Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More Use by Jews & U.S. Army: Mathew Kempton (UPDATE)

The people controlling my ability to get financial aid are U.S. Military.

The person I first had to talk to was Kyle Collins.

Kyle Collins then told me I would get zero financial aid from this college for living costs.  He said I would have tuition covered and nothing else.

I am eligible for loans of $12,500.  My grants are at least $9,500 ($5,500 for Pell Grant and $4,000 for FSEOG).  That's $22,000.  Their tuition is calculated for 24 credits for a full year and the cost is $10,080. 

That leaves over $11,000 for direct educational living expenses.

I was told to talk to Julie Collins in financial aid and she never called me back after her lunch as she was supposed to. Then I was transfered to VM for her boss and he called her "Cari Collins" (not Julie Collins).  I was being told over the phone that it was "Julie Collins". 

I talked to her boss, Mathew Kempton, who basically did the exact same thing "Kyle Collins" was doing by trying to guess things about me over the phone, and making comments about things in my life discreetly, knowing I would know he was talking about personal things, but knowing anyone else wouldn't have a clue.

Mathew Kempton began doing the exact same thing.  I asked him if he was U.S. Military.  He said, "Yes, I'm a veteran." I  asked what branch and he said, "U.S. Army".

He first tried to tell me I wasn't going to have any financial aid for living costs.  Then he tried to refer to direct educational costs (living expenses) as something that had to do with my wanting to pay my bills.  So I said "Yes, direct educational costs". 

This man took up over 1 full hour of my time, telling me that even if it's Summer for 2011-2012 award year for FAFSA, they won't disburse for Summer 2011-2012 even if I start July 17th.  I had a start date of July 17th since I enrolled. 

He said I couldn't be awarded money through Summer 2011-2012 and I said that didn't sound right.  So whatever, then he said they'd be starting an award for me, using the 2012-2013 FAFSA year, and they would apply it "earlier" than Fall of 2012-2013.  He told me over the phone that it should take 1 week.

Then, he backtracked on everything and said if I went to college in the last 6 months, I will not get living costs awarded and they will "pro-rate" my money.  He said if I took classes starting April 1, then I won't have money until October 28th.  He was telling me they would deduct my loan amounts from last term, with the award year of 2011-2012, from my 2012-2013 year.  I said you can't do that--I have a full amount for 2012-2013.

So then he said I could go to college and take classes from them, but they would not give me any refund check at all my living costs.

Then when I was saying that made no sense at all, he yelled at me to not talk over him, and then got excited.  All of a sudden, this man got into some psyched up moment, where he sounded like he thought he'd really won something and he got demanding and excited and sounded more confident in screwing me over, and said, "I've given you THREE CHANCES" and something about not talking to me for some reason and I said, "You've given me three chances for what?" and he disconnected the call.  This man hung up on me, when I was asking what his "3 fun-filled fantastic chances" were.

The entire time I was on the phone with him, if I was on my laptop and a pop up came up, he made a comment about things "popping up" and if a "risk" assessment window came up, he was bringing up "high risk" when it had nothing to do with anything we were talking about.

I tried to leave VM and it wouldn't go through, ringing "busy" instead and then disconnecting me.

I think this college is completely full of government assholes.  The ones that I'm being directed to, are all U.S. government users who want me on their line so they can use me and make themselves feel good about how much they can get out of me.

I called up again and said who is this man's boss and I was told it's "Dayna LaVallee" and then after that it's "Angie Quinones".  After that, it's the VP for the college at their "headquarters" which is in Phoenix, Arizona.

Which is where the FBI are, and is where Alvaro Pardo wanted to live. It's also where the CIA have a base, and half the people I've talked to through this college have been U.S. Military.
It's now 7:20 p.m. and I am being tortured to my teeth again.

It's military.  The CIA and FBI know about it, but it's military.  I went over to my parent's to ask for something and my Dad's eyes have deep round imprints and recesses now. I was just there and he didn't have this.  He just got newly tortured.

I am starting to think the military is forcing my parents to harm themselves for research.  It's like some of the time, this happens because of their eyes.

Someone tried calling the house a few minutes ago and it was "AdsPlus" (phone number: 503-395-1231, at 6:56).  We don't know anyone from there so why are they calling our house?  to leave a message with the name?  It's not even spam. 

Then before that, ITT Technical I called, at 6:08 p.m., after I specifically told this military guy I WAS NOT INTERESTED in being a computer IT person.

Yesterday, I was on the phone with University of Phoenix, with 2 different U.S. military men, who told me they were military (Air Force) and their website wasn't allowing me to get into the student site, so then they went through this whole thing, coaching me like I was at a computer company.

I intuited right then and there that these people are trying to force me into computer science when I'm not interested.  Yes, I was interested, if it was in addition to English Lit and Biology.  I have had the exact same goals now since when I first showed up after being used by the U.S. government, as a held hostage.  I stated a sincere interest to try to do that, as well as double major.  It would have been 2 degrees: one in English Lit/Science, and one in IT.  I also like to take an art class while I work on my degree. I've done this before and I was told at EOU I could take an art class there and then they backed out and were completely the opposite of "flexible".

