia and since Senator Nancy Schaefer was the biggest politician exposing U.S. government criminal conspiracy against children, that she was going to expose them.

The FBI murdered Nancy Schaefer and her husband.  Every single person in charge of this case, was connected to U.S. military.  The U.S. military used the FBI to cover up crimes of torture against me and my son and used FBI to cover for those who torture kids.

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