Sunday, July 8, 2012

Impression of Kate Middleton on My Computer (Hacking)

I think Kate Middleton has not only been given my personal files by the FBI, she's been internet-computer-stalking me.

I thought it was bad enough, to find out my own country refused to give ME records about myself that could have protected both me and my son, but they shared them with Middleton.

Now, on this other matter, my impression may be incorrect, possibly, but it is also possible that it is true.  I have no idea how she got access to my online and other computer activities but I think it is possible she has been computer-internet stalking me.  I think she's had private access to what I do online.  It's possible.  I also have a few ideas of how this could happen, but I have to make a disclaimer first, and explain my impression.

I prayed tonight, for God to show me something about her mind and heart.  This is only because I believe she's connected to torture of me and my son.  I also prayed specifically for information about who tortured me and my son in East Wenatchee.  I never ever get anything that can save my life.  If I get insights, they seem to be about the smallest things that will never help me.  I tell people about it, not to brag, but just to tell.  How can I brag?  I have nothing to brag about.  I've come across many, many people who are dozens of times over more gifted.  I am nothing, I mean, nothing, in the grand scheme of things.  It's a total shock to me if I ever get an insight.  Some things are sort of important, but never anything that helps me with proving torture or my son.  Why is that?  God, I ask, why do you show me pointless things, and not show me or someone who will speak up, what the truth is about our torture?!

I got some impression of a man's face but there were a few and I couldn't settle on one and know for sure and I don't trust it.  So then I moved to Middleton and asked God to show me something. I said, "God, you KNOW, only you know how bad the suffering of me and my son has been.  Please."

First I didn't see her. I saw her mother.  Her mother pulling things out of her pocket and checking or looking and then getting upset.  Like receipts or notes or something.  Then I asked to focus on Kate and I said, "her heart" and then thought, "What if I just see her physical heart?" so I asked God, "Her mind and heart, what is she thinking about (with respect to me or my son)" something along those lines.  I then saw yellow on the right field of vision.  In my mind's eye.  It looked like different pillars of something yellow.  I thought what is that? yellow cake?  (uranium)  then I kept looking and saw green up in the upper left corner of my field of vision.  I thought maybe it was a liquid in a cube of clear glass.  Some kind of green toxic liquid.  And then, I saw this yellow line across the center, deadline.  You know, like when a heart monitor goes flat.  Flatline I mean.  So I thought, what in the world is that supposed to mean.  The yellow things were not graphs, they looked like small pillars of a grain of some kind (it wasn't for cooking though, it was in mind as a chemical or something toxic.  There were several mounds of it and because it looked like a grain and I saw it as not something edible and it was a question to see what was in her heart and mind and what was bad or was working against me and my son, this is why I thought yellow cake.  My question was not simply "What is in her heart and mind" but "What is she doing against my family and what is she up to that is wrong?" because I know we're tortured with regard to her.  So I wanted to see more specifics.  Not maybe the best insight ever, but that's what I got for what bad things she's doing against my family and what is in her heart and mind.  Yellow cake is another term for uranium that's unprocessed, because it's yellow and like a grain).  I looked up Haldol powder, out of curiosity.  It's also white to faintly yellow.  I thought of Haldol because this was done to me for her family.

It says heroin is also sold in a yellow powder.  Something called DVM?P is also yellow powder and known as "complete crank" or "fake cocaine" and then amphetamine powder (speed) is yellow.  Maybe what I saw was drugs.  It was mounds (pillars) of some kind of yellowish powder or grain and there were several and on a flat surface.  They weren't contained in bags or in a jar..I only saw these mounds of a substance on a flat surface, at least 3 of them or so.  It wasn't in lines.  It was mounds of this stuff.  I shouldn't guess size or amount because I didn't see anything next to it that I could use as a natural scale, to guess size or amount by.

The green substance looked like antifreeze.  It was a thick green liquid.  I saw some reference about bleach being green, but I've never seen it that green before.  It was medium thick green liquid, like what I remember bubbling out of my car when someone had taken off the cap and a mechanic told me someone did it deliberately (in 1998 after I was raped by Josh Gatov).

