Wednesday, July 4, 2012

FBI Obstructing Education To TORTURE ME NOW

The FBI is obstructing my education.

The excuse is coming from the U.S. federal Department of Education and SWOCC.

The person in charge of sharing my personal information with others is Tim Dailey.  He went on a vacation for several weeks, after telling me my financial aid was cut off when he had already told me it was approved and confirmed in place for Summer 2012.  I was told to follow his advice for everything and then he screwed me over.

Because he thought I was recording him, he confirmed this over the phone to me several times.  Then, the minute someone got into my house, while I was with my mother in Coos Bay on a trip, we got back and he backtracked.  I knew that he had been informed there was no recording at all, because I had not even started the tape yet.

I only had two tapes and my place is small.  It's not hard to figure out and someone knew and told him.  Tim Dailey, feeling reassured that none of his promises to me or confirmations of my Summer financial aid were in place, backtracked on it all.  Then he refused to help me straighten it out and ignored my email and went on vacation, taking my information who knows where.

This is their psychologist.  He lied to me.  He told me to everything a certain way and confirmed it was in place, and then he backtracked.  They are not even offering to pay for this on college cost, because of what they told me.
They are torturing me now.  It is 9:22 p.m.

I called my mother and said, crying, "I am being tortured.  They are targeting my teeth."

I haven't had to make that call for awhile, because the FBI FUCKERS were counting on my accepting FUCKING OREGON HEALTHPLAN you FUCK.  FUCK YOU FOWLER.  GOD DAMN YOU.

The FBI deliberately set me up and has been trying to force me to take U.S.A. healthcare, to discredit me, for their own motives.  The FBI is directly responsible for slandering me and inciting others to assault my with Haldol after humiliating me by having me strip out of all my clothing in front of 4 women.

I will never forgive the FBI.  GOD DAMN ALVARO PARDO and FOWLER and his FUCKING FBI friends in NY and Maryland.  The FBI assaulted me, several times, had me assaulted by people they knew in Canada, and then in the U.S. again, and then they deliberately tried to permanently destroy my mind by having me repeatedly drugged with Haldol.  They wanted me to be killed.  The FBI are nothing but hit men.

In response to my saying, "They are targeting my teeth", my mother said, "Well you probably should have gone on the Oregon healthplan...and gotten their dental.."

I cut in and said, "It's not a DENTAL problem.  I am being TORTURED.  STOP DENYING THE TRUTH.  The FBI is doing this to try to get what they want."

I said I wasn't going to go on health insurance here and be discredited by more doctors connected to the FBI, so the FBI can feel happier about themselves and their legal position.  I stated, on my blog, that I would never go to U.S. healthcare.  Why would I let a U.S. doctor degrade me further by looking around after they are part of the torture?  The only place I would allow to examine me would be a doctor in another country, not the United States.

Then, the minute I sent an email to Denmark and about colleges there, the Feds used Avena Singh and Tim Dailey to cut me off.  The President is Patty Scott.  I called her last week and she didn't return my call.  I called 2 weeks ago even and she didn't return my call then either.  And I sent email to her staff over 2 weeks ago and no one from her offices has responded.

My parents acted like it was fine to let EOU go, but I could tell they didn't want me to do anything about letting SWOCC go.  It seems someone is giving them false hope, because whatever good thing my parents expected from SWOCC or some group from SWOCC, isn't happening.  Why do my parents even care about SWOCC or feel hopeful about that community college when this is the second time they've screwed me over? I don't know if they thought someone at SWOCC was going to be helpful or what.  They weren't very optimistic about EOU, for whatever reason.  But then they acted like SWOCC was a good move and all SWOCC has done is screw me over.  Two times.  They meet with my MOTHER (?) but haven't answered my request about a personal meeting in time to fix Summer aid, if necessary.  So now for the first time, my mother says something about transfering.  Maybe then, if I don't think they'll be honest about Fall, transfer. 

Transfer WHERE.

I already stated I want to double major.  I need the credits for science.  I cannot afford to take them at a University.  There is no public university I want to transfer to and there is no private college that I can still get into for Fall. 

The FBI is deliberately blocking me from college knowing I will be getting a car.  They are responsible for stealing my vehicles from me in the first place, and having them illegally impounded when they knew the license wasn't suspended.  All the FBI has cared about, is keeping me out of college, and keeping me from driving.

