Thursday, July 5, 2012

Judge "Owen Panner" (Department of Justice Faggot)

I found mail after asking the courthouse why no one had responded to my Writ of Habeas Corpus.

The man has a number of conflicts of interests.  Personally, on a personal level, the man is a faggot. Just because you have wife and kids, doesn't mean you are not.  Whether that's taken in a good or bad way, it affects me when the Department of State tried to force me to marry a faggot, Alvaro Pardo.

One fag will defend another.

Secondly, this man is Catholic and from Illinois.  He also spent most of his career out of New York, where his friend Gregory Fowler is from.  He specialized in "shipments" in and out of Europe, i.e., London.  His father-in-law worked for Grumman Aviation and his wife is from Los Angeles.

This man has one too many conflicts of interest.  According to documents about him, he worked for the same Indian Tribe associations, as a Judge, as his friend who ruled against me worked at, in Washington state.

They are both federal Indian tribe Judges and these people have close-knit circles.  If she ruled against me in Washington, he would definitely rule against me.  He's a Murphy.  Irish Catholic. 

This man had nothing to dispute about my petition for habeas corpus except for his personal prejudiced opinion.

He made no decision on the basis of actual facts, or deficiencies in the petition.  He made a decision based on personal hatred and the idea that it would be highly profitable for him to rule against me.  His entire ruling is on his opinion that it's "unlikely" or "unreasonable" that torture against U.S. citizens is possible in America.

FUCK YOU and may you and your wife be blasted until you know what "torture" really is.  This man is a mean-spirited homosexual that proves my point about how not all homosexuals are sympathetic and nice people. This man was so paranoid about my petition that he even denied my right to appeal it.  They went right over my head, and again, they left out my son.

THIS FUCKER OMITTED one of the plaintiffs and then he signed off on more of my son's torture, on my son's BIRTHDAY, May 11th.

He altered a legal document.

Both the Magistrate and this "Judge" altered a legal document and refused to even address the fact that the petition was for two individuals, combined, not just one.  That is illegal. 

They also refused to even send the petition to the defendents.

This man did a favor for Governor Gregoire, for NY FBI, and a bunch of corrupt Judges he already knew I'd named in complaints to the Commission of Judicial Fitness.

This is why the FBI is obstructing me from going to college.  THIS is why.  They don't want to deal with the fact that their careers are down the drain.  Because this Judge and the Magistrate tampered with my petition and altered it, and ignored the facts, their entire order and argument can be tossed out.

I would not even take this to a higher court before I expose them with a major ass wiping in a new petition.  They are completely ignorant asses that covered for eachother and broke the law.  You don't FUCKING alter legal documents you closet HO.

His entire argument is that it's his opinion it's not possible for a child and mother to be tortured.  He literally takes a TORTURE claim and calls it "frivolous". 

That's like taking me, while I'm being tortured, into federal fucking custody for making an improper 911 call when they already know I was being tortured, and then putting me into a glass cell where they experiment on me.  They FUCKING EXPERIMENTED on me in a FEDERAL facility, after they charged me with crimes I didn't commit.

This man, this Judge Owen, has done some kind of illegal transaction using a credit card, or through payment from someone else by credit card.  I am not sure what, but that came to mind.  I will pray and ask God to show me more dirt about Owen and his fucking "wife".  God damn you for sentencing my son to Your Friend's Hell.

The only thing this Judge wrote that made any normal sense at all was a claim that I didn't state a claim for "relief".  If he thought I didn't make it clear enough, what my cause for relief was, that's ground for a certificate for appeal.  You fucking MORON.  A Judge's opinion that a petitioner "fails to state claim for relief" is not "frivolous", it's something you can fucking "ammend" or appeal.

This is the only legal point he made at all, and that's not even saying he's correct, but that's the only legal point he made.  The rest of his excuse is that it's "unreasonable" or "irrational" and "wholly incredible" and then he makes my list of plaintiffs the excuse for this if listing military, FBI, and Secretary of Defense is irrational.  He even includes, "members of the Catholic church" when I never specifically named a "member of the Catholic church" as a defendant, and tries to blow it out of proportion.  Oh, I'm sure he is aware which defendants are Catholic, probably he knows better than I do, but that's not what I listed defendants for.   Then he minimizes my entire torture claim and says oh it's just to take my son and "generally torture and harass plaintiff."

This man himself is a closet fag, a London dandy, and has his own issues of collusion.  I would not be suprised if this man directly took payoffs from Alvaro Pardo himself, and accepted them from the U.S. bank machine.   

His wife is from Los Angeles and Colleen Cascio began harassing me herself, right about the time he ruled on this.  Cascio and her husband have California origins.

Laura Moore, for EOU, treated me with cool respect until after this ruling was made and then she made fun of me, refused to answer my email after telling me to email her, and ignored me.  Laura Moore is Chicago connected and FBI connected.  She quit her polite professionalism the minute this ruling came into effect and then they stalled and harassed me about the rest of the loan money they had promised to disburse.

Alvaro Pardo and the Department of Defense are in deep shit.

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