However, then I saw this flat line in yellow, and when I saw the computer stuff, I thought, that flatline is exactly what I saw.  So I wondered if it was computer hacking.  Probably it's all of it. I would not be surprised if they monitor my computer activities and read my email, as well as having something to do with drugs and crimes.

L-kerosene is used to process cocaine and turns the liquid for cocaine production green.
Step 1:
(a) A sufficient volume of warm water is used to dissolve 26 kgm of potassium carbonate. This solution is poured into a "cut-out" drum containing 250 pounds of dried coca leaves (the volume of solution is just enough to cover the leaves).
(b) The coca leaves and carbonate solution are treated in one of three ways:
1. The mixture is stirred by hand.
2. The mixture is stepped on by the local Indians.
3. The mixture remains untouched (the first two methods generally take one day if done by strong individuals while the third method involves a period of four days; the treatment of the leaves with an aqueous solution of potassium carbonate allows penetration of the solution into the leaves converting any cocaine salts to the free base, allowing for subsequent extraction into kerosene).
(c) To the potassium carbonate solution and the leaves are added 200-400 L kerosene. The result of this is a greenish viscous liquid of about 300-400 L. Water and kerosene are immiscible but apparently "bridging" materials are extracted from the leaf which allows miscibility between the potassium carbonate solution and the kerosene; it was also explained that what we know as kerosene is also called benzin and paraffin, depending who is manufacturing the cocaine; this explanation clarified pre-existing conflicts about certain method terminology.
(d) The kerosene extract is separated from the leaves by draining through a plug in the bottom of the drum. The kerosene extract (300-400 L) is placed in another container and 1 L of concentrated sulfuric acid is added very slowly. A precipitate begins to come out of solution and settle to the bottom of the container (apparently kerosene-insoluble cocaine sulfate and other alkaloidal sulfates are formed).
(e) The liquid is separated from the sulfate precipitate and may be used to extract the next batch of fresh leaves (the liquid would probably have to be reconstituted, though, with potassium carbonate, etc.).
(f) The sulfate residue, about 1 kgm, is allowed to dry in the sun for about one day.

Read more:
Here is a description:
Haloperidol is a butyrophenone-derivative antipsychotic agent. The drug is structurally similar to droperidol. Haloperidol is commercially available as the base, decanoic acid ester (decanoate), and lactate salt.

Haloperidol occurs as a white to faintly yellowish, amorphous or microcrystalline powder and has solubilities of less than 0.1 mg/mL in water and of approximately 16.7 mg/mL in alcohol at 25°C. The drug has a pKa of 8.3.

Haloperidol decanoate occurs as a clear, light amber, oily liquid and is soluble in fixed oils (e.g., sesame oil) and in most organic solvents. The decanoate has a solubility of approximately 0.01 mg/mL in water. Haloperidol decanoate injection is commercially available as a sterile solution of the drug in sesame oil and contains benzyl alcohol as a preservative.

(these people gave me an injection of an "ester" in sesame oil.  This is the U.S. FBI retaliating against me)

Then I saw her digging dirt a few times, and dragging some heavy thing in a bag across a floor at one point, and then I saw safes.  She (presumably) was opening safes that had security stuff and then a drawer was pulled out. First there was a safe lock and there were two parts to it.  A top part and then something beneath it that you had to do something with.  First there was a safe lock and there were two parts to it. A top part and then something beneath it that you had to do something with. Then you could be inside. Then you could be inside.  Maybe it was my imagination.  Like a circle lock on the top that you have to move to the right numbers and then maybe a latch or something that was under that part.  And then it's open.  Once inside, metal and then  it was the size of a file cabinet drawer but not tall, just a few inches high to 6 inches high.  It was possibly wider than a standard file cabinet drawer, but it was inside of some kind of enclosed area or safe.  I didn't see what was inside or if anything was taken or added.  I don't know if there were papers, or what it was.  I just saw it open.  Then I saw this woman push it shut, and turn the key.  And then she made a sign with her key on the metal.  So the drawer was closed, locked with a key, and then in between this drawer and other drawers (the drawer was at breast to shoulder length, standing, you didn't have to bend over), then inbetween this drawer and other drawers, where there is a dividing line that separates the boxes, she took one key and along those lines, traced out a cross.  It wasn't like a christmas tree cross, it was a +.

