Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update:Torture of my Parents (new cuts): Forced MILITARY Work

My mother had 2 of her fingers sliced. She tried to say the cat did it, and I saw them closer up today and it's not from a cat. Her middle finger and index finger are sliced. She had her fingers sliced with a knife or something else with an extremely sharp point. I guess it was someone's sick idea of making an "awl" and using it to attack and punish my parents. My parents are forced to work for CIA and U.S. military. My mother is tortured, I am tortured, and my Dad is tortured, along with my son. I'm really tired of seeing how my entire family is held hostage by U.S. military assholes, and no one is doing anything about it. Everyone surrounding my family is U.S. military. My brother was forced to live with military after marrying a military wife, who spied on our family and then cut off all contact after Kate Middleton's wedding. Carmen worked for the U.S. Army. Every single person that's tried to get close to me, to use me for research, is U.S. military. My Dad is forced to go to a church run by a pastor who is U.S. military and this entire town is a like living on a military base. All of the pastors are not just "retired military" guys who served for 4 years--they're 20+ year veterans and still on active duty. The FBI agent in charge, came over from NY, with a military background and is running this state. My entire family is basically held hostage by the CIA and U.S. military, and the FBI assaults and goes along with it, for bonus pay. My brother was forced to be surrounded by, and to live with, U.S. military. My parents are surrounded by U.S. military. I was forced to live with U.S. military and U.S. military tried to force me to marry Alvaro Pardo for the U.S. military and CIA. Alvaro's contacts were police, U.S. military, and CIA, as well as working for the FBI. The U.S. military wanted me to marry him and the FBI was only normal around me if I was with him. Mark is military. Chris Dabney is U.S. military. Chief of Strategy James Cartwright is military and his sister or relative that I worked for years before this, is from a military family. Ryan from Wenatchee is military. Every single person I was forced to live with, including Theo Keyes, who was friends with Michelle Erickson and didn't tell me, was military. Keyes' father is career Army as is Keyes. Keyes colluded against me and shared information about me to Michelle Erickson, who was the main social worker on my case and had previously worked for the U.S. Navy at a Navy base in the Seattle area of Washington--it was admitted in court and on her resume. My son was taken from me and has been assaulted by U.S. military and 9 out of 10 people involved in his custody case, were directly connected to U.S. military. We are all being tortured. We all have evidence of torture. We are completely surrounded by, and stalked by U.S. military and CIA. The Department of Defense is responsible for the technology and means of our torture. I had the dental implant put into my mouth by U.S. military. I'm going to wager a bet that the doctor who did my neck surgery was U.S. military. Stacey Stubblefield, who ruined my body and tortured my son in childbirth, is married to a cop. That cop, let me guess, is friends with Russ Strong, who is U.S. military (Army) and who held the BBQ where my unborn son was tortured along with me, while still in the womb. Russ Strong works at a dam in Wenatchee. All of a sudden, Ryan, this Boston marine who was stealing from me and taking my evidence, got a federal job working at a different dam for FEMA types of operations. The man who hired me to fire me a few days later, after torturing me and experimenting with me, at Mike's Deli, in Nashville, TN, is military and U.S. government employ for FEMA. Then I was forced to work at Logans, and the man who hired me, Ernie, was part Colombian and U.S. career military. It's been all federal employees who have assaulted me. Cops have defamed me, FBI assaulted me, military stalked me and tortured me, and CIA has used me as well, and then dumped me. My son is being assaulted by FBI and military, and others are allowed to harm him as well. The Jewish community defamed me, and paved the road to allow for torture. They've committed hate crimes as much as others have. They are responsible for defamation of my character. All branches of military have been involved. U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Persons from all of these branches have been involved, and it goes to the larger and higher personnel for the DOD. It's not like they've been "helping" me, by giving me jobs. They've been screwing me out of college and work, in order to force me to be a human experiment for them. They've assaulted me almost daily, used me and degraded me, shared personal information about me, planned gang rapes among other federal workers, and tortured my son. I've been falsely arrested and blocked from travel, so they could keep me her to torture me and my son. My entire family is being assaulted by the U.S. military and CIA and the FBI is backing them up. THe minute I reported 2 of their guys, the CIA and military knew they had the FBI on their side, because now they were going to use FBI fears of lawsuits, and favors in keeping the FBI "safe" (by torturing me) to their own advantage. They have classified hate crime. I am being tortured and have been tortured since this afternoon, to my ear, tooth and jaw. It is not mild, it's been severe. It is now 7:23 p.m. My entire life has been ruined because of conspiracy to obstruct competition. The United States is guilty of using state and federal resources to torture their own citizens to keep them out of competition. This is felony that is beyond RICO. It's not classified. You cannot classify any attempt to block a citizen from competition, by calling it "research". That is the federal law on classification rules. ******************* It is not coincidental and the "odds" are far too high, to claim our being surrounded by U.S. military and being forced to work for other federal workers, is not deliberate. The FBI allowed torture of me, because it did THEM a favor. They didn't want me to win my lawsuit against defamation because defaming me worked for THEM. By the way, I sent email to Moses Lake Samaritan Hospital, to ask about doctors on board in 1982-1984, and no one has replied. It's been over a week. The University of Utah has pandered to the Middletons. Not suprising. Even Kate Middleton's dress and earrings for her wedding day reflect my CT and MRI scans. Her neckline matches the CTs and MRI for my implants and her earrings given to her by her mother do as well. In 2004, after I was defamed by The Willamette Week, this hospital that implanted me, which worked out well for Middletons and the ability of U.S. military and CIA in torturing me, opened a new clinic. They called it "South Jordan" when Carol and Mike Middleton operated out of Jordan and Kate grew up there. This hospital got bonus pay after putting implants into my body in 1995. In 1998 they purchased an extensive amount of new property and got other funding before then. They are linked to the Veteran's Hospital, and do rotations with them, and have since 1946. It was an illegal federal operation. It was also an operation that was later used to torture me to prevent me from using my gifts and talents at work or college, and then in lawsuits. The U.S. is guilty as hell and Kate Middleton and her family are English traitors. This country used Presidents who did favors for the Middletons.

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