Then, those FUCKERS have one of their fucking reps call me from Portland downtown, to go to a COMPUTER college in downtown Portland.  I mean, a FUCKING FBI asshole who had his person call me up, after SWOCC sent me letters telling me I am not getting financial aid for Summer, and the FUCKING FBI tries to get me into their FUCKING TERRITORY.  That's after Trish Fucking McMichaels.

They surveill our house.  They bug and tap our house, and they listen to everything we talk about. I said I wasn't going to go to college in person at SWOCC because of the bus situation but had already been looking up cars to buy.  I spent last term looking up vehicles, with an intention to drive after I saved up money.  My Dad looked at me like what's the point--the FBI won't let you.  The FBI is the group that doesn't want me to drive, have a car, or be mobile at all.  They want me to be on a fucking bus or walking, to slow me down, for the rest of my life. 

They have blocked every single aspect of travel that I've ever attempted, for the last 8 years now.  They don't give me my passport in time, they don't allow me to leave the state, they hold me hostage with their FBI asshole-employee cop, they allow me to have financial aid if they think I'm not going anywhere (habeas corpus petition or appeal for my son), and block my financial aid if they think I might take a quick trip (when there is nothing tying me down).  It's the 4th of July and the FUCKING FBI IS HOLDING ME HOSTAGE.



They KNEW I was planning to get a car.  They knew, because I made a search this last term and then said, "Summer Term at SWOCC if I save enough I could buy a car and then I can drive to classes for Fall." 

They fucking CUT OFF my financial aid.  They stalled my education AGAIN and blocked my freedom of travel AGAIN, and just did it in a roundabout way.  They knew I'd have no way now, to save anything for a car.  So these FUCKERS, then FUCKING CALL ME UP, and ask me if I'm interested in going to OIT on the downtown FBI fucking Portland campus.


Not only did they cut off my financial aid again, and ability to go to college, they obstructed my travel knowing I was going to buy a car so I have more freedom and can drive, and then they try to separate me from my family again and attempt to get me in the FBI's personal downtown jurisdiction, to be a walking, pedestrian, computer NERD, where they can keep their fucking sexual assaulting lascivious eyes on me.  YOU FUCKS.

The only time these assholes in this country have allowed me to drive, in the last 8 years, is if I'm with their fucking FBI employee cop.  And they let me drive a car if I was with him, and then held me hostage at a hotel, and in D.C. at the same time.  I had freedom to drive locally, with the FBI employee but not to leave. 