I had no idea what to make of it.  And honestly, just bc I catch onto a few things randomly, I can't say "this is it" because I'm not always sure.  That is what I saw though. 

Then, here is where I thought, maybe it's not about yellow cake and some bubbly green thick liquid on either side of her.  And then this thin yellow flatline in my center field of vision.  It was yellow pillars or something on bottom right, green liquid in a cube on upper left, and a yellow flatline in the center.

I got onto my little Acer that I like, which has been tampered with.  After I took it to The Black Horse computer place, I knew my photos had been leaked somewhere.  But I was having computer problems before that, but I knew there was something going on with my personal photos on that laptop.  I had a weird feeling it went to people out of this country too.  So tonight I signed on and tried to click on the webcam icon and nothing came up.  It's just a desktop icon and someone has had the camera removed internally.  I tried to then look up my photos and they didn't show up.  Just a photo of an example of curled under, deformed feet that I used once to show what happened to my and my son's feet from microwave technology/MRI technology at extreme levels, and ultrasound (there were different things going on and they felt different and affected the body differently and were all horrific).

So I went to the windows task manager.  I got to Windows Task Manager and clicked on different things, looking first at processes.  Then I clicked on the other tabs and got to performance.  All of a sudden, there it was.  What I had seen about Kate Middleton with reference to her interest in me and my business--First I went to users.  It showed no users, and I thought, "I am sure someone has been into my business and my computer and maybe they can hide who they are or where they are."  So I next went to performance, and there it was.  A thin yellow flat line across the screen, a green window to the upper left corner, and then I looked at the bottom right corner and it wasn't pillars of anything, so I wasn't sure, but the rest matched what I had seen, though I thought I was seeing it in liquid toxic forms.  Then, I looked down and at the bottom it said:


Which basically makes me think about being committed to a psych ward and charged with $5,000 for NOT being mentally ill but being assaulted and injected with Haldol.

I grabbed the first paper to write things down and then after I took notes, I looked at the envelope I had written this info on.  It's from United States District Court in Medford, Oregon.  310 W. Sixth Street, Medford, Oregon.  (Official Business). 

That's a federal court.  It's the court where I filed for habeas corpus and was mocked. 

Middletons Sticky Fingers are all over it.

All that I can gather from this, is that God was showing me Ms. Middleton has been into my personal computer, personal email, and personal online activities and has friends who have been thwarting all of my legal processes to get my son back and not be tortured.

She enjoys having people suffer and be tortured:  my parents, me, my brother, my son.  She doesn't care about kids. 

As for the safe stuff, and the box, I don't know.  If it was something good about her heart, I wouldn't have seen it that way.  It was more sneaky.

So my question is, WHO gave Middleton my FBI files?  And how does SHE get my files before they even gave me one single document about myself?

Secondly, who is giving her access to my online computer activities.  That laptop is ruined by hacking and someone removing files and things from it.  I have one program on it that's from Canada and everything else is U.S.-based.  My FBI files are U.S. based too.  The Canada file is for a PDF reader, and it's distributed by Canada.  Then that laptop was sent to The Black Horse, and possibly those people have ties to Eugene/Roseburg/Medford and Portland people that have supported Middleton.

Oh, I also saw her with smaller padded manilla envelopes and sealing them and sending them off but I don't know what for.  They weren't full-size or legal size envelopes, but smaller, and padded or lined.  That doesn't really matter, I mean, anyone does that and seals stuff.

My Writ of Habeas Corpus was ruined and I've been made a laughing stock in my own country while this country PAY HER.

