Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hacker Blocking My Music Online

Blogger is still messed up and first thing this morning, a hacker is stopping my youtube music that I'm playing, by freezing it in the same spot and putting it on pause. It says it's playing but it's not and it doesn't shut down the video or turn it off, it stops playing and pauses in the middle, but it doesn't show the pause button impressed. It's not this computer. The wi-fi is 100%, there is nothing wrong with the youtube, and I have had someone who is such a stalker they have been doing this almost since I've been here in Oregon, with any computer or laptop I have, no matter which one it is. I would appreciate it if someone would please assist and try to track down who is doing this and who is hooked into my laptop and hiding their IP bc I have more photos to upload and I have a right to not have someone constantly tampering with, and shutting down the music I choose to play. It's not normal connection problems, bc if it were, I wouldn't be writing about this. I know how laptops have connection problems sometimes or things don't play correctly--it's not that. I have online stalkers and most of them work for the U.S. government. Military, specifically.


  1. no one is ever going to help you

  2. Cameo should get help. Psychiatric help. It would do her a world of good.
