Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Recent FBI Retaliation (Copy of Email)

(UPDATE: 11:48...I checked and yes, the increase in torture has followed my email that I sent to Portland FBI, a week ago, on June 25, 2012.  Prior to that, I was not being tortured very much, except to my ears, occasionally, when I was at my parents house, by a sonic wave of some kind.  After I sent my email to the FBI, asking them which matter they were going to investigate first, and accusing them of inaction, the torture against me went up over 400%.  In my blog, I started documenting recent daily torture.  The first thing I documented, after I sent the FBI my email, was being tortured at the track at the high school, and then increasing torture after that.  The major increase in torture by use of technology was retaliation by FBI.  It has followed the email I have copied below (which is after more of my comments) and then for the last 3 days, it's went from severe torture every day of this term so far, to every day and every night.  I have not slept.)

The U.S. is continuing torture against me.  It is 2 1/2 hours past the last post I made and they have not quit.  They stopped for about 10 minutes after I wrote the last lines to the post about how the FBI imagines they can lure me away from my family to better proximity for more sexual assault by their employees.

And after about 10 minutes of not torturing me, they started again. 

This is the DOE and DOD and we have neighbors on 4 sides that use technology that intersects.  I've gotten up close to it and felt where it's hitting and coming from and which direction it's going.

For the last 3 days and nights, I have been tortured non-stop.

I am going to post the email I sent to the FBI before they began allowing torture of me full-blown.  I believe this torture is retaliation BY the FBI, for sending them this email, asking them to do their job.
(beginning of email below)

Your Office Request for "More Details" on Judicial Felonies‏

From:cam huegenot (
Sent:Mon 6/25/12 11:08 PM
Bcc: mom dad (
I received an email from this field office, after I submitted an entire page listing felonies that Judges had committed, and describing the facts of their actions which met the requirement for felony.

I was ignored and told to go to to the Health Department.

Then I was told to give you more "details" about Judges.

I already gave an entire couple of pages to your office, listing what actions were taken which constitute felonies.

I am then asking, if someone there is making a show of interest in investigation of judicial crimes, which Judges were you unclear about?

There are other "investigations" that have not been addressed as well, which include:

1. Hate Crime. I have been blocked, several times, since before 2002, from reporting hate crimes that fell, by definition, within the jurisdiction of the Portand FBI offices.

2. FBI Misconduct #2. I wish to address the use of FBI internal memos and opinions, for purposes of defaming me to have me physically assaulted in Nashville, TN. I received clear information that FBI was responsible, and there are over 20 other witnesses to the shared documents. This is abuse of position and a crime that was committed by FBI employees, though I don't know which ones.

3. FBI Misconduct #3. Going with the slander which was for the express purpose of having me assaulted, is the defamation that certain FBI employees made against me, with the Department of State in Washington, to Canadian immigration officers. I have not had this addressed and after it was ignored, I again discovered another attempt to have me physically assaulted by a different FBI field office, in another state.

4. Child Kidnapping under color of law. I asked to have the kidnapping of my son, under color of law, investigated and your personnel responded that you don't get involved with "child custody" issues. It was not and is not, a "child custody" issue. It was an international kidnapping and collusion to have my son sent back to the U.S. while I was arranged to be put under false arrest, with full FBI knowledge. After this, with the AG and CPS involved, it was covered up as being a case involving child welfare when that is not what it was about.

5. Torture. Which part of the FBI investigates torture of U.S. citizens, occuring in more than one state?

6. Torture and treason against U.S. Citizens. My parents, Bob and Dicksie Garrett, are sets of twins that have been forced to work for the FBI and controlled by the FBI and other departments. My life, my son's life, and other family member's lives, have all been jeopardized because of this and leverage has been used against my parents in a power-control scheme to keep them quiet and from revealing state secrets while other members are tortured. This is treason against U.S. Citizens. It also involves the FBI so which department of yours investigates that? I am a firsthand witness to evidence of torture to my parents and I have been assaulted myself, it turns out, because of some FBI employees encouraging this assault.

7. Murder. Do you still investigate murder? If you want to investigate Judges under "public corruption", which should have been done years ago, if you're not again insulting me by asking for more "details" when I gave you details, maybe you could let me know if you investigate both torture and murder anymore. My son Oliver Garrett (now illegally going by Avila under state and FBI fraud) was tortured within inches of his life. He was then kidnapped. He was then prevented from seeing his own mother while he was being abused and programmed by the CIA and military with the FBI looking in on the action. Then, while the public noticed how I was NOT "mentally ill" as the FBI defamed me as being, as I worked in different places and attempted to get help on the East Coast, then my next son, James River Garrett was tortured while in utero. He was 3 months old when he was tortured, along with me, which is 2 separate counts of assault and battery and torture on a human life. Next, he was murdered in Maryland.

After this, the FBI and Maryland tried to set me up to marry a man they knew, who had worked for them. If I didn't marry him, they tortured me again, and refused to return my son. I then had all of my housing, through the federal government, taken from me, when it was the FBI that put me in the position to begin with by obstruction of justice and blocking my freedom of travel.

How does the FBI get away with not investigating ANY of these things, and of committing crimes against their own citizens and allowing and encouraging others to commit felonies, and then wants me to marry someone who worked for the FBI?

Can you explain that to me? Murder. You want to marry away murder and torture these days? If I marry an FBI or Department of State employee, maybe I won't say anything??? maybe it will "all go away"?

Please reply as to which crimes you intend to investigate.

All of the ones I've listed, including counts of FBI misconduct, are your jurisdiction. I named the FBI in a petition for habeas corpus, as you know. It's for relief as prisoners of the "state" of the U.S.A. and with Fowler, Laughlin, and Mueller all specifically named. I filed this before my discovering that my parents are twins and the U.S. and FBI have used this for leverage against them to intimidate them and cover for FBI crimes. I am prepared to initiate a new action against the FBI and if this field office is expressing any kind of sincere investigation, which of the above are going to be investigated?
(end of email to FBI)

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