Thursday, July 5, 2012

Osama bin ladin & Alvaro Pardo

The U.S. was using Alvaro Pardo for work for them. This is part of the reason that the CIA and Department of State were so pissed I didn't marry him to give him a short-cut onto their official payroll as a U.S. citizen.

All of this "Middle East" revolution stuff is an idea that comes from Alvaro Pardo.  He's the one who helped structure the idea, for the Department of State and the Middle East.  Remember Hillary Clinton, sitting there in the Oval Office or wherever it was, watching live action of Osama bin ladin being killed?  with his children present?  That woman is Alvaro Pardo's boss.

Barak Obama knows Alvaro Pardo and so does Leon Panetta.  Leon Panetta and Alvaro are friends.
From what I could tell, Catholics work with Muslims all the time for certain things.  Whether Alvaro was Muslim or Catholic, his possible lover Henry was Catholic.  Henry was the man who is also connected to the FBI who lived with us, just a few blocks away from the Department of Energy.  It was not an accident that I was given the laptop bag by the CIA officer because Alvaro was already working for the Department of State and the FBI.

It is rumored that Mike Middleton was present when Osama bin Ladin was shot, or one of Middleton's close associates.

My own fiancee was helping to plot Osama bin ladins murder.  That's my opinion.

And yes, as of 1:25 a.m., I am still being tortured and it hasn't let up.  The DOD/DOE and FBI friends of the neighborhood are targeting my teeth, and neck (the metal inside) and it's extremely painful.  They've been doing this for 3 full days and nights.  It is a justifiable opinion now that the FBI is trying to kill me.

There is no other reason for torture like this.  They are trying to kill me.  They trapped me in this country without money, blocking off my financial aid again, last minute, and they have been torturing me non-stop for 3 days and nights.  I have taken many over-the-counter medications during this time, to alleviate pain and it does nothing.

The FBI wants me to kill myself. 

They have blocked me from any kind of work, any kind of college, livlihood, from my son, from even a habeas corpus petition for torture, and they have been encouraging torture of me for 8 years.  They are directly responsible for inciting the attack against me, with no psychological evaluation, to be injected with Haldol and overdosed to die.  The only reason I did not die was because I faked taking most of it.  The levels of torture that they are using now are for trying to make life unbearable.  They want me to kill myself.

This country is going to be nuked.  When this country is nuked, those who torture me now will wonder why they even bothered to waste time torturing me when they could have paid attention to more important things.  I am positive that this country will be nuked, because the FBI proves it is so fully corrupt, along with the Judges, if I can hardly lift my head, there is no possible way another enemy country will have mercy on the U.S.  They will nuke the U.S. and God will not protect this country from that because certain leaders have rejected God.  I am not voting for the Barak Obama administration.  I hope Chris Dabney goes to hell.

When I was with Alvaro, all his friends were Middle Eastern sounding.  And he said and spelled his expressions:  "jah".  Jah is a Middle Eastern way of saying things.  He was working for the U.S. and said he was Catholic to me, and it worked, for some of the heinous Catholics in Wenatchee and Washington.  Maybe his proximity and friendships with Catholics was enough.

After the United States mocked the assassination of Osama bin ladin they showed clips of him watching himself on t.v., and sitting in a chair with a blanket around his shoulders, sniffling.  Alvaro put on this exact same act.  Those U.S. assholes who chose to air that footage (Department of Defense and Pentagon and CIA, FBI), did so knowing I would see it.  Right after they aired this footage, they threw me into the psych ward and drugged me up and tried to kill me.  Wait.  I guess that's when they tortured me in Knoxville and then threw me into a federal detention site and handprinted me, telling me to kneel.

(I guess because Mike Middleton is very special now for participating in killing Osama bin Ladin 1 day after his daughter's wedding...remember how Will and Kate were told not to travel or go anywhere right away?  The reason is because the UK and US already knew what they had planned and they didn't want a backlash against English royalty, just in case something leaked)

The footage I'm referring to, is specific video footage taken of Osama (by himself or someone I guess) at specific times, and the U.S. chose to air this, worldwide, knowing that I knew who had been copying and imitating the mannerism and actions.  My ex Alvaro Pardo was, as if he knew exactly what Osama was doing and had been watching through a camera himself, provided by the FBI.

The FBI at Headquarters in D.C. freaked out when I called them and asked where Alvaro was ("why do you want to know?" they said) after this footage aired.  Alvaro had been copying and imitating what Osama bin ladin was being filmed doing. One day he came in with a brown blanket wrapped around his shoulders and sniffled in the same way and had the same manner, and then studied me and watched.  Then he was watching t.v like that.

It's like the CIA and FBI and Department of ? had been watching Osama all along, spying on him, and then for kicks, had their new "REVOLUTION!  POWER!" employee imitating his mannerisms and putting on a show for me.

The Obamas know about it and at this point, after seeing what Michelle sent, and then Biden, and the the follow-up to block me from college and financial aid, it's obvious that they have used me and don't care in the least if my son and I are tortured.  They want me out of money so I can't file against their big man on campus, Alvaro Pardo. 

As for his UK contacts, he has them.  As for which kids are his or who impregnated the Colombian woman who was set to marry this English guy?  I don't know. 

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