I'm not interested in THROWING out my English Lit and Science, which prepares a person for graduate school, to be a U.S. military computer nerd.  I saw the footage of Israelis on Geraldo Rivera yesterday.  It was a couple of Jewish assholes imitating me and something I had done on my property a week ago.  I was on my parent's property in front of my laptop outside and working on a Windows MS class I started with SWOCC, because they said go ahead! get books and start classes! (and withdraw if they decide for sure not to allow me financial aid).  So I was outside and had sunglasses on and kept pushing them up in the middle, and had a watch on that I had taped up and was under my sleeve, for timing my walk for the PE class that was a graduation requirement.

These Jews on Geraldo yesterday, imitated me.  Last night I went over to my parents house (I believe it was last night and not the night before) and Geraldo was on the t.v., interviewing Yassar Arafat and then Jewish leaders in Israel who were denying there was any plutonium in Arafat. They intersected between Iran's leader and these 2 Jewish leaders.

I am beginning to think Kyle Collins is a Jew.  I will get into that in a moment.

So I've been dealing with Kyle Collins, for this online college, and then I see these Jewish leaders, with one imitating what I had been doing.  He kept pushing his glasses back in the middle with one finger, repeatedly, and they denied anything about Arafat and then the 2nd one said, "He's a poisonous person so I'm not surprised if he is filled with poison."

The reason I think Kyle is Jewish is actually too hard to go into, but I think he might be.  So then I've been dealing with him and on that day, they did this whole thing of having me follow all these different instructions for my laptop, as if I worked at CTR (Ed Israel's computer company) back in 1997.  He was having me do a printscreen, and told me he was U.S. military and Kyle was on the other line, listening in.  I kept getting an error msg and I already read to him what it was and it was short.  But then he wanted me to do the following:  "Do you know how to do a printscreen?" he said.  Then he said, "Press the ALT key and then the Printscreen key."  I said, "So you're telling me to push the lower left ALT button on the left side and then press the END button on the upper right side?  I said, it says END, is that the one?"  He said yes, it also says printscreen on the END button.  Then I was told to delete my browsing history and some other things.  He also wanted me to take Adobe out of the shell, and I did and then I said, "How do I put it back because I want it back in the shell."

The entire thing was turning into this Geeksquad Computer Tutorial and then Kyle in the meantime had me copy and paste 11 different screens to show my financial aid status was not in default, in the meantime. 

Then the next morning, today, Kyle told me they can give me tuition but no living expenses to live off of.  I finally talked to Matthew and he started to say the same thing.  After he told me he was military I said, "Let me get something straight.  I'm not going to computer college for the military.  I've had my education obstructed several times and then the U.S. military trying to get me to dump my English Lit major and go to a computer college. I don't WANT to be a computer IT person.  So I don't know why you can't just treat me like normal and award the same financial aid to me that you would anyone else."

They are also telling me, there is a finacial aid "block" that is still being generated by the federal Department of Education.  I said, "I just sent you copy-paste for all of my loans, every one of them, and all of my grants too, and it proves I'm not in default.  So if it shows that I'm not in default on my student gov site and FAFSA site, why is the Department of Education still sending you and other colleges notices that I am in default and to not award me financial aid?  He said he didn't know.  So I said, "Can you tell me something then?"

He said what.

 I said, "What are you getting?  I mean, can you send me a screen of what this information is that you're getting?  He said it was sent in a plain black and white screen format and simply gave them an error code and listed 3 different errors for "default".   

I said, "So the Department of Education is still sending colleges notices about me, even after they took the public profile down and show me there is nothing blocking me from college."  He said yes. 

I talked to this man for over an hour, and was polite and he was polite and then I had to switch recording tapes and tape over something on one that had Adora (Jewish or connected to Schneider from Department of Justice) on it, imitating Christa's voice.  That's about the time he started to sound triumphant, after I recorded over that and a conversation from psychologist Tim Dailey from SWOCC.

Not only that, he's doing Tanzer a favor.  He suddenly switched on saying I had living expenses to saying I didn't, and it was after I'd blogged more about Mike Tanzer.  Mike Tanzer is most likely CIA.  His Dad was Peace Corp and involved with internationals. It's a typical CIA start.  Even CIA operative Edward Howard worked in the Peace Corp, in Colombia, before becoming a CIA agent.  The CIA likes to pick up people who are in Peace Corp or who have international connections.  I would guess Mike Tanzer is CIA before I would ever say he's FBI.

So I blog more about him and then this U.S. Military man tells me I can't have financial aid for living expenses and says, "I told you THREE TIMES" which is basically something I said to Mike Tanzer over the phone, when I was asking for my ring to be returned. I left a msg saying, "I've called you x times".  These government assholes are keeping detailed records about me and they do not like to get caught.

