Sunday, July 22, 2012

James Holmes

After my first guesses and instincts of this being about an "uprising", and feeling it's tied into other incidents where scientists have turned on human research or reacted to it, I have no idea.

I definitely had a very interesting chain of discovery last night, on some things, but as to what means what, I don't know.  I tried to look up people that were hurt, because I don't know who they are either, and after the first shock of the shooting, I wondered who the victims were, or people killed.

I think it's more unusual in that with a lot of the shootings that sometimes occur, maybe not tied to science, often the person kills themself and this man chose not to do that.  So it's sort of different in that regard, that he didn't commit suicide.

I didn't know he'd dyed his hair red, until today's reading of news.  I also didn't know he described himself as the joker.  My thought is possibly it's to do with tarot joker but I don't know how or why.  I don't know.  Last night I went from looking up maccah to macaws.  I was thinking about my grandmother and her Luxembourgish father, Henry Breigenzer, and then played Luxembourgish music.  I read from scripture and found, right after this, thinking about him, to a verse about maccah.  I smiled and thought, as all I read was the linealogy, 'like twins'.  And prayed and fell asleep.  I remembered in my mind to look up macaws bc Granny always had macaw parrots and when I came upon this verse, while thinking of Granny and her Luxembourgish father, I thought it must be something to look up.  I looked macaws and there is one close to auraura.  It's ara arauna, something like that, so I wondered, after first thinking about Granny and then thinking about this other thing and wondering about the shooting.  I found auroura borealis and found it's northern lights and then that there was a man who named the genus of macaw, Carl Lineas.  And he loved the Twin Flowers and was represented holding a Twin Flower.  So this is probably why macaws are named macaws.  As Peresh and Sheresh sound like twin names of Maccah, so is the Macaw a bird named by Lineas, of the Twin Flower.


  1. God show me the way
    cuz the devil's trynna take me down

  2. I just saw this story about a woman named Jennifer Bricker from Indiana who has no legs and became a tumbler. Then she found out that her long-lost sister Dominique Moceanu was also a tumbler in Romania.

  3. Jamie Woon - Wayfaring Stranger

    I am a poor wayfaring stranger
    Traveling through this world alone
    There's no sickness, toil or danger
    In that bright land to which I go
    I'm going there to see my mother
    I'm going there no more to roam
    I am only going over Jordan
    I am only going over home

    I know dark clouds will gather 'round me
    I know my way is rough and steep
    But beautiful fields lie just beyond me

    Where souls redeem the vigils keep
    I'm going there to see my father
    I'm going there no more to roam
    I am only going over Jordan
    I am only going over home

    I want to wear that crown of glory
    When I get home to that bright land
    And I want to shout down Satan's story

    In concert with that bloodshed band
    I'm going there to see my brothers
    I said they need me when I come
    I am only going over Jordan I am only going over home

  4. Why have you chosen to enable comment moderation on your blog?

  5. Hello,

    This is a good article. I remember this performance--I watched it in 1996 and I remember the women. I don't know why I remember them, but I do. She was very good.

    The one without legs, the first photo of her you can really see a soulful person--very deep. The other one looks happy and then sometimes sad. Both have sort of a sadness but I don't know why I feel like I can see further into the eyes of the one without legs.

    Not that I "see" anything about any of them. It's like the eyes of the one without legs, go slightly deeper, sort of like wells. The other one is maybe just harder to see.

    I definitely remember the gymnast that won the medal and even remember the kiss she got.

    I watched it. I recognize the other US woman standing next to her too.

    If I remember correctly, dominique was very good on the floor routine.

    What a good story about people finding eachother and discovering how alike they are, even in mannerisms.

  6. The Jamie Woon video reminds me of beau blixseth.

    His voice is good and untrained (slightly drawn out 's's in one word), but very naturally good.

  7. About comment moderation:

    I choose this for 2 reasons:

    1. Some persons have tried to get ahold of me this way. So if I get their msg to me, because this is how they found me (through this blog) then if they say it's a private msg or I know it is, they have a way to reach me without my posting it to the public.

    2. Some of the msgs I have deleted, when they have nothing to do with free speech at all. I post a lot of scary and negative things said about me, to me, but if something is just vulgar and doesn't even make a point against me, I delete it. I have published the meanest things said about me, but where it's just vulgarity and not even an opinion, or comment, but a pointless expression, I delete.

  8. I should clarify what I mean by pointless expression. I guess what I'm saying is that I post every single thing that comes in, whether it's negative or not, and even things that have swearing, whatever.

    I draw the line at "pointless" things like "you need a spanking Cameo" or "you should see your son naked in bed with daddy" and that kind of thing.

    This serves no legitimate point on my blog other than to promote ideas of child porn or sexual harassment. So that is the only kind of thing I've deleted, and then I deleted multiple posts from the same person before. That's about it. Otherwise, I post it all. I am behind on some of the posts. Also, I found some of the comments coming in to me, were being kept from my discovery and I found out later. For example, I am supposed to get an email to my email address when there is a new comment, and I wasn't always getting that notice email.

    Hope that clears things for you all.