Kate Middleton is NOT a christian.  I have overheard so many things and seen some christians act as if she is christian and she's not at all.  It's very good PR to make her fit a sale.  She is directly responsible for contribution to torture as is her entire family.  It is not just her parents or uncle, it is her.  I have seen my parents looking like they thought they were going to die and not saying a word but I could tell, they know she is cruel.  The day I said this, they were stunned because I had never said this before and they've never hinted such a thing.  But it was like, relief.  An unspoken, "Thank God that Cameo knows she is responsible for torture of Oliver." and that others are as well, connected to her. 

I still had an impression of yellow cake and some liquid.  So maybe that's still true.  It doesn't have to be just computer stalking.  What matched though, was this other thing.  And aside from intelligence "programming", doesn't her Dad do computer stuff? He worked at the computer controls at an airport traffic center.   I mean, that was his main career for decades. He's a computer geek right?

It's possible someone sent it to me, because it took a little time for me to ask and then find anything.  It was not instant as I usually see.

The first thing I saw when I asked about torture of my son and I, was of a dark haired man  with a snarling smirk on his face.  An open mouthed grin, and he's middle aged.  The next person I saw was John Kaempf.  I saw another person's face, and then Kaempf.  I thought Kaempf was just because of past stuff, but there might be something to it.  I know one time I was listing people and getting upset and going off, and then when I mentioned Kaempf, my Dad looked visibly afraid.  He had this look on his face like Kaempf is connected to someone extremely powerful and kicked my son's teeth in or something, or would, or some group beat up my Dad over him.  When I saw this, I thought, "Oh my gosh.  It's not just me.  It's like someone, Kaempf or people connected to him, went after my parents."  I know that all the problems intensified right after I said John Kaempf watched too much porn.  I just made the comment flippantly, but right after that, I was harassed HUGE.  Everything escalated 100%.  He married a hispanic so he had German Catholics and Hispanic Catholics teaming up for him. I haven't considered that he's behind the state-sponsored torture.  I know he was involved with Judge Warren though and coordinating a whole strategy against me.  He told all the other lawyers to "leave it to me".  Who he knows in government channels or higher departments I don't know.  But my "good friend" then, was Schneider, another German Catholic (whose family said they weren't anymore) and all my info was leaked to those lawyers.  Then I realized, oh yeah, and her Dad is Department of Justice connected, as a lawyer for federal cases (like Kaempf actually, but I always thought Kaempf worked for the FBI or a govt group and not just the Abbey).

I am not sure.  I know there is a Catholic group but then my family has intermarried with Catholics and for some it's not that big of a deal.  The Jews have gone out of their way to defame me and torture me as much as anyone.

But those are the faces that came up when I prayed to God.  And I saw some men with possibly ethnic features.

The dark haired man I saw was white, with dark hair and sort of Italian or other features.  Maybe not necessarily Italian.  I think I've seen his face before.  He has a very cruel smile, or grin.  In private, he sort of relishes what is happening and it excites him.  He's not a passive watcher--he likes the "action" of knowing I'm tortured and others I care about are tortured.  I don't know if he displays his delight publicly around others, but he does in private.  He is probably clinically sadistic but he gets away with passing for professional.  I say clinically sadistic, because it's this joy and excitement that he gets from torture and our downfall.  So in my opinion, if torture excites someone in that way, it's triggering reward centers of the brain for some reason and has become a kind of addiction.  I think it's bad enough that he actually will not and could not quit even if he wanted to.  I think it's a disability or mental illness combined with moral illness.  It's like he might even try once or twice and then he goes back to it because it does something for him.  I don't know what that is, what kind of personality disorder it is. If someone is addicted in that way, I don't think it's possible for them to ever quit.  Someone literally has to create an intervention.

I feel the one dark haired man is the same as I've seen before. His face has randomly flashed up before but there is slight vagueness to it.  I always see it with the cruel grin.


  1. Does Holly have a job?

    I know she didn;t graduate from college.

  2. She has a job. All of the Bairds are highly intelligent.

    Most of them didn't go to college because along with being highly intelligent they've been very religious.

    It's like the Iranian soccer team that lost to Jordan--they were unwilling to sacrifice their values and principles of morality so they lost to another team whose standards were lower.