How does he know unless the U.S. not only bugs my house, but has a hidden camera on me.  I already know they have federal workers using me to see how much they can guess about me, about what I'm doing, but maybe they decided to take it a step further and put in a hidden camera as well.  They do this with suspected mafia all the time. I'm not suspected mafia--I've been gang raped by feds and then tortured with my son and then had everything classified while they come up with a good "national interest research" excuses.

I am being trapped in this country to be tortured.

These military and CIA and FBI assholes try to do everything for Alvaro Pardo.  Everything is about HIM.  I HATE HIM.  I hate him and I hate William of Wales if that's what it comes down to.  I'm tired of special favors for them and for his kid, while the U.S. does nothing but try to manipulate and use me. 

All of this computer this and that, with University of Phoenix--they had me filling all of that information out for their college knowing they weren't going to give me financial aid to cover my living costs. 

And the U.S. already knew I'd written a letter to Iran, which I hadn't sent successfully yet but tried to send, and have blocked my access to both education AGAIN and living expenses again, only because they don't want me to leave this country for 1 week to get evidence against them for torturing me and my son.  They don't want me to get out from under the garbage.

They have me doing all these little computer things, imitating work from 1997 with Ed Israel, and  then expect me to be forced out again, to either look into their Military funded and sponsored ITT or to push me to OSU, when Ed Israel has a photo of himself smirking and wearing their college colors.  That man has most likely been a thorn in my side ever since I worked for him and his Catholic wife.

So I go through another entire process of filling out all this paperwork and information, to be screwed over again, and this time with Phoenix CIA involved.

My parents told me to leave tonight and there is nowhere to leave to.  They said just leave and don't worry about them.  They're being tortured by this country.  I already told them I wasn't planning to leave for more than 1 week but that I wanted to get an evaluation of torture to bring back to this country.  So that's why the FBI ruins my education again?  They repeatedly have shown themselves to be criminally obstructive and that's after their agents gang-raped me and then tortured me.

They are torturing and using my son for U.S. government research.

Then, they try to lure me away to live in a house next to a U.S. military man, and try to force me away from my parents again, and attempt to force me to a college where I have to be on-campus (but without a car, because the FBI literally won't allow me to drive).  Why?  Because they want more of their agents and military to be able to rape me and use me.

As soon as they saw I wasn't going to hook up with someone in Wenatchee after Alvaro left, they went back to torturing me and then they decided, after a year, to ruin my voice, steal everything, and try to make me ugly. If I wasn't going to be a U.S. government girlfriend and provide sex for the FBI and military, they were going to punish me and use me for torture instead.

They have never cared about me as a mother, or my son as my son.  They never respected my rights or my indepedence. 

The couple in Georgia who fought against CPS were most likely killed by the FBI.  No one else had a motive to kill that woman and her husband except for the FBI.  The FBI is the agency protecting criminals, CIA, and military, and allowing the trafficking of children.  It is the FBI that has supported those who steal children from parents and it is the FBI that protects those who torture those kids and claim it's all for government work.  Laura Laughlin is FBI and has worked on foster children cases.  The FBI works with CPS, and protects CPS even when CPS is sending innocent parents to jail, because of corrupt law enforcement and CPS and government who want the kids.

It is the FBI that murdered that Georgia woman.  They will never "investigate" because THEY are the murderers.  They definitely opened an "investigation" but it's going nowhere.  They did it.  They murdered that woman and her husband because they wouldn't follow through on an FBI "deal" and keep their mouths shut.  She knew about my son Oliver and what the FBI was doing in Seattle.  The FBI murdered her and her husband.  They weren't murdered when I was with Alvaro Pardo.  They were murdered after I chose not to marry him.  It's the FBI.  The FBI didn't like the fact that this Senator sounded like she knew so much about corrupt U.S. government baby selling and sexual trafficking of children.  She'd just come back from Copenhagen after talking about what the U.S. was doing with children and how CPS was basically a criminal organization.  She was the only Senator who spoke up for kids, who did not have a conflict of interest like Washington State's Patty Murray has.  Patty is U.S. military connected.  This is conflict of interest to the best interests of defending children who are being used by the U.S. military for research and mind control.  The Georgia woman and her husband, knew what horrible things happen to kids and because the FBI got nervous when I didn't marry into their corruption, through Alvaro, they killed the Georgia woman and her husband and set it up to look like double suicide.  Most likely they worried that if I wasn't marrying into the FBI, and protecting the FBI by being part of it, I was a liability.  If I didn't marry Alvaro, the FBI got nervous that someone knew too much about the ultimate plan.

Not just anyone would have access to the Georgia Senator.  It would have to be someone that, if seen in the area, was known to be an upstanding citizen or professional or law-abiding type.  The FBI also knows what forensics people look for and are educated about how investigations work and what things would be inspected and checked.  They set it up, and they killed them, and then they put on an act of investigating.  Either one group of FBI did it and planned to have another group of FBI investigate but removed evidence knowing what FBI looks for, or the same FBI group that killed them is currently in charge of the pending investigation.


  1. Remember it is gravy for your brain, we are medicating your drinking water. Your friend, Oliver Stone