I reported FBI agent (and lawyer before that) misconduct in 2004.
1.  The FBI blocked me from driving and college in 2004, illegally, and covered for a Judge.
2.  I was trapped in Wenatchee and anytime I left, I was cited by police and harassed.  If I even left Wenatchee to go to Chelan, I was illegally cited and harassed by police.
3.  I was blocked from filing a court document in federal court in Spokane in 2006, by a State cop who pulled me over and stalled until he knew the court was closed. 
4.  The FBI blocked me from leaving the country with my son in 2007.
5.  The FBI blocked me from getting my car back from Canada in 2007.  I was stranded.
6.  The FBI blocked me from leaving Washington D.C. when I wanted to in 2008.  While they blocked me from leaving, they refused to provide the "services" that were court-ordered, obstructing justice deliberately to prejudice my case with my son.  They held me hostage, not even letting me drive when I had court matters to deal with.  When the time had expired, then I was allowed to drive locally but not allowed to leave the area.
7.  The FBI blocked me from leaving Wenatchee after I was back. 
8.  The FBI/Department of State blocked me from leaving Wenatchee after I was commuting from Seattle to Wenatchee and trying to drive back to Seattle to start a job at a yaht club that would have paid about $300/night.  They blocked me to punish me for not calling up Alvaro and to keep me from making it on my own.  I was put in jail by police on a false arrest for auto theft when I didn't steal anything.  It obstructed me from work that was starting the next day, which I had already arranged a ride for.
9.  The FBI blocked me from leaving Walla Walla when I went there and then tried to leave.
10.  The FBI blocked me from leaving Bainbridge Island in Seattle.
11.  The FBI then blocked me from work in TN after I left, which was the first time they didn't block me, after Middleton was engaged.  Then they let me go. Then, as soon as things were going too well for me in Nashville, they blocked me from work and colluded and conspired to have me assaulted and drugged out of my mind at a psych ward.
12.  The FBI/Department of State blocked me from leaving the country.  I applied for a passport immediately and they refused to give one to me for over 8 months, telling me instead that they wanted more personal photographs of me as a grown woman and then as a kid. 
13.  The FBI then forced me to work for them while I was trapped in the U.S., or be taken to jail on a warrant for not paying a Wenatchee court fine for BITCH MICHELLE who lied and committed perjury as a social worker, and had improper relationships.  Not only that, she was connected to the U.S. Navy and took information from Theo Keyes, who worked as a govt. psychic, to Navy people.  One of the S.A.s the FBI used against me was from San Diego, the same area where Adam's Navy Intelligence father worked.  I was forced to be tortured in the workplace while working next to FBI agents at Logan's Roadhouse.
14.  The FBI blocked me from travel by having me fired right as I was trying to at least save enough to leave the country. They assaulted me and fired me, after I'd paid the fine I didn't owe, that I was innocent for, and after I bought my son some toys. 
15.  The FBI blocked me from leaving Nashville to go to Knoxville to try to talk to FBI there.
16.  The FBI blocked me from doing anything by throwing me into a federal holding facility for more torture and research in Knoxville.  They knowingly pressed charges on me and created a criminal record, when I was innocent and had made a lawful 911 call.  After they forced me to kneel, and stripped me to the 2-way mirror to humiliate me, and injected me with an unknown substance that was not a psychiatric drug (I don't know what it was, but it wasn't that), they broke my hand and then handprinted me for Middletons.
17.  The FBI then "allowed" me to go back to Oregon where I was with my parents.  They knew I still had cash with me because they knew how much I had when they took it from me at Knoxville detention center.  They kept track of how much I spent.  After they knew I had no more cash, then the Department of State gave me my passport, around my birthday.  They gave me my passport only after they knew I had no possible way to travel and that they could control my parents and keep them from giving me anything to travel with.  Having a passport then, was pointless because they already knew I was trapped.
18.  The FBI blocked me from college and getting loans consolidated on time.  Then, they said I could only go if I applied to go on Social Security disability to be an invalid so they looked good and I was trashed permanently and discredited.  I got in for ONE term at EOU and they started problems, to ruin my GPA, humiliate me with F's I didn't even earn, and by throwing Cascio from student relations at me.
19.  The FBI set it up so that after I left EOU, SWOCC canceled my Summer financial aid.  They had wanted me to apply for disability and I didn't.  In the meantime, I had named them on a writ of habeas corpus so the FBI knew to to appeal that or for the case with my son, I would need money.  They also knew I researched cars during Spring Term, with the intention to drive.  The FBI is blocking me from getting a car, and driving.  They knew I looked at cars and then knew I was planning to save what I could from Summer aid, and then buy a car to drive for Fall.  The FBI cut me out of Summer aid.  After they did this, they had an agent call me from downtown Portland, where their FBI offices for Portland are, and ask if I was interested in going to a computer college on-campus (walking, not driving) in Portland. 
20.  The FBI is now allowing full-blown torture, knowing I am trapped in Coquille, with nothing to do but be a research guinea pig for them and their friends.  They have ruined my education, and my college plans, repeatedly, and obstructed me from the ability to save up money to buy a car and be able to drive.

The FBI doesn't want me to drive at all.  They have ruined my life.  They don't want me to have mobility to freedom to travel and go where I need to go, for college, for work, and only want to humiliate me and slow me down.  This is the second time that the FBI has directly interfered with my education and college, and obstructed me from school.  It is also the second time they've blocked me from commuting by driving to college with a car.  The first time, was done illegally by an illegal suspension of license.  This time, they blocked my plans and ability to get a car by "suspending" my financial aid with a claim that "You have exceeded the time allowance".  I thought it was about "excessive credits" but the words on the letter are that I exceeded "time limits for program". 


Not only that, this is not what they told me for months while they were approving my financial aid.  They said it was ready to go.  No problems, is what I was told.  There still isn't a problem.  The FBI made this a problem.

They block me from traveling, and want me out of a better situation of housing with family, where we can keep an eye on eachother and it's less expensive.  They also are constantly attempting to get me out into the open because they think their assholes who want to sexually assault me again or have pathetic delusions about dating me, will have better proximity.

The FBI has ruined the last 8 years of my life and my son's entire life.  Even if I am given financial aid for Fall at SWOCC, they already know they ruined my chance to save up for a car and would be forcing me to take a bus back and forth which is not convenient, is degrading, and will take up all of my time.  They knew I had plans to drive for Fall.

My Dad knew the FBI would find a way to obstruct my driving when I was even looking up cars this last term.  He didn't say, "The FBI will block you" or "The FBI won't let you drive", but it was obvious.  It was clear that that it was going to be the FBI that interferred and sure enough, they have, again.

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