Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Hair Lattice (long hair styles): photos

I tried to think of how to keep my hair up.  I prayed a quick prayer (even though it doesn't matter) and said, "Help me to do whatever I should do with my hair".  So I had no plan and didn't know how it would turn out or even what I was going to do.  I just sectioned off parts of my hair and started french braiding with my hair going over my head.  Then, I thought, I have all these braids hanging over my face and I can't crown-braid them into my head or coronet braid, so how do I fix them all without using pins?  And I decided to braid them into a lattice.  After it was a lattice falling over my face, I figured I'd then flip it back and it would sit in a lattice over my head.

It didn't totally work that way.  I flipped it back and it hung sort of weird looking.  So I pulled it up a little and then anchored by tying the loose hair end into a braid.

I think it needs work.

It's basically like a hair-net or lattice over the head.  I braided it all forward and then flipped it back.  When I looked in a mirror, it looked like Princess Leia loops on the sides with lattice on the back of the head.  But I think it might look too strange still.  So I am working on it.

It's a good idea though!  because it does connect all of the hair and keep it up.

I checked to see how long my hair is.

Most of it falls to the middle of my bottom. There is one center section, the longest part, goes below my bottom.  So the longest ends are almost to my upper thigh.

I thought today, "Oh no.  I am Crystal Gayle.  This is so sad."  I had my hair out of the braid knot from yesterday and it was loose and I measured it and couldn't believe it.  It's past my bottom.  That is really, really long.  The longest my hair has ever been in my life.

I said I wouldn't cut it until my son was returned to me.  This is why I have grown it out.  I made a declaration.  I said I wasn't going to eat meat until my son was returned to me, and I decided I wouldn't cut my hair.

I thought about this woman, I think I saw her at a church one time.  I can't remember where it was, but a woman once came to a church when I was a little girl and her hair was almost to the floor.  I'll post some photos to show long-haired women how I did it.  It was random so obviously someone could experiment.  From the time I started to finish, it was about 30 minutes.  It took longer than crown-braiding into a wreath around the head.

Then I was photographing the hair, how it turned out, and it fell and I flipped it back and it made this wild loop to the side and I thought, "It's even better than a HAT!"  So I took some photos of that.  Then I flipped it forward so I could photograph and show how I braided it forwarded and interwove into a lattice or net.

Then I felt goofy so I grabbed the first page from a magazine cut-out in a basket where I have kept things for collage for my son.  It's of flowers so I put it next to my head sort of laughing for a "backdrop".  Then I turned it around and got that side of the mag page too.  On one side it's of plantings and flowers and on the other side it's caramels.

These are just of my hair ideas (or outcomes). I have a photo I want to share though, that I feel highlights my being held hostage and tortured in this country.

The side of the lattice

It's the flag of England.  Or whatever.

I have someone from Blogger, apparently, messing up my text alignment.  I just fixed the html and they're not even allowing me to correct and edit my own post.  I corrected it to have the text on the left margin and they keep putting it back the other way.  And I'm trying to upload other photos and all kinds of delay.
This is the other side.  Stop looking at my Princess Leia ears.
It stays close to my head unless I tilt my head and then it starts to fall off.  Help
If I tilt my head back, it makes a great fishing net.  If you try to put your hand inside and I right my head, you can't get your hand back.  It's like Chinese torture.

I'm ready for the races--are you?  My latest designer hat is from God. Do you like it?

I was thinking I need shoulder pads.  Maybe oh, this size?  Just joking.

This is the hair net.  Made of hair sans artifice.


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